A Major Change In My Life

By Arctic Wolf

Personal Journal Entry


Today started out as 'the' "typical" last day of a mission. No wars were started, no master or padawan in dire need of help. It was smooth sailing. Why couldn't more missions be like this!

One major change was that I am no longer the padawan but the master. My padawan and I said our farewells to the new governing body of Prishardia. My first mission as a Jedi Knight is now complete.

I'm proud that I am finally a knight. But I'm even happier, I think, that my master Qui-Gon Jinn survivied his brush with death on Naboo. Force, I think the whole situation knocked off a few years off my life! I was so scared. I did want to become a knight, but not without him still around to aid me when I need help. That may sound selfish, but it is the truth. He is just as, if not more, important to me than I to him. Which is something he would debate me till he was blue in the face about. I will save the debate for later.

I just got a message from Qui-Gon. He says he is healing quickly and looks forward to a sparring match with me. He had better be prepared I have practiced a few new and daring moves to try. He also awaits to see how I am doing with a overly hyperactive and rambunctious apprentice. He better watch out because my Padawan, Anakin, will wear him out in two days with all the questions and just the sheer magnitude of his endless energy. Was I ever this hyper?!

Master Qui-Gon probably does not like the fact that I still occasionally still call him master. But he will always be my 'master'. Just as I believe I will always be his 'padawan'.

Well I must go, we are approaching Coruscant and I have a padawan to attend to.

Knight Obi-Wan Kenobi signing off.

The End

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