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Hmm .. What do we have here?  Looks like .. links!  u.u;;;  Umm .. enjoy!  e.x;

Name Description
FaC Boycott One of my other sites; It's a Neopet/DBZ site that's for a boycott against the overpricing of Faeries and Codestones.  If ya wanna join the boycott, then read and fill out the form!
Bullet Proof Marshmallow Productions Another one of mah sites; Bullet Proof Marshmallow Productions v.1.1!  Why not check it out?
Grasp the Truth Mah friend's sitie; A total Wufei shrine!  She's got loads of .. stuff!  Multimedia, info, fan stuffie stuff, and other stuff .. :/
Nanashi, an Eternal Shrine Umm .. This is more like one of mah friend's sites .. but I'm the webmaster!  Basically, the site has lots of .. stuff ( under construction ).
Cedge's HTML Guide Ever needed HTML help?  Well everybody had ta start learning somewhere .. and I learned from this sitie!  Easy enough for a baka ta understand!
Dynamic Drive Have you ever wanted to add just a lil' something to yer site to make it stand out?  Here you can get DHTML codes to spiff up yer pages!
[[NMC Guild]] * Official NeoGuide! v.2.0 Neopet user?  Need help getting started, or just looking for a few pointers?  Want all the answers to the games?  Here you can get all of that and more!
Anime Lyrics (.com) What an obvious place to look for anime lyrics .. :/ .. But on my great search for the lyrics ta Dragon Power, this was the one place I hadn't checked.  I'm glad I finally found it, 'cause they had the lyrics I wanted!  The largest anime lyric archive I've ever seen!
Gotenks Archives Not only a Gotenks site, but here you can find all things DBZ related!  Even Winamp skins(Warning : Take extreme caution while using Winamp, for it has given me and several of my friends viruses)!
Sparky's DBZ Domain What is it ya need?  Humor?  Info?  Multimedia?  Need one or all of the above, this is the place ta go!  Don't forget ta check out the quiz.
The Z Domain Can you say 'piccies'?  Look no further for those piccies you've been looking for.