Real Name: Valentina Vostok

Class: Human mutate

Occupation: Government agent, formerly superhero

Group Affiliation: formerly Doom Patrol II, The Agency, Checkmate, Black Lantern Corps

Known Relatives: None

Aliases: White Queen

Base of Operations: Mobile

First Appearance: Showcase #94 (September, 1977)

Powers: Negative Woman could release a humanoid field of energy that obeyed her commands, and she shared its sensory input. Her body weakened with the energy being released from it, and she was in danger of dying if it didn't return to her body within 60 seconds. The energy being had superhuman strength, could phase through any solid substance except lead, and short-circuited machinery as it passed through, and could fly at superhuman speeds and create explosions. Negative Woman's body was extremely radioactive, and her skeleton was visible through his skin. She needed to wear specially treated bandages to keep her radiation from leaking out.


(DC Comics Presents #52) - Negative Woman lost control of her powers, and her energy form leaked out, covering her body. She flew into a NJ power plant, overloading it, and blacking out half the state. Superman responded, but she flew past him at nearly the speed of light. Villain Ambush Bug made his debut at the Metropolis Day parade, murdering DA Syms, and Superman went to confront him. Negative Woman was destroying the building around the parade, , and after passing through Superman the charge of her body knocked him out. He was woken by the new Doom Patrol, and Ambush Bug tried to incite them to fight before teleporting away. Superman was suspicious of a Doom Patrol he never met, but Robotman vouched for his new teammates, and they asked him for help containing Negative Woman. Ambush Bug kept interfering, attacking them before teleporting away. Superman realized he was using mechanical insects to teleport, and destroyed all of them. Ambush Bug dared Robotman to hit him, and failing to teleport away, he was knocked out. Superman used a lead box to contain Negative Woman until her powers were under control. Her teammates were glad to have her back, but Negative Woman still despaired at the idea of living under chemically treated bandages for the rest of her life.

(Vigilante I #36-38) - Valentina ran the secret government Agency despite orders from the President to disband. She employed Peacemaker, who went off the reservation to take on the Lebanese People's Liberation Army. who'd hijacked a plane in NY. General Peterson told her Peacemaker was mentally unstable and a liability who should be taken care of. Peacemaker killed three of the terrorists, but also snapped and killed the heroic Vigilante when he touched him. Valentina tried to cover up Peacemaker's actions, and when her agents spotted Adrian Chase, the original Vigilante wearing the Vigilante mask she decided to take care of him if he compromised her Agency by going after Peacemaker. Vostok came to America, and found the Vigilante, telling him she knew he was Adrian Chase, and that he was after Peacemaker and the escaped Liberation Army terrorist Jhamed, and that she'd help him. He agreed to work with her, but said he'd destroy her if she was lying to him. Jhamed was set to leave on a ship, shielded by terrorist allies, and Valentina suggested one of her men go with Vigilante. He wanted someone he trusted, and she recruited the recently fired Lt. Stein for the job. Stein tried to expose Vigilante's identity in the past before he decided he respected his methods. Vigilante went in blasting, killing a number of the terrorists, and Valentina chastised him, saying that Peacemaker would never show up during such carnage. She was wrong, as Peacemaker was present, and believing she brought Vigilante there to kill him he pointed a gun at her, and Vigilante drew his gun on him. Stein reminded them that they still had terrorists to deal with, and Vigilante and Peacemaker begrudgingly teamed up to systematically kill them. Jhamed fled the ship, and after an argument Vigilante killed him. Peacemaker was furious that Vigilante took what he saw as his kill, and they started brawling. A journalist was nearby, and recorded the fight. Peacemaker unmasked Vigilante, and Adrian Chase's secret identity was broadcast to the world. Valentina's agents broke up the fight with a hail of bullets, but both men slipped away, vowing to continue their fight to the death another time. Valentina offered Lt. Stein a permanent position in the Agency.

(Vigilante I #41) -With public sentiment going against superheroes during the events of Legends, a government committee was assembled and told Valentina that her funds were being cut. Valentina told Stein that the government wouldn't hesitate to eliminate her to purge their connection with her Agency, and was relying on him if anything happened to her.

(Vigilante I #42, 43) - Stein and Valentina finished another Congressional hearing, and she again told him he would be her successor. He didn't think he was the man for the job, but she assured him she was a shrewd judge of character. Peacemaker arrived and attacked them, convinced that Stein was a deceased terrorist named Achmed who'd faked his own death and infiltrated the Agency. Valentina slowed him down in hand-to-hand combat, and Stein hotwired a car so they could flee. They went to a government safehouse, but Peacemaker, disguised as a janitor, found them and started shooting again. Government officers responded, and Peacemaker was forced to flee. General Stark was furious that Peacemaker had made another public appearance, and didn't want him connected to the agency. Stein fired back at him that they no longer had control of Peacemaker, but they'd take him. Agents hit the streets to find Peacemaker, but he'd been watching the building and chose that moment to strike again. He refused to listen to reason from Valentina and Stein, but they were saved by the newly arrived Vigilante. They knocked out Peacemaker, and Valentina told the MP to lock him in a cell after a thorough search, reminding them how dangerous he was.

(Vigilante I #45) - Terrorists were flooding America with crack flowing from the Qurac embassy, and Vigilante blew it up. Valentina dealt with the fallout, and told Vigilante that though they'd continue their professional relationship she advised him to leave Washington for a while.

(Vigilante I #46) - Vigilante was arrested after a fight with Black Thorn, and Valentina used the Agency's resources to delay charges being brought against him. His exposure as a part-time government agent was the final nail for the Agency, and she was ordered to dissolve it and erase the papertrail. She'd already been reshuffled back into the bureaucracy, and told her soon to be former employees that it wouldn't be wise for Vigilante to be in custody for too long, lest he reveal their secrets.

(Vigilante I #47) - The government allowed the Agency to continue under the supervision of the justice department, and Valentina congratulated Stein on his appointment as her successor. She had trouble of her own to deal with and had to leave the country, but said she'd see him again.

(Doom Patrol V #4, 5) - Celsius and her Doom patrol were resurrected as members of the Black lantern Corps. They were charged with ripping out the hearts of those emotionally affected by their resurrection, gathering their emotions and using them to help Nekron return and end life in the universe. Celsius looked forward to exacting revenge on Chief, reflecting that he'd manipulated people to achieve her goals, but her Doom Patrol rejected everything he stood for, giving her team choices and hope. The Corps arrived on Oolong Island, the newly reformed DP s hq, and Celsius attacked Chief, and told him he no longer got to manipulate her emotionally. Black Lantern Tempest took out Elasti-Girl, and Lanterns Negative-Woman and Cliff Steele attacked Negative Man and Robotman. Robotman was disconcerted by fighting with his human body. Negative Man combined his negative being with Negative Woman's, forming a new version of Rebis, and it destroyed her. The sentient black hole, a friend of Chief s, rescued him, and Chief and the Oolong Island Science Squad were in agreement that they needed to get the Lanterns off the island. Chief commanded the DP to lure the Lanterns to I.Q. s Boom Tube based gateway, and he teleported them away. I.Q. told Chief he was cold-blooded for sacrificing his team to save Oolong.

Comments: Created by Paul Kupperberg & Joe Staton.

Negative Woman received a profile in Who's Who: The Definitive Directory of the DC Universe #16. She received profiles in Who's Who: The Definitive Directory of the DC Universe #7 and Who's Who Update '88 #1under the Doom Patrol II entry.

Negative Woman had cameos in Doom Patrol V #6, 21 and Titans III #32.

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