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Rants, raves and other mental accessories :-)


Be forwarned the following, is written with dark sarcastic humor. There is no sugar plum faries here, for they would surely have been shot..~laughter~ I have strived to write with intellect and a intelligent perspective, of course it is my opinion that is stated. So choose something to read if you have the courage..:-)

p/s - as for the title of the page Ciao Vp, when I started this web site - the rumors that vp were closing were rampant...and as with most rumors, where there is smoke there is fire. Vp as we knew it, closed. Now there are a couple different chat area's to try. Ironically the thought that comes to my head about this new road in virtual chat is a song title ~the song remains the same~...I wonder if that is my lyrical way of saying, same shit ~as in the way people act~ - different chat area...

The following is a list of some of my rants/raves and etcI have come to look upon these rants n etc - as free therapy...a guide to good mental health..~laughter~..Yeah right, like only the mentally healthy are online...NOT, personally - I am sure we are all a little left of center, otherwise we would not be able to survive the world of online chat as well...but WE both know, that the poster children of the pharmecutical companies running are alive and well online, so read - have humor and check back for I am going to try and keep things updated...something you can bet on, is when I get my panties in a snit, bout something - there will be written word to follow...~smile~

rants/raves and other mental accessories, below

Abc's of online

123's of online survival

The Supreme Princess sez....

Idiots n ass lickers online, Have you seen......

MySouL's Journey

email me :-)

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