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click here for Arthur Folden's video still
click here for Mrs. B.Clark's amazing report

For the Shushwap Indians, it was called "Naitaka" or "long fish". Years later, they called it "OGOPOGO", the name taken from this verse: "His mother was an insect, his father was a whale, a little bit of head and hardly any tail, and Ogopogo was his name." Over the years, people around Lake Okanagan located in Kelowna, British Columbia have reported a serpentlike creature roaming in its waters. The photograph above is by Ed Fletcher, who chased the animal until he got a good shot. Arthur Folden made a video of the monster as its hump swam in its waters. Unlike the Loch Ness Monster, sightings has been reported almost every year. Even a prominent insurance company offered a large sum of money for its solid proof. Cryptozoologists theorize that Ogopogo may be the ancient zeuglodon that has been extinct for millions of years. There might be a possibility that a population of it survived the extinction period and therefore might be dwelling in these waters. Other possibilities include long eels, seals, trapped whales or debris from underwater. On one occasion, the thing was reportedly bumped into someone. A lady named Mrs. B. Clark reported that in 1987, Ogopogo bumped her legs while she was swimming in the lake. What is Ogopogo? Lake monster swimming in the depths? Or something that can be explained by nature?