Mikey entered the
hospital Sunday, Feb 20th and
underwent extensive open-heart
surgeries on Monday. Mikey's heart
surgeon is Dr. Ranne. Dr. Ranne
performed a
"Rastelli" procedure on Michael (among
other procedures). Mikey has
transposition of the great vessels,
atrial septal
defect, ventricle septal
defect and pulmonary stenosis. Dr. Ranne
installed a synthetic baffle to shunt
the blood from one side of the heart to
the other. Mikey also received an
implant.. a human organ donation called
a "homograft" that is acting to bypass
the obstruction in Mikey's
artery. The atrial defect (one of the
holes in Mikey's heart) was closed. One
of the plastic shunts that was
previously installed in Mikey's chest
removed. The central nerve in Mikey's
heart may have been damaged or become
blocked during the surgery, as his heart
will not beat on it's own now and he is
wearing a pacemaker. One of the big
risks of this surgery was that Mikey's
heart might not re-start after being
stopped for up to an hour and a half.
Well... Mikey's heart was stopped for an
incredible 3 hours and 43 minutes before
they could re-start it. The entire
surgery took around 7 hours. A few days
Mikey was taken off life-support, but he
has now taken a turn for the worse. Last
night (Wednesday night), the heart
surgeon was called back in and Mikey was
placed back on life support. He is
getting pneumonia and his lungs are
filling with fluid. Mikey said that he
came here so the doctors could help God
heal his heart, and that's what we're
EXPECTING. Mikey is our "Miracle Child".
His story has already been a great
witness for Christ.. thousands have
visited Mikey's web sites.. and the
greatest miracle of all is happening
this week.. we're sure of it. The last
thing Mikey quipped before being
admitted for his surgery.... "Hey Dad,
when the doctors help God heal my heart,
tell 'em not to forget to put it back
in!" What a Mikey!
This is where we stand now.. at 7pm central time, Thursday evening, Feb 24th.
Friday Feb 25th 6:30am
Mikey slept well. He is still on
life-support. PICU staff says Mikey's
heart still tries to beat on it's own
Friday Feb 25th 5:20pm
Mikey is still on life-support. He is
using a temporary pacemaker. Dr. Ranne
says if Mikey's heart doesn't show
improvement by Monday, he will go back
into surgery and implant a permanent
pacemaker in Mikey's chest then. I sat
by his bedside for hours today, lightly
rubbing his leg with the back of my
hand, and he opened his eyes momentarily
this afternoon and nodded his head
slightly when I spoke into his ear and
told him that I loved him.
Friday Feb 25th 10:20pm
I just left Mikey and he's still on
life-support this evening, but they are
turning the ventilator down to try and
start weaning him from the machines. He
is taking some breaths on his own again.
His heart is trying to beat on it's own,
but it's not beating in sync and the top
part of the heart is not communicating
with the bottom part of the heart. Mikey
is now scheduled for surgery Monday to
implant another pacemaker (a
permanent one) in his chest and attach
it to his heart.. another 1-2 hour
surgery. Let's all pray that Mikey will
be able to come off of life-support and
that his heart will miraculously begin
to beat in sync again between now and
Monday. They told us this evening that
Mikey's heart has 3rd degree blockage..
which is the most severe degree of
Saturday Feb 26th 11:45am
We have been in Mikey's room all
morning. They turned off his ventilator
at around 8:30 am and he seems to be
doing alright without it. He opens his
eyes now. He knows we're there and he
can respond to our questions by nodding.
His heart surgeon was there and said
that he thought Mikey is slowly
recovering now, but they're still
suctioning out a lot of fluid and Mikey
is still scheduled for the pacemaker
surgery for Monday afternoon.
Saturday Feb 26th 6:30pm
Folks.. Mikey is gravely ill this
evening. I was sitting by his bedside,
gently rubbing his leg around 4pm..
Suddenly his back arched, his eyes
rolled backwards into his head and he
just flat-lined. His chest stopped
heaving, the machines stopped
registering and he laid motionless as I
called his name. It was as sudden as if
someone had just shut off a switch. The
nurse called for help, and as help
arrived, someone else called for his
heart surgeon. After a few minutes, they
were able to resuscitate him and his
chest stuttered and finally began to
rise and fall again. He is back on total
life-support again. Dr. Ranne arrived
and explained that Mikey was just too
weak to survive without the machines
right now and that he may need even
further heart surgery.. something to do
with repairing the diaphragm. Words have
not been invented that could describe
what it was like to have stood
helplessly beside Mikey's bed and see
his lifeless little body before he was
resuscitated. Dee Dee and I are
exhausted.. and just standing beside his
bed is almost more than we can do now.
WE ALL need your prayers.
Sunday Feb
27th 11:15am
Mikey opened his eyes briefly at
about 10:45 this morning when I took
this picture. It's been 7 days now,
since I was able to catch him with his
eyes open. He is still on life-support.
