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My BuDdIeS:

Hi AnD wElCoMe To My BuDdIeS pAgE! tHeSe ArE mY bUdS a.K.a. ThE fOlKs I cOnSiDeR mY fRiEnDs!!! If I lEfT u OuT sOrRy It WaS a ToTaL aCcIdEnT i'M sUrE! pLeAsE bRiNg It To My AtTeNtIoN bY sAyInG sOmEtHiNg In ThE gUeStBoOk AbOuT iT oR bY e-MaIlInG mE!!!
~Heather E

Casey Hayes: One of my best buds!! We enjoy acting crazy together! We've been through a lot together and I'm glad we're going to be "Dramaqueens" together in 9th grade!!

Katie Landry: My other best bud!! We have the funnest sleepovers at her house!! She's an awesome person to talk to about what's bothering you! We'll also be "Dramaqueens" together in 9th grade!!

Mollie Benson: Moldy is a great bud and she's fun to try on dresses with! We had so much fun on the way to soccer we didn't care about losing!

Heather Canterbury: The other Heather is fun to be around and is a great bud to have! We'll have fun together as freshmen!

Jessica Simpson: Jess is one of the nicest people I know! She's fun to be around and will make you laugh!

Whitney Reed: Whitney is just plain funny even if she is kind of a LOG! J/J!

Sydney Bonner: Syd and I have become better friends than we were last year espacially since we're the best bases Ms. Allen has! J/J! RESOURCE!!!

Christi DeLone: Christi is hyper just like me and when we do the Freaky Deaky we both start laughing so hard that the Freaky Deaky's just not "more easier" anymore!

Toni Register: Since we're by each other in the stag again we'll probably get in trouble again, but oh well! This years gonna be FUN!!

Sarah McKinnon: Sarah trys to think to hard sometimes, but one of us has to, so we can beat Robert!!! Valedictorian & salutatorian or maybe vice-versa!

Kim Blackmon: Kim cracks me up everytime I'm around her! Watching her turn red after her 20 birthdays is a hoot too!

Ashley Lyons: Ashley's sometimes kind of dense, but I llike her anyway. We gave her grief last year but this years going to be better!

Ali McFarland: Ali is so much fun to be around! She makes you smile b/c she's SO goofy!

That's all I can think of now and I'm kind of pressed for time! See ya!

~Heather E
