Real Name: Unrevealed

Class: Human technology-user

OccupationPhotographer, professional criminal

Group Affiliation: None

Known Relatives: None

Aliases: None

Base of OperationsTownsville, USA, Earth-Powerpuff Girls

First Appearance: Powerpuff Girls #11 (March, 2001)

PowersShutter Thug had a special camera that trapped whatever or whoever he took a picture of inside a black-and-white photo. He kept his photos in an album labeled Precious Memories.

History(Powerpuff Girls #11) - Shutter Thug had a special camera that trapped whatever or whoever he took a picture of inside a black-and-white photo, and he kept his collection of photos in an album labeled Precious Memories. Fuzzy Lumpkins entered the Farmville County Fair’s Freakishly Large Produce Competition and was awarded the blue ribbon by the judges, who were worried he’d hurt them if he didn’t win. The Shutter Thug used his special camera to take a picture of Lumpkin’s prize-winning pumpkin, trapping it in the photo. Fuzzy demanded to know who stole his pumpkin and went on a rampage in Townsville. Dr. Utonium tried to take family photos with the Powerpuff Girls, but Buttercup kept making faces. The tension was broken when the Mayor and Sara Bellum phoned the hotline, asking the Girls to stop Fuzzy. The Powerpuff Girls beat down Fuzzy, but as he was being taken away by the police the shutter Thug took a picture of him, adding Fuzzy to his collection. Princess Morbucks attacked the Powerpuff Girls, accusing them of stealing her 100% mink teddy bear Mr. Blackwell, not realizing the Shutter Thug had added it to his collection. During the battle Shutter Thug took a picture of Morbucks and put her in his photo album. His next target was the Townsville Dam, and after a panicked call from the Mayor the Powerpuff Girls stopped a tidal wave caused by the released water by freezing it solid. Shutter Thug took the Girls picture and they found himself trapped in his photo album. Buttercup ripped the picture, allowing them to travel around the photo album, and the Powerpuff Girls picked up the Washington Monument, using it to tear through the album entirely and release all the Shutter Thug’s captives. The Mayor and Sara thanked the girls for saving the city, but they were leery of having their picture taken by the press.

Comments: Created by Sean Carolan, Jennifer Moore & Phil Moy.

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