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Tips and tricks for accordion

I wrote for the CADB's newspaper "Paroles d'Anches" several technical papers about the accordion. Most of the time it was about the diatonic accordion, but not only... You will find these items below. Don't fail to visit the CADB's website (Collective of diatonic accordionist from Brittany). Moreover, on my website, you will also find a FAQ and tablatures for DBA (Diatonic Button Accordion). And all that is free!            Bernard Loffet.

Diato & Chroma --- Basic rules for maintaining your accordion
Diato --- Make springs for your "Hohner 2915 - Pokerwork"... (pictures)
Diato --- Change a broken spring on your "Hohner 2915 - Pokerwork", Erica, Atlanta, Corso or Corona (pics)
Diato & Chroma --- Setting up the straps on your accordion (pictures)
Classified ads
Second hand instruments --- Second hand PA
Left hand strap adjustment system...
Bellows tape
Bellows protections
Reed valves - leathers
Repair parts
in my Ebay store

Tools for repair and accordion tuning

Read and enjoy these tips...
You can get inspiration from them,
thus contributing to the richness of the net ...
But be honest,
quote your sources!

Contrat Creative CommonsCette page (texte et images) de Bernard Loffet - est mis à disposition selon les termes de la licence Creative Commons Paternité - Pas d'Utilisation Commerciale - Pas de Modification 3.0 Unported.


E-mail --- Homepage


The tips presented on this page are free. I've written them about a specific type of accordion as a professional luthier. If you undertake work on your instrument, you do it under your own responsibility. I am not responsible for breakage or damage that you may commit. Be careful with your instrument and ask me if you have any doubts or problems...
Read and enjoy these tips... You can get inspiration from them, thus contributing to the richness of the net ... But be honest,  quote your sources!         Thanks.        Bernard Loffet

Also visit my FAQ (in French, but I'm working to the translation...)

Homepage --- Bernard Loffet --- B.Loffet's accordions --- FAQ --- My woodwind instruments repair shop --- Tablatures for diatonic accordion --- Second hand accordions --- Coups de coeur
Links --- Tips and tricks --- Sound extracts --- My CD "Moetur !" --- ARIV --- Location d'instruments --- Daniel Lafontaine --- Francis Gloton --- Michel Billard --- Grand bal de l'Europe --- St Chartier
Gama Cases --- Sonotrad --- Capstern --- L'Autre Distribution --- Tavarn ar Roué Morvan --- L'association musicale de Caudan --- L'amicale Laïque de Rédéné --- La Soulère


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