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Monday, April 11, 2000 -BN

Forum Coming Soon

I am just posting to inform anyone who would care, that SW Station will be opening up a Forum in the near future.  More news on this will be coming soon.


Tuesday, April 11, 2000 -BN

German Obi-Wan Developer Preview

I ran across an interview from the Developers at  This is a German Translation so please bare with it.  Here is an excerpt from the interview:

If we were so far already accustomed of Lucas Arts that information to new plays - particularly if around carefully maintained star the Wars universe going is only very meagerly published, then the voltage and secrecy curve rise with the planned Ego Shooter " Obi Wan " almost in the immeasurable. A short and still little meaningful video on the last year E3, three or five first Screenshots at the beginning of of February, which provided for attention (both positively and negatively), and otherwise silence in the forest - more badly as with the x-box. More exact play details are still held by the developers under catch, but in the following we can supply with first facts to you to the Game play and the engine and in addition fire-hot new Screenshots

I know its rough but you get the gist of it.  Take a look at the full interview in the new Obi-Wan section.



Tuesday, April 11, 2000 -BN

Back in Business...

Well, we were down ther for about an hour.  Lucky i still had a backup of the page.  Take a look at our new obi-wan section.  The pics look awesome.    Also there will be a force commander section possibly opening soon.  Thanks.

Tuesday, April 11, 2000 -ER


This is from ER and I accidentally saved over the index.html file SO we are back to April 1.  Sorry for the inconvience, however this may be fixed...

BUT in the mean time go here to see the our Obi-Wan page.

Friday, April 7, 2000- BN

More Obi-Wan Pics.


More and more Obi-Wan pictures are leaking out onto the net everyday. Gamezone has just posted 8 brand new ingame pictures. Here are two of them:

There will be a new Obi-Wan section of SW Station opening up soon so keep your eyes open.

Thursday, April 6, 2000- BN

First Looks at Obi-Wan.

PC-Gamer has come out with some of the first looks at LEC's newest FPS title, Obi-Wan.  

Here's an excerpt:

"Our early look at the game showed off a solid 3D action engine with dazzling environments, realistic physics, and electrifying lightsaber features ... many of the fundamental elements from the award-winning Jedi Knight will make their way into Obi-Wan, and that can only be a good thing for action gamers and Star Wars fans alike."

Here are some of the pictures previewed in the PC-Gamer edition:


  Source: Lucas Arts        


Tuesday, April 4, 2000 -BN


Star Wars Episode I: The Phantom Menace tape released.

If April 4th means anything to you, then you are obviously a Star Wars fan.  The Phantom Menace is available in most retail stores today.  The movie is offered in two different choices; Wide Screen Collectors Edition ($30) and Pan screen ($20).  Take a look at for more info.




Force Commander Receives mixed Reviews.

Since the day  LEC's newest RTS strategy game, Force Commander, reviews have been pouring out.  Some good, some bad.  Here are a list of several revies of this new title:

Game Zone Review:                              8 out of 10
Games Weekly Review:                        8.8 out of 10
GamePro World Review:                      4 stars 
PCGaming World Review:                    58%
3d-Unlimited                       20%. 
Ex Gaming:                         92/100re

Check out for further reviews.  Here is 




Force Commander Demo Released.

The official demo for Force Commander has been released.  So now all of you who don't know what to think from the mixed reviews can check the game out for yourself and decide.

Download the demo here. 

Monday, March 27, 2000 -ER

New layout, and Game board are almost complete.  


I hope that you like the new colors and layout, and soon we will be hosted by .   The Game board has also been similarly updated.  In the following weeks the rest of the pages will be updated as well.


Friday, March 24, 2000 -ER

New colors and layout coming soon!


E-mail or leave a message in the guest-book on what you think.  These changes are due to our moving to , which will happen as soon as we get all the changes made.

The  Serverboard will be significantly updated as well.


Monday, March 19, 2000 -BN

Force Commander in stores!


Well, all you Force Commander fans that have been waiting for two years have to wait no longer! Today Lucas Arts announced that Force Commander is now available in stores. I called almost every store in my state. None had it. I dont know where its available at, but its available. Happy Gaming!


Saturday, March 18, 2000 -BN

Force Commander Out Monday


Well, Force Commander has been sent to most retailers. The wait is only two more days! It should be on the shelves by Monday. The game has been several years in the making and should be excellent. Check out and Lucasgames for more info. By the way, check out the new Force Commander poll that we put up.

