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King Archos's Crystal Dragons Clan Home Page!

"Welcome to the Empire of The Crystal Dragons Clan!


As you wander through the dense woods, you finally push your way through a clump of bushes, to find yourself in a grassy clearing, before you stands an arch,it is carved out of a strange material and it reeks of mystery and adventure, as you stare at it, wondering what magnificent people could build a thing of such beauty, an engraving catches your eye. The language is one unknown, and even unheard of, to you. Yet the words somehow make sense despite their seeming strangeness.



Enter through the gate my son, come to seek and find, a world beyond imagining, beyond the human mind. Inside here dwell the Elvin, and the Dragons with the Dwarves, come to find adventures, or fight in the Dragon Wars!

Then you see a second inscription, one more forboding than the first...Welcome traveler, look at the arch you came to see, to cross to a world unknown to thee. Whence hast thou come, where dost thou go, don't enter the arch if you don't know.

Name to me your hearts desire, enter a world of magic and of fire, fight with Dragon, Elf, and Mage.

Or fight the evil and the rage! Enter the arch with a wish i say, but if you do...plan to stay!


Breathing deeply, you look at the arch and decide to take its advice. You enter, wishing for a world of magic and might of arms. Where knights and Dragons roam the land beside Elves and Vampires and all such things that are the stuff of legend. Cautiously, you place one foot through, then the other, and find yourself not on your own world.


The sun, which had been blocked out by the overhanging branches of the wood, now shines brightly in your eyes, blinding you for a moment, when your vision clears, a large Elf with a great serrated white broadsword slung over his shoulder looks you up and down, grinning from pointed ear to pointed ear.

"Another one eh?" he laughs, slightly amused at the confused look on your face. "I see I'd best explain, you walked through the Arch the gateway through which all of Crystal Dragondom entered after the mighty King Arthur fell, and Camelot turned to sorcery. The gate is protected against evil, so you might not be so bad after all. I'm almost sorry about that, its been a while since I last had any excitement. But I digress, you are in the Western Marches, the Capital Province of the Guernian Realm. Although you may know it as "Nowhere, Nothing, or Last of the Lost Realms." He looks at you, curious, curious as to your confusion. "I see these names mean nothing to you," he shrugs, "no matter, you will learn all in time." The large tanned Elf points off into the distance, and for the first time you realize that what you thought was a distant mountain, is actually a castle. "What manner of Kingdom is this, and what manner of King lives there..." You trail off when you see several shapes deep in the distance, flying towards your location at an incredible rate, with more flying behind them in intricate patterns. "That is the Palace of King Archos, ruler of all of Crystal Dragondom. Those Dragons will take you to him.." With a start you realize that those dragons must be at least 200 meters in length for them to be visible at such a distance.


Within minutes 3 shimmering Crystal Dragons, wearing some kind of black armor, stand in front of you, the largest, one of 250 meters in length, looks down at you and speaks in a different tongue, but again you understand without difficulty. "You have entered the King's Realm, and as is customary, thou wilt present thyself to him to state thy intentions. We wilt take thee to him." The enormous creatures voice is kind, but it brooks no argument, when he smiles, he reveals several rows of serrated white teeth, all of which are the size of an exceptionally large man. You climb atop the dragons back cautiously, and he takes off with you, while the Elf that greeted you stays to with the other two dragons to speak for a time. The air whips about your hair and in your face, filling you with an excitement you have never known. Until you see the Dragon City. The smallest of buildings would dwarf the tallest of towers in your own world, and the palace, which seems to rise out of the ground like a mountain, goes above the clouds and seems to have no end. The walls shimmer a bright azure and are bedecked with other jewels, in the sunlight it is a thousand fold more beautiful than the arch that brought you to this land. Down below, great Dragons of various sizes go about their business, the smallest of them are nigh to 10 feet in height, and as they see the courier they smile and wave in an exceptionally friendly manner. From somewhere, music wafts towards you, it is almost touchable and is pleasant, but both familiar and not familiar at the same time.


There is no gate to the palace, but a huge window of incredible size, your escort flies through it, and lands right in the throne room with grace that would not have been imagined in something so large. He helps you down on the ground with the palm of his massive talon. Before you is a throne the size of a large house and carved out of a polished mahogany and bedecked with ivory, jewels, and marble, atop this magnificent throne, sits a dragon over 300 meters in bulk, wearing but a single jeweled necklace. It is gold and silver intertwined mounted on a black scale from some other creature, and with alternating gems and precious stones, in the center is a massive diamond, and in the center of this diamond, there are five gems, a Sapphire, a Ruby, an Emerald, a Bloodstone, and a Turquoise, all surrounding a single shimmering pearl half black, half pure white, save the center of it, which is seems to shift about as though a fog were caught in it. You are brought out of your daze by a loud voice as the King greets you.(94.1K)


"I say, awaken from thy daze." Tis not considered impolite to speak you know?" The huge Crystal Dragon grins at down at you, his voice slightly amused and his eyes alight with humor and mischief. "Pardon me majesty, I was so enamored with that odd amulet of yours that, well anyway, my apologies." The huge Dragon brushes the apology aside with his talon. "No need, thou art not the first to be fascinated with it. Now, I hath brought thee here simply out of courtesy, there is no need for thee to stay if thou dost not wish it, feel free to travel to anywhere thou art wont to go. All is here for thee to partake of, but remember this, if given something, give something in return e'en if tis only thy gratitude. And harm none of my subjects, or thou wilt face me in combat personally and to face one of the only living Godslayers is not a pleasant undertaking. I'm sure that warning wast unneeded, but it must be given, but here, take this. Twill allow thee access to anywhere in my kingdom." He hands you a diamond pendant of inestimable wealth, when you put it on, you change into a Gold Dragon, and as you soar back out the window on wings of your own, cries of well wishing and farewell reach you from the hall, and music begins to play....


*A scroll appears in your hand as you fly onward, it is nothing but a list of locations throughout the Empire to visit, and a single line of instructions* Touch the names upon the scroll to reach thy wish.

The Man behind the Dragon

An Excert from the Crystal Dragon Saga

Purchase Movies

The King's Kill List

The Allies of the Empire

King Archos's Basic Stats

The Code & Way of the Empire

The Orders of the Empire

In Memory Of....

Awards I have Won for my Page

Links Page

The Justice of the Empire

The Domain of the Empire

The Empire's Goods

Shay Shrine

The Letter Archive

The Terms of Protectorate Status

The Magic Book

The Rise & Fall of Darkforce

The Method for Advancement

The History of the CDC Empire

The Censorate

The Amulets*not done*

The Armory

My Archos Shrines

The Masterbard's Library

The Tomes of Dishonor

The Hall of Heroes

Joining the Empire

note: if you wish to leave an image on my page, make it a private message.


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