Real Name: Nicholas Scratch

Class: Human

Occupation: Cult leader, rock star

Group Affiliation: None

Known Relatives: unnamed parents (deceased)

Aliases: None

Base of Operations: Gotham City

First Appearance: Azrael: Agent of the Bat #47 (December, 1998)

Powers: Scratch was an extremely charismatic speaker and leader

History: Scratch was orphaned at a young age after his parents died in a car accident. He was a shy, overweight nobody until he was stargazing one night and claimed that a bean of Heavenly light opened his eyes. He became fit, charismatic, and eventually pursued a career as a rock star. He used his newfound influence to become a cult leader, decrying the sin he saw in Gotham City.

(Catwoman II #66) - Catwoman heard a news broadcast of Nicholas Scratch, who wanted Gotham gone, not satisfied with the city being cut off from federal aid. He described the tragic lives of the children in Gotham, and it struck a chord with Catwoman. He mentioned her by name as a vile person addicted to stealing like it was a drug.

Comments: Created by Denny O'Neil & Roger Robinson

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