The surgeon is coming back at noon to do
a "glow test".. some kind of fluorescent
xray to see if his diaphragm needs
repair.. If so, he may repair it at the
same time he does the pacemaker surgery
tomorrow afternoon.
When he's conscious and alert enough,
Mikey still nods his head one time when
I tell him in his ear that I love him.
Just one quick nod up and back down
once. He knows that he can't speak and
he's just trying to say that he loves me
too, because he always did that.
Sunday Feb 27th 5:50pm
Dr. Ranne was in and did the "glow" test
on Mikey this afternoon. He let me watch
and explained everything to me. As he
expected, Mikey's diaphragm was
collapsed on one side and not working.
It's no wonder Mikey could not survive
off of the ventilator.. he's only been
breathing with ONE lung since Monday!
Dr. Ranne is going to repair Mikey's
diaphragm tomorrow, at the same time he
implants the permanent pacemaker and
runs the leads to his heart. Dr. Ranne
expects much improvement in Mikey after
tomorrow's surgery and is planning to
take him off the ventilator again
Tuesday. We're all expecting Mikey to do
much better after coming off the vent
Tuesday.. One nurse even said she
wouldn't be surprised if he was able to
go home next week. We just gotta get him
through these surgeries tomorrow
afternoon and see how he does coming off
the machines Tuesday.
Monday Feb 28th 10:00am
Mikey had another bad incident last
night. His mom was at his side this time
around midnight, when he stiffened and
his eyes rolled back and he was
unresponsive. They rushed in to work on
him and told his mom to "call him back"
and "call his name". He revived.. Dr.
Ranne was called and some settings we're
changed on his external pacemaker. He's
still on the ventilator and did alright
the rest of the night. We're going in
shifts now, so one of us is ALWAYS there
holding his hand. If we loosen our grip,
he knows and starts reaching for us. I
spoke with Mikey's cardiologist, Dr.
Cooper, this morning and he said that
the surgeries Mikey is having today
would not normally be high risk, but
they are necessary and they are aware of
Mikey's weakened condition and taking
extra care. I know it seems like this is
dragging on forever, but if everyone can
just hold on with us till Mikey's gets
through these surgeries today, we STILL
BELIEVE that Mikey can make a rapid
recovery after coming off the ventilator
tomorrow. Dr. Ranne has one other case
before he operates on Mikey today, so
Mikey will likely be in surgery
somewhere around noon or early
afternoon. I'll update later today,
after the surgery.
Monday Feb 28th 9:20pm
Good news this time! Mikey's surgeries
today seem to have been a success. The
surgeon was very pleased with the
outcome. The paralyzed diaphragm was
repaired and the new pacemaker and leads
were installed. Mikey's fingers and toes
were blue for a while after the surgery,
but they gave him some medication and
the pacemaker specialist upped the
speed, increasing Mikey's
circulation.... and he's waking up and
doing well and his color is good again.
They will slowly wean him from the
ventilator tonight and hopefully he will
come off the vent tomorrow and be able
to sustain on his own this time. We're
all optimistic that this roller-coaster
ride is about over and Mikey will be
getting back to his old self soon. His
eyes were closed when I asked him if he
could smile for a picture....
Lo and behold if the little ape didn't
open his eyes and smile for the camera!!
That's pretty hard to do when you're
still on the ventilator with tubes down
your nose and an even bigger tube down
your throat!
Ain't that a beautiful smile!!!!!!
Tuesday 2-29 1:00pm
Here's a pic of Mikey waving at y'all.
Mikey came off the ventilator about 9:30
this morning and is doing well on his
own now. He doesn't have his voice back,
but he can talk in whispers when we put
our ear up to his mouth. The first thing
he asked for? A popsicle. Big Bubba
gave him an ice chip and he whispered,
"I need another. This one melted" Every
30 seconds now... "Need more ice
Bubba... these just keep meltin!" God is
good... These are the miracles, folks!
Tuesday 2-29 9:30pm
Mikey is still doing fine on his own
without the ventilator. He can't eat or
drink anything yet.. just ice chips and
popsicles. He's real restless.. just
can't hold still. And what's worse, he
can't scratch where it itches! He just
has too many tubes, wires and bandages
to get to the itchy spots.. poor kid.
The only thing we're really concerned
with now, is getting his voice back. He
can still only talk in a whisper, But..
we're gonna pray about THAT now.
Wednesday 3-1 8:50am
Mikey is still doing well, although he
had a VERY restless night.. tossing and
turning and kicking his feet. We spent
most of the night re-attaching cords,
tubes and wires as he pulled 'em back
apart! They're doing a heart ultrasound
on him right now. Still no voice; still
Wednesday 3-1 5:25pm
Mikey is back on continuous breathing
treatments with the big mask over his
face. He hates that mask, but they're
having a problem with him being so
congested still, that they're afraid
he'll get pneumonia. If they're not
successful with the breathing
treatments, Mikey would have to go back
on the ventilator AGAIN. I don't know
how he could take that anymore. We're
still waiting on that little voice to