Class: Extraterrestrials

Known Representatives: None

Aliases: None

Base of Operations: Mobile (Earth-Star Trek)

First Appearance: (television) Star Trek: The Original Series "Arena" (January, 1967), (DC Comics) 

Powers: The Gorm were a superhumanly strong reptilian race. They were scientifically advanced, having mastered space travel, and were brutal warriors in combat.

History: (Who's Who in Star Trek #1) - The Gorns, feeling threatened by a recently settled U.F.P. outpost, invaded Cestus Three, and committed a massacre. The Enterprise investigated the destruction, and were attacked by a Gorn landing party. Captain Kirk destroyed them with an atomic grenade, and the Enterprise pursued the Gorn ship into unexplored space. The Metrons lived in that space sector, and were revolted by the primitive violence being committed in their territory. They teleported Kirk and the Gorn captain to a deserted planet and told them to fight one-on-one to reduce the bloodshed of their conflict. Kirk used his resourcefulness to defeat the much stronger Gorn, but the fight had humanized his enemy, and he refused to kill him. He realized that like most humanoids, he was initially repulsed by the Gorns reptilian nature, and he could not allow himself to fall victim to prejudice. The Gorns claimed self defense in the Cestus incident, and science captain Spock advised that diplomacy was needed. A bridge of communication was opened up between the U.F.P. and the Gorns.

Comments: Created by Fredric Brown.

The Gorns, along with the rest of the characters from DC Comics run on Star Trek, were not part of the mainstream DC Universe. To simplify matters, I refer to these characters as inhabiting Earth-Star Trek. Surely, somewhere out there in the 52, there's a Star Trek universe, or there would be if DC still had the rights to make comics about Star Trek.

The Gorns received a profile in Who's Who in Star Trek #1, a summary of their television appearance.

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