Membership: Abbatoir, Abin Sur, Acarinus, Adara, Adeline Kane, Ahtier, Alexander Luthor, Jr., Amon Sur, Anastasio Corvo, Angel Moore, Anti-Monitor, Aquagirl, Aquaman, Arkkis Chummuck, Arx, Arin Sur, Atom I, Atom (Adam Cray), Avir, Ayria, Azrael (Jean-Paul Valley), Baby Wildebeest, Ballistic, Barin, Bat Lash, Batman (BruceWayne clone), Biwix, Black Condor I, Blackfang, Black Hand, Black Mask I, Blish, Blockbuster I, Blockbuster II, Blue Beetle II, Blume, Bolt, Brin, B'rr, Brunt, Bur'Gunza, Captain Boomerang I, Cavalier I, Celsius, Chay-Ara, Ch'p, Chogar, Cronar, Chtos-Chthas Chthatis, Clypta, Copperhead, Cundiff Cood, Damage, Deacon Blackfire, Deadman, Diamalon, Dob Zagil, Dr. Fate I, Dr. Light I, Dr. Mid-Nite I, Dr. Polaris, Dolphin, Ebikar Hrui, Eddore, Element Lad, Elongated Man, Enkafos, Fentara, Fiddler, Firehair, Firestorm I, Flodo Span, Freedom Beast, Galis Zed, Geist, Glomulus, Golden Glider, Green Arrow I, Gretti, Harbinger, Hawk I, Hawk II, Hawkgirl I, Hawkman I, Horku, Human Bomb I, Ice, Inertia, Jack Drake, Jack T. Chance, Jade, Janet Drake, Jean Loring, John Grayson, Johnny Quick, Jonah Hex, Jonni DC, Katma Tui, Ke'Haan, Kenotha Kr'nek, KGBeast, Khufu, Kid Flash II, King Snake, King Solovar, Ki-Nilg, Kreon, KT21, Laethwen, Laira, Limina, Lionel Luthor, Lois Lasne (Earth-2), Madame Rouge, Magpie, Mantara Rrab, Manticore, Martian Manhunter, Mary Grayson, Maseo Yamashiro, Maxwell Lord, Meershom, Mirror Master I, Mr. Terrific I, Narok, Nat-Nat, Negative Woman, Nekron, Nero, Omen, Osiris, Pantha, Pariah, Pelle, Phantom Lady II, Psi, Psycho Pirate II, Punch, Quentin Turnbull, Qull, Rak Arranya, Ravager I, Ravager (Wade LaFarge), Rainbow Raider, Ravan, Reiko Yamashiro, Remnant Nod, Reverse-Flash, Robert Long, Robotman II, Rocket Red#4, Rori Dag, Roxeaume, Sandman I, Santara Rrab, Scalphunter, Scar, Shrike, Skr'kl, Sobek, Solomon Grundy, Sound Dancer, Spak Drom, Spectre (Crispus Allen), Squagga, Starkaor, Starman (David Knight), Stealth, Steel I, Sue Dibny, Sun Boy, Superboy, Superboy-Prime, Super-Chief, Superman, Superman (Earth-2), Tammal-Tayn, Tanakata Z, Tempest I, Tempest II, Terra, Terri Henshaw, Thunderers fQward, Tomar-Re, Tonny Zucco, Top, TO-T-U-K, Trickster I, Tri-Eye, Trigger Twins I, Troia, Turpa, Twister, Tylot, Ugg-I, Unknown Lantern, Unknown Soldier, Vanessa Kingsbury, Ventriloquist, Veon, Vibe, Warp Wrap, William Wintergreen, Wonder Woman, Xanshi, Yasemin, Yuki Yamashiro, Zatara, Zborra, Z'gmora, Zharan Pel, Zor-El

Base of Operations: Mobile

First AppearanceBlackest Night #1 (September, 2009)

HistoryNekron used the Black Central Power Battery to create Black Lantern rings that resurrected the dead as zombies under his control. The Black Lantern Corps were charged with ripping out the hearts of those emotionally affected by their resurrection, gathering their emotions and using them to help Nekron return and end life in the universe.

(Blackest Night: Titans #1-3) - Hawk, Omen and Terra were resurrected as part of the Black Lantern Corps on Heroe's Day, a day of remembering fallen heroes. The Titans and Teen Titans were gathered to honor their deceased teammates, and Terra approached Beast Boy, trying to convince him that she'd survived her apparent death and still loved him. She embraced him, getting close enough to attack, and used her powers to cause an earthquake that leveled Titans Tower.. Hawk stalked Dove and her sister, who'd become the new Hawk. He battered them, and after telling the new Hawk that she was a pale imitation he ripped out her heart. She was resurrected as a Black Lantern, and they ganged up on Dove, but they couldn't get an emotional response because of her ties to the Lords of Order. At Titans Tower Black Lantern Robert Long appeared to his mother Troia, and when she embraced her dead infant he bit her, infecting her with the Black. Several more ex-Titan Black Lanterns joined the assault on the Titans. Dove fled to the Titans, and the Lanterns attacked her, but her lifeforce connection permanently destroyed them. The surviving Lanterns fled, and the Titans realized the war was far from over. Troia said they needed to get Dove on the front lines.

