Real Name: Ramon Raymond

Class: Hypertimeline (Earth-Just Imagine) human mutate

Occupation: Superhero, scientist, environmentalist

Group Affiliation: JLA

Known Relatives: Frank Raymond (brother)

Aliases: None

Base of Operations: Mobile, Earth-Just Imagine

First Appearance:  Just Imagine Stan Lee with Scott McDaniel Creating Aquaman #1 (June, 2002)

Powers: Aquaman was composed of water and had control over the seas as well as sea life. 

History: Ramon was a scientist whose specialty was DNA research, and as part of an experiment he injected himself with dolphin DNA. Testing out the effects and swimming in the ocean he wandered into a patch of algae affected by the Tree of Life and was transformed into Aquaman. As Aquaman he battled evil and discovered the threat of the Church of Eternal Empowerment.

Comments: Created by  Stan Lee & Scott McDaniel

Aquaman received a profile in Just Imagine Stan Lee Secret Files & Origins #1.

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