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Born at:Netuno,Italy

Died at age 11

If your looking for a saint for the teenage soul Maria Goretti is the one for you,because she resisted peer-pressure and temptation. Maria Goretti is the patron of young women.This is a great story for all teenage souls, dealing with peer-pressure and temptation.

Maria was born on October 16,1890.At the age of nine Maria`s father Lunigi died of malaria leaving Maria`s mother Assunta,a widow.At the time Maria`s mother was teaching Maria all about Jesus.Maria loved Jesus very much and tried not to do anything bad.One day Maria was home alone,when a boy named Alessandro,who was a friend of their family,tried to rape her.Maria was too close to God to give into Alessandro`s ways. Alessandro was 19 and didn`t care so he kept on,and Maria said "No!No!No!,stop touching me. What are you doing? Stop touching me. You will go to Hell for this!"Then Alessandro stabbed her 14 times with a 9-1/2 inch blade.Later Maria`s mother found her and took her to the hospital.Maria asked God to forgive Alessandro.Alessandro was sent to prison for 30 years hard labor.One day while Alessandro was asleep, Maria came to him in a dream and sweet aroma filled the room.Maria said," I forgive you of your awful sin which you have commited."After that Alessandro changed his ways and converted. When Maria was canonized Alessandro and her mother were present on June 24,1950.In our world people do not respect our sexuality. Maria shows us that our sexuality is from God.She was willing to give her life for her beliefs.She is also the patroness of victims of sexual abuse.

Now you decide if Maria Goretti is the saint for you.