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Parent's Poem

Mothers, touch your children,
Fathers, hug them tight,
Let them know you love them
morning, noon, and night.

Put your arms around them,
hold them near to you,
Feel the beating of their hearts,
the life that you made new.

Roll around the floor with them,
tease and laugh and play,
Listen to what they'll tell you,
they have so much to say.

Take time to get to know them,
see the colors in their eyes,
Appreciate that person
that deep inside them lies.

Let them run their fingers through
your hair and down your face,
Fill their hearts with words of praise,
make home their favorite place.

Cuddle with them on the couch
and watch a t.v. show,
Sing with them or share a book
and help their world to grow.

Take a walk into the park,
hold each other's hand,
Smell the flowers, feed the ducks,
build castles in the sand.

Mothers, touch your children,
Fathers, hug them tight,
Show them what a gift they are,
to love them feels so right.

~Kathie Davis~

Ribbons of Hope

Every day, children are abducted from their homes.
Can you say "I won't help" to this child?

Some of these children are taken to foreign
countries, never to be seen again by their
legal custodial parent. Shown above is Nadia.
She is sweet, adorable...and missing in Syria.
To find out more about Nadia, please visit:

Nadia's Story

Will you write a letter for Nadia?
Will you spend just few minutes of your time
to help save this little girl?

Please ask the Syrian Ambassador
to the United States to send Nadia home.

You can send your letters to:

Embassy of the Syrian Arab Republic
Ambassador Walid Mualem
Wyoming Ave. N.W.
Washington, D.C. 20008

Call, fax or write and politely ask,

"Is Nadia coming home today?"

Syrian Ambassador phone 1-202-232-6313
Syrian Ambassador fax 1-202-797-1899

Please help save this little girl,
because there is no one else but you,
reading this, who can help!

On May 15, 1999, we stood on the
White House lawn and asked our President
to bring Nadia home. The President and
the First Lady were invited months
in advance. But, when we arrived,
there was no one home.
The President was "out". The First Lady
was out of the country at a conference for
foreign children, choosing not to hear the
plight of American children.
It was a peaceful gathering of the parents of
abducted children and their supporters;
magazine writers, television reporters,
newspaper journalists, and internet friends,
all saddened by our Leader's apathy.

In May 2000, once again, we gathered on the
White House lawn. This year it was different.
No, the President and First Lady didn't show up!
But, we have more and more support from our
government officials each day. Gov. Jeb Bush
is supporting our efforts to get a law passed in
the state of Florida.
It is called Vivian's Law and it will help
missing and abducted children to come home.
If we can get one state to pass this law,
we can get all the states to pass it,
in time. Several of our Governors have
contacted us because they are interested and want
to help. Can the children count on your support
as well?

Photo credit: SuzyWoo2

You can help, too, with your support
of the Ribbons of Hope Campaign.
Please wear pink, blue and yellow ribbons
from now through the end of May, 2001.
Display them on your car antennas, on your
lapel, or anywhere they will be noticed.
When people ask you (and they will)
what they stand for...
tell them about the
Ribbons of Hope Campaign
Candlelight Vigil 2001.

Please support the
Ribbons of Hope Campaign.

In May 2001 there will be
Candlelight Vigil
at twilight
on the White House lawn
in Washington, DC
to bring attention to missing and abducted children.
Please help us Bring the Children Home.

Visit this site often for updates.

Please visit the Knights of Kindness for more information.

Knights of Kindness

Or visit SuzyWoo2 for more information on the Candlelight Vigil at:

Candlelight Vigil~Washington, D.C.

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