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             X-Mas thoughts and no tree


                    Lightfull greetings all:)

My son was 10 years old as i told him(he did not
believe in santa since the age of 8),about the
christmas trees here in europe.
"Try to imagine, my son, how many familys live in
europe" i said. "and all these people are buying christmas gifts and trees.
Do you remember what we did last year, after christmas ,
with the old christmas tree?"
"Yes" , he said, "we put it out with the garbage."
"Hmmm, imagine now , my son, all those trees growing
side by side in a huge forest/// and after christmas ,
all we do,is to burn them with the garbage...
In fact, what happens at christmas , is a giant forest-fire!"
My son was shocked!
Because we come from brasil, we are very much aware
about the amazonas fires , to gain more pastures for
Mc donalds beef.(ok, ok, it IS a cliché, but not untrue!:)
"Couldnt we use a plastic tree , with electric lights
then?" he asked.
" Well, you KNOW about plastics and synthetics...
they are poison for our planet !"
" But i like these cozy lights and the smell of the
tree in the living room! "he argued.
"OK! I'll figure out something much better...I promisse !"
On this christmas eve we had 100 candles and we put them
allover the place...with all those little christmas thingies
on the walls and furniture and even the plants !
The room was pure magic...
and i also bought a tiny little LIVING christmas tree,
the tree is 4 years old now and standing on the balconee.
Next spring, we are going to plant him in a forest nearby,
and hopefully , every christmas , we are going to visit
the tree and light a candle for him.
Because, you know, christmas is not the birthday of
It is the day our ancestors worshipped the trees,
on the day, when the longest nights are over.
The return of the light.
May this little true story find a place in your hearts
in these days,days when we should be quiet,
and listen to our hearts,joyfully waiting for the light
that comes and fills our souls with its unique abundance.
I also wanted to thank you all for your friendship in
this passing year!
May all your dreams come true.
Multi-coloured-sparkling-lights and love-beams all over you