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The Gospel according to Chandler


Chandler: I think, for us, kissing is pretty much an opening act. I mean, it’s like the comedian you have to sit through before Pink Floyd comes out.

Joey (discussing Ross’s romantic history): Man, can you believe he’s only had sex with one woman?

Chandler: I think that’s great. You know, it’s sweet. It’s romantic...

Joey: Really? Chandler: Are you kidding? The guy’s a freak.

Phoebe: Oh, come on! Just do it! Call her! Stop being so...testosteroney.

Chandler: Which, by the way, is the real San Francisco treat.

Ross: I figured after work, I’d pick up a bottle of wine, go over there, and try to...woo her. Chandler: Hey, you know what you should do? Take her back to the 1890s when that phrase was last used.

Chandler: (to Ross): What are you still doing here? She just broke up with the guy. It’s time for you to swoop in.

Monica: Chandler, you’re an only child, right? You didn’t have any of this.

Chandler: Well, no. Although I did have an imaginary friend who my parents actually preferred.

Chandler: If I turn into my parents, I’ll either be an alcoholic blond chasing twenty-year-old boys or I'll wind up like my mom.

Rachel (on seeing Ross’s baby): I can’t believe one of us actually has one of these. Chandler: I know. I still am one of these.

Chandler: Well, you know, Pheebs, I don’t know if being a secretary is your kind of thing because it involves a lot of being normal for a large portion of the day.

Chandler: You can always spot someone who’s never seen one of Joey’s plays before. Notice: No fear. No sense of impending doom.

Chandler: All right, kids, I’ve got to get to work. If I don’t input those doesn’t make much of a difference.

Monica: Come on. Let’s get some coffee.

Chandler: Oh, okay. ‘Cause we never do that.

Chandler: I believe this piece of furniture was fine until your little breakfast adventure with Angela Delvecchio.

Joey: You knew about that?

Chandler: Well, let’s just say that the impressions you made in the butter left little to the imagination.

Chandler: Hey, that monkey’s got a Ross on it’s ass!

Joey: Go to China. Eat Chinese food.

Chandler: Of course, there they just call it "food".

Chandler: You know that thing when you and I talk to each other about things?

Joey: Yeah.

Chandler: Let’s not do that anymore.

Ross: I can’t even get Marcel to stop eating the bathmat. How am I going to raise a kid?

Chandler: You know, Ross, some scientists are now saying that monkeys and babies are actually different.

Joey: All right. You’re a monkey. You’re loose in the city. Where do you go?

Chandler: Okay, it’s his first time out, so he’s probably going to want to do some of the touristy things. I'll go to "Cat’s", you go to The Russian Tea Room.

Ross: Alright. Alright, we’re all adults here. There’s only one way to resolve this: Since you saw her boobies, I think you’re going to have to show her your pee-pee.

Chandler: You know, I don’t see that happening.

Rachel: Come on. He’s right. Tit for tat.

Chandler: Well, I am not showing you my tat.

Chandler: So? How’d it go?

Joey: It was amazing. You know how you always think you’re great in bed?

Chandler: The fact that you even ask that question shows how little you know me.

Chandler (on learning that Rachel is baby-sitting Marcel): I can’t remember the last time I got a girl to take care of my monkey.

Chandler: How about "Joey Pepponi"?

Joey: No, still too ethnic. My agent thinks I should have a name that’s more neutral.

Chandler: "Joey Switzerland"?

Chandler (to Ross on how to handle his jealousy): You don’t do anything. Play it cool. Just keep it inside. Learn how to hide your feelings. Don’t cry out loud!

Chandler: Wow, I’m going out with someone who’s getting a divorce. I’m such a grown-up.

Chandler: But it was like all of a sudden we were this couple, you know? And some sort of alarm went off in my head: "Get out of the building! Run for your life!"

Chandler (predicting how Rachel will find out Ross cheated on her): Wait, wait, wait. with that Isaac...whose sister is Jasmine...who works at the massage place with Phoebe...and Phoebe knows Rachel and that’s the trail!

Chandler (to Joey): No, you didn’t "get me"! It’s an electric drill! You get me, you kill me!

Chandler: Hey Joey, I wrote a song today. It’s called "Get up"!

Chandler: In the words of A. A. Milne, "Get out of my chair, dillhole".

Monica: Alright. I’ve got a leg, three breasts and a wing.

Chandler: Well, how do you find clothes that fit?

Joey: Hey, some girl ate Monica.

Monica: Oh, shut up! The camera adds ten pounds.

Chandler: how many cameras are actually on you?

Ross: Do you guys know who Carl is?

Chandler: Let’s

Chandler: I’ll take one. Sometimes I like to hold stuff like this and pretend I’m a giant.

Chandler: OK - hating this.

Chandler: Yes, hitting her with a frying pan’s a good idea. We might wanna have a back-up plan, though, just in case she isn’t a cartoon.

Richard: Well, we had a table in college.

Chandler: Oh really? I didn’t know they had foosball in the 1800s!

Chandler (regarding Joey’s porcelain dog): So, is he housetrained or is he gonna leave little bathroom tiles all over the place? Stay. Good, STAY! Good fake dog.

Chandler: Could we get some help here? It’s kind of an emergency. But I guess you knew that, or else we’d be in the Predicament Room.

Chandler: Could this report BE any later?

Chandler: My god, that’s a big head. It didn’t look this big in the office - maybe it’s the lighting. My head must look like a golf ball at work. Alright, don’t get hung up on it. Quick, quick, name five things you like about her: nice smile, good dresser...big head big head big head.

Chandler (on the phone): I got her machine.

Joey: Her answering machine?

Chandler: No, interesting enough, her leaf blower picked up.

Chandler (to his mom): You kissed my best Ross! Or something to that effect.

Chandler (to Joey): Too many jokes.....must mock Joey.

Chandler: Oh, look. It’s the woman we ordered.

Chandler: Sometimes I wish I was a lesbian.....Did I say that out loud?

Ross: Do you have a point?

Chandler: You’d think I would.

Rachel: Men can pee standing up!

Chandler: We can? Okay, I’m trying that.

Joey: I can’t sleep in my underwear.

Chandler: Well, you’re gonna.

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