Friday, March 17, 2000 -ER

New STAR WARS Online Multiplayer game announced yesterday...


   Three Leading Interactive Entertainment Companies to Combine Efforts to Develop, Distribute, and Host First Star Wars Online Multiplayer Title SAN RAFAEL, Calif. -- March 16, 2000 -- LucasArts Entertainment Company LLC announced today it will partner with Verant Interactive Inc. and Sony Online Entertainment to create the first massively multiplayer Star Wars online role-playing game. Expected to release in 2001, the title will immerse thousands of game players into the classic Star Wars universe. Gameplay will feature a unique combination of combat, specialized missions, and daring quests.
   The Star Wars online game will be developed by Verant, distributed and sold at retail by LucasArts, and available for play exclusively online at The (
   The partnership brings together three of the foremost companies in the interactive entertainment industry. LucasArts, a leading international developer and publisher of interactive entertainment software, has developed critically acclaimed and commercially successful Star Wars titles across a variety of platforms since 1991. Verant, creator of EverQuest, the most successful massively multiplayer online game to date, is recognized as the leading creator of persistent gaming universes. EverQuest currently boasts more than 200,000 customers, 120,000 of whom play daily. Sony Online Entertainment produces and distributes online games and gameshows targeted to mainstream consumers and game enthusiasts, including EverQuest.
   "The combined expertise of LucasArts, Verant, and Sony Online Entertainment will bring to gameplayers an incredibly dynamic online gaming experience worthy of Star Wars," says Simon Jeffery, president of LucasArts. "The immensity and richness of the Star Wars universe lends itself ideally to a game of this nature".
   "We couldn't possibly ask for a better universe in which to create a massively multiplayer game, " says John Smedley, president and CEO of Verant. "Star Wars offers such an incredible amount of depth and detail that we'll be able to create a place for fans to feel right at home. This game is going to be incredible!"
   "Star Wars online will be a phenomenon that transforms online gaming for both gamers and casual game players," says Lisa Simpson, president of Sony Online Entertainment. "It is a great addition to the blue chip brands our audience has come to enjoy at The Station. We are delighted to work with LucasArts and continue our close association with Verant Interactive."


This looks really promising, the BERN Connection will keep you posted as updates come in.

Tuesday, March 13, 2000 -ER

New - Newest Obi-Wan Pictures and an update...


Hey, here is the first update in over a month!!!  There are some new Obi-Wan Pictures that look awesome!  This game will be one of the best of this year. has a link, or you can click here to see them.

The pictures came from Game Zone News

We are sorry for the lack of updates in so long, but school and scholarship applications sometimes have to come first.

Wednesday, February 16, 2000

Newest Obi-Wan Pictures


Here are three of the newest Episode I: Obi-Wan pictures on the net. Even though the game has been delayed a bit, these screenshots look like the game will be well worth the wait. Take a look...


Obi-Wan Screen #3 Obi-Wan Screen #4 Obi-Wan Screen #5




Monday, February 14, 2000

Gameboard up and running i think...

I think that the gameboard is now up and running for your gaming pleasure. Its kinda ugly at the moment so be patient please, work is in progress to make it better.  And please, please e-mail us if you know how to make a better one!  

 Here is the link The BERN Gameboard  You can also use the Gameboard section of the Nav-bar at the top... 




Episode I

Which version of Episode I are you going to buy?
Wide Screen
Pan Screen




SW Station Headlines

  BN 4/13 New Forum Coming Soon 
BN 4/11 Obi Wan Preview
BN 4/7 Obi-Wan Pics
BN 4/6 First Look At Obi-Wan
ER 4/4 "Obi-Wan" in PC Gamer

Gaming Headlines.

  • PC-Gamer Obi-Wan Preview

  • Jedi Power Battles now available

  • Pod Racer for Dreamcast available

  • JPB Level descriptions

  • FoCom Demo Available

  • Jedi Knight Screen Savers

  • Matrix Beta TC released

  • Verant Engine Screen Shots

  • Force Commander Reviews

  • FoCom Intro Movie Released

  • Episode I Racer Gone Gold

  • FoCom patch

  • G. Lucas talks about Ep. II

  • Special Ed. Sound track Review

  • Anakin Casting

  • SW Online Details

  • SW Online Forum

  • Golden Eye TC Released

  • New LEC game in production for N64

  • New MOTS Levels

  • Star Wars Historian Interviews

  • Episode I released















































































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