Real Name: Terrence Kurtzberger

Class: Altered human

Occupation: Research scientist

Group Affiliation: None

Known Relatives: Albert Julian Rothstein (grandson), Philip Rothstein (son-in-law), Terri Curtis Rothstein (daughter), Unnamed wife (deceased)

Aliases: Terrence Curtis

Base of Operations: New York City, New York

First Appearance: (as Terry Curtis) Action Comics #21 (February, 1940), (as Cyclotron) All-Star Squadron #21 (May, 1983)

Powers: Cyclotron possesses superhuman strength, flight, and can generate “atomic bursts” that can level buildings. The atomic bursts could also be used to alter the molecular structure of solid matter.

History: (Action Comics #21)-Terry Curtis was a brilliant scientist who secretly split the atom in mid-1939. He was kidnapped by the Ultra-Humanite and forced to participate in Ultra’s attempt to blackmail Metropolis. Terry turned against Ultra-Humanite, and helped foil this plan.

Terry continued his atomic experiments, but also took time to start a family, marrying and having a daughter. In late 1941 one of his experiments went haywire, killing his wife and fatally irradiating both Terry and his infant daughter Terri. A few days later Terry was contacted by the Ultra-Humanite, who offered to use his futuristic machinery to save both Curtises in exchange for Terry’s servitude. Terry agreed, but the Ultra-Humanite didn’t truly keep his word. Terri’s condition was only stabilized and Terry’s body structure was altered so that it was now powered by the radiation, granting him super-powers. Terry was dubbed Cyclotron and sent on a mission to steal a mystic object known as the Hammer of Thor. During the robbery he came into conflict with the All-Star Squadron and fled. While escaping Cyclotron accidentally killed a policeman, and was consumed with guilt. In a later battle against the All-Star Squadron, Ultra-Humanite was poised to murder them, and Cyclotron could take no more. He grabbed Ultra-Humanite, and flew into the stratosphere, where he allowed his atomic energy to detonate. Cyclotron perished, but Ultra-Humanite would survive and return to plague the world. All-Stars Firebrand II and Atom I adopted Terri and found a cure for her radiation poisoning. Terri would one day give birth to the superhero Nuklon.

List of appearances: Action Comics #21
All-Star Squadron #21-26, 55
All-Star Squadron Annual #2

Comments: Terry Curtis created by Jerry Siegel & Joe Shuster. Cyclotron created by Jerry Ordway & Roy Thomas

In the pre-Crisis DC Universe Cyclotron lived on Earth-2

Last updated: 3/23/2002

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