The 'Johnny Foreigner'

We have often been told by certain so called 'old fashioned' English managers that before long we would have to endure what they called 'Johnny Foreigners' ruining our game. It has taken some time but at long last we have a 'Johnny Foreigner' at Arsenal. He goes by the name of Nicholas Anelka. As far as Anelka is concerned he might as well be wearing the jersey of Tottenham Hotspur. We can accept that not all players share the same enthusiasm for goal scoring as Ian Wright, yet surely some form of acknowledgement to the forty thousand who not only pay his wages but also applaud him is not asking to much.

Anelka has little time for anyone but himself. He is quite happy to attack the life styles of those who watch him. Not once has he spoken of the great support that the fans show him. How does he expect the Madrid fans to react when he misses yet another sitter? He may have lasted two years here, he will not last five minutes out there.

There seems to exist the funny idea abroad that Anelka is the second best striker in the world. In the Premiership alone Owen, Fowler, Cole, Yorke, Shearer, Kanu, Hasselbaink and even our old favourite Kevin Campbell have better strike rates than him. One can hardly argue that his real strength is in his team work, for frankly he does very little. Very rarely does he even bother to try and tackle back, and as for an assist..... Dennis Bergkamp by all accounts had a disapointing season yet he only scored three less than Anelka whilst setting up many more. Anyhow we should be rejoicing at the naivity of the foreign powers.

The manner in which Nwankwo Kanu goes about his business should serve as an example to the immature Frenchman. One of the excuses often given for Anelka is his youth- Kanu is but two years his senior. The Fowler situation is still unclear with the press insisting Liverpool may listen to offers whilst Gerard Houllier flatly denies that he will leave Merseyside. Certainly both Anelka and Fowler have their problems. However a move to Highbury may help Fowler grow up. He is known to hold the Arsenal/England Old Guard in High Esteem (Dave Seaman penalty incident, April 1997.) Certainly selling Anelka and buying Fowler would give the strikeforce more passion, the club more money and the team more goals.