Real Name: Karshon

Class: Shark mutate

Occupation: Supervillain

Group Affiliation: The Society

Known Relatives: None

Aliases: None

Base of Operations: Coast City

First Appearance: Green Lantern II #24 (October, 1963)

Powers: The Shark was an intelligent humanoid shark possessing superhuman strength, durability and speed. The Shark could live on land or water and had sharp teeth. He possessed psionic powers including telepathy, projecting mental energy bolts and the ability to project fear.

History(Green Lantern IV #5 (fb, BTS)) - The Gremlins lived to take things apart and put them back together again, and were involved in an experiment to speed up the evolution of a shark, exploding an atomic pile near him. This mutated the animal into a humanoid who called himself the Shark and decided to start a career of villainy.

(Green Lantern II #126) - The Weaponers of Qward hired Shark to dispose of Green lantern while they set up an outpost on Earth, fitting him with a weapon and promising him great rewards. Shark terrorized a Coast City harbor until Green Lantern appeared, and incapacited him with the Weaponers weapon that collected gold from the ocean and formed a capsule that trapped Lantern. The Weaponers reneged on their agreement and de-evolved Shark into his original tiger shark body. He would have suffocated on land if Lantern hadn't freed himself and put the Shark back in the ocean.

(Green Lantern IV #4-6) - Shark, now in a complete animalistic state physically and mentally, only thought of satisfying his hunger. He smelled lovers on a midnight swim in Coast City, and sent a school of his sharks to dismember the male. He saved the last scraps for himself, and then pursued the woman onto the beach, terrorizing her before consuming her. Green Lantern tracked him down and they had a tremendous battle, with Shark’s only thought being to eat the hero. The Gremlins interrupted them, checking in on their experiment. They fed Shark and locked him up in a tank, planning on selling him as a weapon in an intergalactic war. Green Lantern battled and defeated the Gremlins, and Shark took the opportunity to break out of his prison and return to the ocean.

(Green Lantern IV #16) - Amon Sur broke into Hangar 44 to steal the ship his father Abin Sur had crash landed-on Earth in. Shark and a number of other prisoners watched on as Amon gunned down the air force guards.

Comments: Created by John Broome & Gil Kane.

Shark received a profile in Who's Who: The Definitive Directory of the DC Universe #20 and Who's Who in the DC Universe #10.

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