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Australasian Society of Victimology
GPO Box 2296
South Australia 5001
The Australasian Society of Victimology (ASV) was established during the late 1980's. The Honorable Chris Sumner (President ASV, former President WSV), Commissioner of Police David Hunt (Chair), Ray Whitrod (former Executive Member of WSV) and Harold Weir (Education Consultant) were among the founding members.
Victimology Society of Bosnia and Herzegovina
Ulica Patriotskc ligc 30
Telephone: 071/663-947
Fax: 071/617-257
The Victimology Society of Bosnia and Herzegovina was established 11 February 1996.
Sociedade Brasiliera De Vitimologia
Rua Alberto de Campos 10
Bloco B - apto. 1901
Rio de Janeiro
The Brazilian Society of Victimology is the oldest national association of victimologists. It was founded as a reaction towards the newly acquired awareness of the massive victimizations and Human Rights violations in the Brazil of the past. It was the time in which consciencious Brazilian scientists and practitioners united to pay attention to the plight of victims which had been overlooked and not listened to during the previous periods of political governments.
The 'Sociedade Brasiliera de Vitimologia' (SBV) was founded in Rio de Janeiro, July 28, 1984, by inspiration of Israel Drapkin, a close friend of Ester Kosovski and other Brazilians. In October 27 to 31,1984 was the first Brazilian Congress of Victimology, in Londrina state of Parana, in Brazil where the first board was elected.
Hrvatsko Zrtvoslovno Drustvo
Croatian Society of Victimology (CSV)
Sveuciliste u Zagrebu
Pravni Fakultet
Trg. M. Tita 14
10000 Zagreb
The Croatian Society of Victimology was founded in 1989.
Due to the war conditions since 1991, the Croatian Society of Victimology (CSV) has been very much involved in studying war victims and human suffering in the war. Since 1992, the CSV has established the Centre for Genocide and War Victims which has been collecting data and edvidences on genocide and war victims and has established cooperation with the Expert Commission for War Crimes in Former Yugoslavia (ITCFY) by bringing victims and victim-witnesses to them as a source of information and evidence for their plight.
Greek Society of Victimology
3, Gladstonos Str.
10677 Athens
The Greek Society of Victimology was established in the year 1986. According to the organism of the society, its aims are: the investigation and the study of the role of the victim in the precen of the crime, b. g. the study of the role of the victim during the pre-crime period, the crime period and the after crime period. In addition to there the research is extende to the study of the relations between victim and criminal to the study of the victims personality (psychological, criminal, juridical) to the study of his environment (family, social, employments-professional) and to the study of the ways of his education, therapy and protection (juridicial, social, state), b) to the verification of the different categories of victims and especially of those persons who are or are to be victims in the near future and c) to help them to avoid to be victims.
An other aim of the society is to spread out and to extend the victimological rules and knowledge.
In Greece, victimology was established by Prof. Dr. Emanuel Andrianakis in the year 1972, he wrote the first book in victimology in this country (pages 192).
Polish Society of Victimology
Ulica Listopadowa 49 # 9
Fax [+48] 22 267 853
The Polish Society of Victimology was established in 1991 with the purpose of developing victimology, victim surveys and practical activity on behalf of victims as well as of bringing into general use the knowledge on subjects of interest of victimology, influence of crimes on victims and their families and the necessity of giving to them all possible kinds of assistance.
Japanese Association of Victimology (JAV)
c/o Keio University
Mita 2-15-45
108 Tokyo
The two main purposes of this association are to help raise the academic standards of victimology and coordinate joint research projects (especially current issues). The assumption of this association is that victimology is interdisciplinary, therefore all types of professional persons are welcome as members.
There are currently about 300 members in this organization. These are mostly academic persons with about 10-20 % in practice (lawyers, police, social workers, prosecutors and government employees). The association publishes the Japanese Journal of Victimology which has been operating for almost six years. It is published once every year. The association was founded on November 17, 1990 at the Keio University in Tokyo.
Indian Society of Victimology
A short list of its Activities and Publications
On 14th August 1992, many Social Scientists, Professors, Research Scholars, Students, and Criminal Justice Functionaries interested in cause of victims of crime met at the Department of criminology at the University of Madras in India as convened by Prof. Chockalingam and decided unanimously to start an organisation in the name of Indian Society of Victimology. Prof. K. Chockalingam was elected unanimously as President of the ISV. The ISV was formally inaugurated in a grand function by the illustrious Former Judge of Supreme Court of India Mr. V.R. Krishna Iyer on 18th September 1994. The messages of felicitations received from Prof. Hans Schneider, Prof. Gerd Kirchhoff, Prof. Irvin Waller, Mr. Chris Sumner, Prof. Matti Joutsen were presented at the inaugural function. ISV has a paid up membership of about 150 persons.


Centro de Difusión de la Victimología © - Dr. Federico Muraro / 1997 - 2002 - Buenos Aires - Argentina
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