Dear Mom and Dad,
Getting short, Mom, coming home pretty soon. Going to quit flying soon, too much for me now. I went in front of a board for Sp/5 will know soon if I made it. I have now 20 oak leaf clusters and some more paper for you. I have flown 1500 hours now, and in those hours I could tell you a lifetime story. I have been put in for a medal again, but this time I have seen far beyond of what ever you will see. That is why I'm going to quit flying. I dream of Valerie's hand touching mine telling me to come home; but I wake up, and it's some sergeant telling me I have to fly. Today I am 21, far away but coming home older.
I'm sad to say, Larry died within 24 hours after this letter was written; and by that time, it really was his 21st birthday in the States. Parts of my song titled "Not Gonna Make It" came from this letter.
Larry was in the 129th AHC, Dec. '68 til Sept.'69....MARK

A proud salute to the Australian and New Zealand fighting forces...

Another proud salute to the CANADIAN ARMED FORCES
Subject: Name this country...
709,000 regular (active duty) service personnel
293,000 reserve troops;
Eight standing army divisions;
20 air force and navy air wings with 2,000 combat aircraft;
232 strategic bombers;
13 strategic ballistic missile submarines,
warheads on 232 missiles; 500 ICBMs with 1,950 warheads;
Four aircraft carriers, and; 121 surface combat ships and submarines,
plus all the support bases, shipyards and logistical assets needed to sustain such a naval force.
Is this country Russia? . . . No
Red China ? . . . No
Great Britain ? . . . Wrong Again
USA? . . . Hardly
Give Up?
Well, don't feel too bad if you are unable to identify this global superpower because this country no longer exists.
It has vanished.
These are the American military forces that have disappeared since the 1992 elections.
Sleep well, America.
APRIL 16, 2000
Washington, DC - Congressman Steve Kuykendall today paid tribute to those men and women, military and civilian, who bravely served in the Vietnam War.
Kuykendall made his remarks in support of H. Con. Res. 228, a measure that
was unanimously approved by the House of Representatives this evening.
H. Con Res. 228 recognizes and honors the members of the Armed Forces and civilian
employees who served this nation during the Vietnam era, and the families of those
individuals who lost their lives, remain unaccounted for, or were injured during the
Vietnam war era.
Congressman Kuykendall made the following remarks on the floor of the House during
the debate of H. Con Res. 228.
"Twenty-five years ago, we ended our involvement in the Vietnam War.
And unlike World War II or Korea, our objectives for being in the conflicts in Southeast Asia
were not very clear. Why were we there? What forces of evil or wrongdoing compelled
the potential sacrifice of American lives?
What national security or economic interests of the United States were at stake?
"Our involvement in Vietnam sparked tremendous domestic controversy, largely because
we could not answer these questions. Our soldiers came home without fanfare or ticker
tape parades, or their hero's welcome we have historically showered on returning veterans.
Our veterans became an easy target for those who questioned our participation in Vietnam;
and as a country, we turned our backs on them."
"As a nation, we struggle to find solutions to world issues that do not require military force.
However, when needed, the young men and women of this nation answer our call to service.
We must never again let the popularity of any war effort be the measure of when we honor our
veterans' service. I will say that again. We must never again let the popularity of any war effort
be the measure of when we honor our veterans' service.
We cannot rewrite our past, but we can correct those mistakes by acknowledging the service of
our Vietnam veterans, military and civilian."
Let me quote Dan Mauro, a Vietnam veteran, to reintroduce my colleagues to our Vietnam
patriots. In Dan's words, our Vietnam veterans: are men and women. "We are dead or alive,
whole or maimed, sane or haunted. We grew from our experiences or we were destroyed by
them or we struggle to find some place in between. We lived through hell or we had a pleasant,
if scary, adventure. We were Army, Navy, Marines, Air Force, Red Cross, and civilians of all sorts.
Some of us enlisted to fight for God and Country, and some were drafted. Some were gung-ho,
and some went kicking and screaming. Like veterans of all wars, we lived a tad bit, or a great bit,
closer to death than most people like to think about. If Vietnam vets differ from others, perhaps it
is primarily in the fact that many of us never saw the enemy or recognized him or her.
We heard gunfire and mortar fire but rarely looked into enemy eyes. Those who did, like folks
who encounter close combat anywhere and anytime, are often haunted for life by those eyes,
those sounds, those electric fears that ran between ourselves, our enemies, and the likelihood of
death for one of us. Or we get hard, calloused, tough. All in a day's work. We recognized the
heroism of those who lost their lives in Vietnam with the creation of the Vietnam Veterans Memorial
in 1982. Today, with 2.5 million visitors annually, this memorial is the most visited place in the nation's
capitol. This memorial is a fitting tribute to the men and women who served in Vietnam.
The Wall has helped family members and friends say a final farewell. It has helped others come to
terms with their Vietnam service. It has taught a generation about the heroism of those who lost their
lives in Vietnam. "It is time now to embrace the service of all of our Vietnam veterans those who lived,
those who died, those still missing, and all of us whose lives were unalterably changed by the experience."
"It is for this reason that House Concurrent Resolution 228 is so important."
"May 7, 2000, marks the 25th anniversary of the end of the Vietnam era. House Concurrent Resolution 228
marks this historic anniversary by honoring the duty, courage, service, and love of family and country
demonstrated by the 2.7 million Americans who served in Vietnam. Let this resolution
also stand as notice to those who serve us now, in places like the Balkans, Korea, and the Persian Gulf,
and for the next generations of patriots: America will stand by you and will praise your service, bravery, and
"I am proud to have served my country in Vietnam and am honored to be recognized as a veteran of that war. Today, I am deeply privileged to salute all who served, lost their lives, were injured or are still missing in Southeast Asia by supporting this resolution. I thank my colleague, the gentleman from California,
for his service in Vietnam and his efforts to acknowledge the contributions of Vietnam veterans and their families.
I urge my colleagues in Congress and people across the nation to recognize the contributions of these heroes."
Congressman Kuykendall is a veteran of the Vietnam War. Commissioned as a Marine Corps Second
Lieutenant in 1968, he served two tours of duty in Vietnam, participating in the effort to stop the North
Vietnamese Easter Offensive in 1972. He rose to the rank of Captain and retired in 1973 after a permanent
shoulder injury.
Congressman Kuykendall represents California's 36th congressional district in the South Bay area of Los Angeles County. The district stretches from San Pedro in the south to Venice Beach in the north and includes
Los Angeles International Airport, a portion of the Port of Los Angeles, and Catalina Island.
Many thanks to REGINA TALLEY ( Vietnam Wall Volunteer, and sister of Floyd Talley below. ) Also thank you to RUTH LUKKAR.

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