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Have you ever felt like God is calling you to spread his word to others? If so you are following in the footsteps of St. Boniface.

Boniface was born in 680 in the kingdom of Wessex, in England. His real name was Winfrid. At the age of 5, he decided he wanted to be a monk. At 7, he went to the monestary school. At 14, he graduated to the Abbey of Nursling. He was ordained at 30, and soon after began missionary trips to pagans. He returned to England and the monks at his Abbey wanted him to stay at the Abbey, but he felt God was calling him to be a missionary. In 718, the Pope changed Winfrid`s name to Boniface. Boniface set out from Rome, across the lower Alps and went into Hesse. Hesse was full of pagans who worshiped a giant oak tree and eventually converted many pagans to Christianity. He used the oak tree to build a chapel. In 754, Boniface led a missionary trip to Holland. Upon his arrival, he ecountered a hostile band of pagans. He told his fellow missionaries to have faith in God and to not have fear. St. Boniface was attacked and died a martyr. Boniface is considered the Apostle of Germany and the Netherlands. He is the patron Saint of Germany.

Dear Lord, help us to model our lives after St. Boniface, help us to be not afraid and spread your word. Let us remember St. Boniface`s words: "Let us stand fast in what is right and prepare our souls for trial. Let us be neitheir dogs that do not bark nor silent onlookers not paid servants who run away before the wolf."