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Timberwolf's Den

Favorite Books


Cool Air Plane Pics
Online Gaming service
Swiss Newspaper
Juices' Site
V's Page. Lots of Manson stuff
Email based forum. Sign up. Be suprised.


Holy shit. I updated my site! -Nov 1, 03

First of all, thats me on the far left. Then my step brother, his gf, my step dad, and my other step brother. The picture was taken last Xmas in Switzerland. For those of you who don't know, I'm Andrew Brown, 22, from Arkansas, USA. Some of my hobbies include movies, reading, computers, pool, cards, motorcycles, vball, soccer, and skiing. I listen to Alternative, Rock and Techno (thats it) I think my pic answers the question of what I look like, but I'm 6'2, and about 180 lbs (185 cm, 80 KG) I also like to Role Play, but I don't have any oppertunity to do so. Yet. I like to argue and debate, and I'm not afraid to speak my mind. So if something on this page offends you...tooooo bad. Someone else will love me for it. (One of my friends is Roman Catholic like me, and my ex-room mate is Satanist, go figure). I like intelligent people and conversations, Sci Fi, air planes, money (theres a duh...), Democrats, politics...I'm a moody person. So maybe tomorrow it'll be something different. Things I do not like : poor grammer (Arkansas is Hell), Stupid people. Slow things. Communism. Drugs. Cigarettes. French people (or most of them). Again. I'm a moody person. I'm dual citizan, USA/CH (Switzerland) I speak German and French (next to English)
My ICQ # is 6306515
AOL IM : iltwolf
Yahoo: FFTimberwolf


New pics of me
Switzerland Pics
New Xmas pics
Spring Break in Florida

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