(Blackest Night: Superman #1-3) - Superman and Lois Lane of Earth-2 were resurrected as part of the Black Lantern Corps. They terrorized Smallville, killing the residents and extracting their fear. Kal-L then attacked Superman and Superboy, with Lois kidnapping Ma Kent to heighten their emotions. Ma managed to escape, and Lois chased her through the corn fields. Ma kept her from resurrecting Pa Kent, and Krypto destroyed Lois. Black Lantern Psycho-Pirate joined the assault on Smallville and used his mind-control powers to turn Superboy against Superman. Superboy's will was too strong for Psycho-Pirate to manipulate, and he took the Medusa mask, restoring Smallville to sanity and deactivating the Black Lantern rings. Superman wanted answers for what happened to Smallville, and he and Superboy sought out the Green Lantern Corps. Supergirl and Alura paid their respects to Zor-El when he was resurrected as a Black Lantern. Zor-El promised to destroy Kandor, because he didn't like the direction it was headed, but Supergirl fought past her feelings toward him and fought him. A Kandorian scientist analyzed Zor-El's Black Lantern ring, and developed a ray that could generate a counter-energy field that would keep the Black Lanterns off planet. He was reluctant to deploy it because Superman was off-planet, visiting Earth, but Alura told him to deploy it anyway. Alura helped Supergirl send Zor-El off-planet and activated the field.

(Doom Patrol V #4, 5) - Celsius and her Doom patrol were resurrected as members of the Black lantern Corps. They were charged with ripping out the hearts of those emotionally affected by their resurrection, gathering their emotions and using them to help Nekron return and end life in the universe. Celsius looked forward to exacting revenge on Chief, reflecting that he'd manipulated people to achieve her goals, but her Doom Patrol rejected everything he stood for, giving her team choices and hope. The Corps arrived on Oolong Island, the newly reformed DP’s hq, and Celsius attacked Chief, and told him he no longer got to manipulate her emotionally. She froze his legs, and shattered them, telling the helpless Chief that they would be together forever in death, even though he was never there for her in life. Black Lantern Tempest took out Elasti-Girl, and Lanterns Negative-Woman and Cliff Steele attacked Negative Man and Robotman. Robotman was disconcerted by fighting with his human body. Negative Man combined his negative being with Negative Woman’s, forming a new version of Rebis, and it destroyed her. The sentient black hole, a friend of Chief’s, rescued him, and Chief and the Oolong Island Science Squad were in agreement that they needed to get the Lanterns off the island. Chief commanded the DP to lure the Lanterns to I.Q.’s Boom Tube based gateway, and he teleported them away. I.Q. told Chief he was cold-blooded for sacrificing his team to save Oolong.

(R.E.B.E.L.S. #10-12) - Harbinger pursued members of the Sinestro Corps, and when Vril Dox's R.E.B.E.L.S. got in the way she destroyed their ship. Stealth, the mother of Vril's child, was resurrected by the Black Lantern Corps, after killing a number of Starro's High Vanguard, she tried to finish the job and kill Dox. Harbinger killed Sinestro corpsman Narok, and his ring sought out Vril Dox, who was thrilled by his newfound power. Vril and his R.E.B.E.L.S. fled to the planet Kandato, with Harbinger and Stealth in pursuit. The High Vanguard Black Lanterns went to Maltus, and attacked their former master, and Starro enjoyed the intense battle. Vril's son Lyrl opened a transmatter portal to Kandato, and Starro, the Lanterns and Lyrl spilled through. Lyrl asked Vril to save his master Starro, shocking his father, who used his power ring to push them all back through the portal, hoping the Black Lanterns would finish Starro off. Starro battled the Black Lanterns for three days until Lyrl Dox lured them into his transmatter device, and sent them to an event horizon. Starro was angered at having his glorious fight interrupted, but he needed Lyrl to coordinate his troop movements with the High Vanguard decimated, and set his sights on Earth to test the mettle of that planet's heroes.

(Doom Patrol V #8 (fb)) - The makeshift Boom Tube put both Doom Patrols in the midst of the Black Lantern’s war. The Black Lanterns were defeated by Earth’s heroes.

Comments: Created by Geoff Johns.

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