Real Name: None

Class: Demon

Occupation: Lord of Hell

Group Affiliation: None

Known Relatives: None

Aliases: None

Base of Operations: Hell

First Appearance: Blue Devil #1 (June, 1984)

Powers: Nebiros possessed raw mystic power; i.e. his power was not manifested through spells, but unleashed as pure supernatural chaos. He was virtually indestructible, having nearly limitless strength, stamina and speed.

History: Thousands of years ago, a long since forgotten civilization worshipped their demon-god Nebiros. The priests breached the void between his dimension and our own, unleashing him on the world. In exchange for sacrifice, he led their armies in an attempt to conquer the world. Eventually Neibros’ empire grew to threaten the great empires of Mu, Lemuria and Atlantis. The greatest magicians of these realms banded together and banished him back to his own dark dimension.

(Swamp Thing I #15) - Father Jonathon Bliss’ congregation left him, and he went mad when he couldn’t force them to behave as he believed good Christians should. He entered the world of black magic, and summoned up Nebiros, who promised to start a war that would bring about Armageddon and force people to turn to god for help. Bliss believed god would surely return to save his people, but Nebiros knew he was playing Bliss for a fool. Nebiros’ otherworldly form had to be stored in a transcendental globe pending a suitable host to inhabit. Bliss befriended Swamp Thing, and lured him into a false sense of security, and then performed a spell that let Nebiros inhabit his body. Nebiros, in Swamp Thing’s form, captured Swamp Thing’s friends Abby Arcane, Matt Cable and Luke, and ripped out Luke’s soul for fun. Matt made Bliss see the error of his ways in playing god, and Bliss tried to exorcize Nebiros, but the demon was too powerful. Matt escaped his bonds and destroyed the transcendental sphere, casting Nebiros from Swamp Thing’s body. Nebiros and Swamp Thing fought, but Nebiros’ otherworldly form could not sustain itself on the earthly plane without a host. Bliss offered himself up, but he was too weak a vessel, and was incinerated. Bliss knew full well what he was doing, and Nebiros’ consciousness was scattered across the universe.

(Blue Devil #1)-Six thousand years later, Nebiros was accidentally freed by Sharon Scott and Wayne Tarrant during the filming of the Blue Devil movie. The film’s star Dan Cassidy defeated the monster, returning him to his realm, but not before being transformed into a demon himself. Shortly after Nebiros escaped again, but was vanquished by Blue Devil and Zatanna.

(Showcase '93 #4-6) -Gaea empowered Blue Devil with the worldseed, or the essence of the Earth, to defend it against Galaxa. The mystic vibrations were sensed by Nebiros among others, and he knew that Blue Devil had inadvertently weakened the boundaries between Nebiros' realm and Earth. Nebiros came to Earth with hunger and conquest on his mind. He tried eating people, and attracted the attention of the police and Blue Devil. He still called Blue Devil little brother, and his short-term memory made him keep forgetting Devil wasn't on his side every time he attacked Nebiros. Blue Devil made him refrain from devouring anyone, and promised him a glorious feast. He lured him to his friend Morty's trailer, which had an interstellar teleporter, and told Nebiros to go through it. Nebiros finally got it through his thick head that he was being duped and went after Blue Devil, but the hero managed to force him through the teleporter. He arrived on the planet Maldor, and encountered Maldorian scientists that had once tried to dissect Blue Devil. He was pleased, and prepared to eat them all.

(Fate #12) - The explosion of the Tower of Fate caused a dimensional rift. Nebiros battled the Lord of the Unliving Nekron for control of this opening, but neither achieved their objectives.

(Day of Judgment #3, 4) - Asmodel / Spectre froze Dis and the hellfire pits, allowing the armies of Hell to attack Earth. Nebiros was charged with protecting the hellfire pits, and given the unholy trident to make sure he was successful. Atom, Deadman, Enchantress, Faust, Firestorm, Green Lantern Kyle Rayner and Superman traveled to Hell to reignite the pits, and Nebiros attacked them. Faust resurrected Nebiros' old foe Blue Devil to combat him, but in the end it was Firestorm who destroyed Nebiros by turning the water in his body to cement.

Comments: Created by David Michelinie & Nestor Redondo.

Nebiros received a profile in Who's Who: The Definitive Directory of the DC Universe #16.

Nebiros’ physical appearance in Swamp Thing I #15 is that of a Christian devil, which doesn’t match up with the Nebiros appearing in Blue Devil, but aside from that there‘s nothing precluding them continuity-wise from being the same demon. I’m not sure if it’s ever been settled weather or not they are two separate characters. Can any learned fan boys help me out on this one?

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