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In this page, I'd like to say many things to my friends I didn't or I couldn't say it before.  To the friendship we have.  I dedicate this page to all My Special Friends.  I dediacate it also to the Friendship around the globe.

I just want to thank you for all you've done.  Thanks for all the lovely times we shared.  Thanks for being best friends and for being there when I need you.  Thanks for being there each and every day.

I know you will be there when I am down, when I need to feel the warmth and the kindness.  I know you will laugh when I will do and cry when I want to cry.  I know you will be with me through the bad times as well as the good ones.

I want to truly say that you are my friends, my mates which means so much to me.  I thank you dear for being there, You, My Friends.

My Lovely Class