Membership: Behemoth, Gorgon, Harpi, Mento, Prometheus, Pterodon, Scirocco, Touch-n-Go

Base of Operations: Mobile

First Appearance: New Teen Titans vol. 2 #24 (October, 1986)

History: (New Teen Titans vol. 2 #24, 25)-After Mento was driven insane battling the Shadow Creature he became convinced that it was his destiny to create an updated version of the Doom Patrol. He began abducting mortaly wounded people worldwide and expsoing them to Promethium, a self-regenerating energy source developed by Dayton Industries. The initial team consisted of Gorgon, Harpi, Pterodon and Behemoth, all mentally controlled by Mento. Mento sent them to kill his stepson Changling, who he irrationaly blamed for the death of the Doom Patrol. The Hyrid was fought off by Changling's teammates in the New Teen Titans.

(Blue Beetle vol. 2 #11, 12, New Teen Titans vol. 2 #34)-After recruiting members Scirocco, Touch-n-Go and Promethius, Mento sent the team to destroy the new Teen Titans. Titans member Raven cleansed the mind and soul of Mento, breaking his hold over the Hybrid. The Hybrid took pity on Mento, taking him with them as they sought to find their place in the world.

(JSA #28 (fb, BTS)) - Members of Hybrid were captured by Roulette and forced to fight to the death. Pictures of Touch-n-Go, Prometheus, Harpi, Behemoth, Gorgon and Scirocco were added to the wall of “Fallen Players of the House.”

Comments: Created by Ed Barreto & Marv Wolfman

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