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The Church Around The World Newsletter

Welcome to our Church Around The world Newsletter. This newsletter is placed in our church bulletin and is published by: Tyndale House Publishers, Inc. , 351 Exective Drive, Carol Stream, Ill.60188. If you wish to have this newsletter sent to your church please contact: The Church Around the World, Subcription Services, Po Box464, Mt. Morris, Il. 61054 Tel. 1-800-495-3265.

Zambia.. Up Close

Zambia located in south-central Africa, has been experiencing great revival. Christians compiese between 50 and 75 percent of the 9.4 million people, and that number has been growing in recent years. The grew by more that one million between 1983 and 1993. Some believe a spiritual hunger has been created due to the poverty, unimployment, and an AIDS epidemic that has afflicted the country. Zamian Christians has planted hundres of new churches. In one area there were 25 Baptist churches in 1986, and today there are 123. Pray: That the spread of Christianity will continue in Zambia. That the economy will improve but the spiritual hunger will continue to grow. That Christian leaders will have wisdom in planting new Churches.

News About How God is Moving Worldwide!

Religious Freedom Act Becomes Law..... President Clinton signed into law the International Religious Freedom Act recently passed by Congress. The act mandates that the White House and the State Department consider the level of religious freedom in foreign lands when dealing with their governments. The act also calls for the White House to select from a broad range of options in responding to religious persecution abroad, from sending a private diplomatic note to envoking economic sanctions. But in a compromise measure that allowed the act to gain congressional approval, the president may also choose to do nothing if that is determined to be in the best interest of those being persecuted or of the United States.

Moms In Touch Pray For Kids...Approximately 150,000 mothers across the nation are meeting for one hour each week to pray for their kids and their schools. The first half hour includes praise to God, silent confession, and thanksgiving for all answered prayer. Durning the next half hour the moms break up in groups of two or three and pray for each other's children, from preschoolers through colledge age, as well as for teachers and school adminstrators. Moms in Touch groups are in all 50 states, and there are groups or contacts in 85 countries. Booklets containing the format and guide lines for prayer groups have been translated into 14 languages and braile. The organization aims to raise up moms to intercede for every school across the United States and around the world. For more information,call 1-800-949- MOMS.

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New Outreach in China...Church leaders in china are reaching out to young intellectuals. In the past, intellectuals in China have been alienated from the Church and Christianity. This was partlt due to the fact that Christianity was considered a "mass religion" of the poorly educated. Church evangelist often focused their preaching on the uneducated, leaving the intellectuals dissatified. Today the make-up of the Church in China is changing, especially in larger cities. As a result pastors are emplementing new methods of evangelism, including lectures on religion, and are also concentrating on their own education.

News Of Revival

The John Guest Evangelist Team....recently returned from Ghana, Africa, where they participated in a variety of evangelistic outreaches. Four puppet teams shared the gospel message in public schools, and three thousand children made decisions to follow Christ. Vote @ Awesome Christian Sites One Thousand Churches...participated in the All Tokyo Revival Mission September 18 - 27 in Japan. Almost 20,000 prayer warriors prayed in preparation. The crusade drew 120,000 people to 24 prayer meetings Ten evangelistic services were attended by 56,000 non-Christians, and 6,000 made first time professions in Jesus Christ. 800go - Click Here! In Fortaleza, Brazil 360 Churches....worked together to support Operation Window Fortaleza, a three week program in which teams preached the Gospel in public schools,prisons, military bases, universities,and public areas. At the end of three weeks 42,000 decision cards were returned on which people registered having made a commitment to Christ. Hal & Ampy's
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