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Puppet Skit!

New Life New Beginnings

On stage: Charlie...(dad) & Janet...(mom)
Janet:(angrily) Now Charlie, I still don't understand why we are here instead of Church today.

Charlie: Now Jan, I told you the mayor will be here, the bank president will be here.
I just didn't want to be late.

Janet: Well, we're here early, really early, where are they anyway?

Charlie: Maybe they haven't arrived yet.

Janet: Charlie, if I have to miss church for another function like this, well I'll....

Charlie: (interrupting Janet) Honey, you hardly go more than once a month...

Janet: (interrupting Charlie angrily) But this is Easter, I never miss on Easter!

Charlie: Jan, look, I'm sorry but with this land development deal we have going,
I just wanted to look involved in the community. (Pauses and looks around)
Anyway Butch and his friend will have a great time. There is an Easter egg hunt
and wheel barrel races, a barbeque. And I'll get to make a good impression on the Mayor.

Janet:(Still angry) OK, but don't expect me to do much smiling today.

Charlie: (Being snippy) You'll smile alright. Just think about the money we'll
make off this land deal, that will make you smile.

Charlie: (Seth & Butch start getting wild pushing & shoving) Butch, you and Seth run
along and get a head start on the Easter egg hunt.

Butch: Ok dad.( They start walking but don't stop messing around pushing & shoving)

Charlie: Look honey, there is the mayor now. Lets go talk to him, make sure you smile!

Janet: Yeah right.

(They leave stage; Butch & Seth stay on and walk back and forth messing around.)
Butch: Seth, dude, I'm not too sure why we're even here today.

Seth: Doesn't your family usually go to church on Easter Sunday?

Butch: Yeah dude, usually we don't go to the park until later, after Church.

Seth: Well, we'll get more eggs than anybody this way, we'll surely win the Easter egg hunt.

Butch: Hey dude, there is one!!! (Seth runs over and picks it up)

Seth: I beat you to it! I beat you to it!

Butch: Your a cheat, I don't know if I'm bringing you next year dude.

Seth: Well you can get the next ..the next two eggs. OK man?

Butch: (sniffling loud) Hey, do you smell that?

(skunk peaks his head out of the corner)
Seth: (sniffing loud too) Well, it ain't me, maybe there is a rotten egg out here.

Butch: Look out Seth!! It's a skunk!! Don't move. Maybe he won't get scared.

Skunk: (comes all the way on stage) I'm not scared of you guys.
What are you kids doing out here anyway?

Seth: Butch, (surprised) man...this skunk talks...can'd he...

(skunk interrupts)
Skunk: Yeah, I can talk, and I want to know why you kids come out here every
spring and hunt these silly eggs. So tell me or I will spray you!!!!!

Butch: Well it has to do with new life you know man, like Jesus and stuff.

(Sally enters stage on the side)

Seth: Butch, here comes Sally, she's done with church.
(whispers) lets scare her with the skunk.(yells) Sally...over here...we're over here.

Sally: Hi Butch. Hi Seth. What are ya'll doing?
(she notices skunk and screams)Ahhhhhh.....a skunk!

Seth: Don't worry Sally. He won't spray us, we've been talking to him.

Sally: You've been talking to a skunk? Skunks can't talk....
(pauses and thinks hard looking to heaven) Well maybe sometimes.

Skunk: So Sally, maybe you can explain this Easter thing to me.
Why are you guys in my forest?

Sally: Well people have always celebrated spring, the planting season begins,
the earth is renewed, but one spring, Jesus was crucified.

Skunk: Who was Jesus?

Sally: Jesus is the son of God, actually he is God as man. He was crucified
and put in the earth but after 3 days he rose from the dead, just as he said he would.
All who believe in him can be born again. They can celebrate a new life and brand new beginning....
like the new grass and flowers. That's what Easter is really about.

Skunk: New Life, that's what the eggs are for then...

Seth: Hey, I didn't know all that!!

Butch: Me either, lets go back and tell my parents.

Sally: Yeah...maybe we can all go to church tonight and praise the Lord!!!

All in unison: Yeah, lets go. (leaving the stage quickly)

Skunk: (walking off stage) Maybe now I can get some peace and quiet around here!! (skunk leaves stage)

"New Life, New Beginings"
Copyright 1996 Chris Cullum.
Not to be sold or used for profit without writer's written approval!

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