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Center Of The Ozarks

a New Thought Center located at
#83 Pangle Lane, Highway 235 Southwest,
Yellville, AR 72687
Sponsored by: Bill V. Pangle.
Mailing Address: PO Box 976, Yellville, AR 72687
Ph.# 870-449-4919

My name is Bill V. Pangle, and I am providing Metaphysical services as
(Copyright © 2003 Bill V. Pangle, All Rights Reserved.)

"What services?," you may ask...

Let me explain it this way: After I learn how to create, edit and update this website, I will offer to LEND Albums of audio-cassette recordings of Lessons in the "New Thought" philosophy. to those who request them.

Over a period of many years, I have accumlated a very large personal Library of Audio-cassette recordings.


These recordings are by outstanding present-day teachers in the New Thought field, as well as other great teachers from the past.

I will be lending Audio Cassette Albums to people who have access to the United States Postal Services, within the United States, and who may wish to subscribe to this service.

(I regret that at the present time, I am not prepared
to lend them to residents of other countries.)

If you subscribe to this service, I will mail these Audio Cassette Albums to you through the U.S. Postal System as Media Mail. I will use Trans-Sac Mailing bags. When I mail the package to you, the shipping tag will be addressed to you, with postage paid by me. When you are ready to return the Cassette Album and supplementary material to me, you will simply reverse the shipping tag, and on the reverse side, it will be addressed to me, and have the proper amount of postage on it.

In the past, I have placed classified advertising in nationally circulated magazines in which I have said: "Metaphysical lessons on Cassettes. Almost Free!"

Here's what I mean by the phrase "Almost Free": I will pay the postage for both outgoing and return mail; however, in order for me to continue the program for any significant period of time,
it will be necessary that the subscribers reimburse me for these mailing costs. Any compensation to me, beyond reimbursement for these mailing expenses, will come from voluntary "Free Will Offerings" from the subscriber.

I have chosen to rely completely on the "Law of Giving and Receiving" for any compensation to me beyond these mailing costs.

I suggest that anyone who uses these Cassette Lessons in Applied Science of Mind can benefit from an examination of the "Law of Giving and Receiving", the Laws of Prosperity, and how "Free Will Offerings" can be an ingredient in the practice of "tithing".

For an excellent exposition of the concepts involved in spiritually sound giving you may benefit from reading what Brad Jensen has written on


I acknowledge with gratitude my use of ideas borrowed from various people on the internet, including Brad Jensen, Rev. Carole Barnett-Stopper at Center Eaton Institute for New Thought, and Joyce Smith at Religion and Faith Forum, as well as many others (now and in the future!).

I will go into greater detail concerning these matters after I have learned more about how to edit my webpage. As I learn more about what I am doing, I am making changes in the appearance of the website quite frequently.

If you like this website and the service that I am offering, you may choose to recommend it to a friend. If you choose to do so, you may simply go to the website address above, highlight the web address, copy it, then when you leave this website, and with access to your email service, paste it into an email that you send to your friend in the normal manner.

a few
(awaiting construction)

What We Believe by Ernest Holmes


(awaiting construction)

I will be pleased to send you a Free Introductory Cassette via U.S. Mail if you will click on my email address below and send me a message asking for it and giving me your Name and Postal mailing address.

Along with your request, OR EVEN IF YOU DO NOT CHOOSE TO ASK FOR THE INTRODUCTORY CASSETTE, I will appreciate it if you will send me an email to tell me how you happened to visit this website.
Did you find it by use of a search engine?
Did someone send you an email telling you about it?
Did a friend tell you about it?
Or were you just surfing the web?

Thank you for your cooperation!

As you leave, you may click on the Daily Motivator website shown below for the complete
"Thought for the Day".

Thank you for visiting! Bill

Angelfire Rules!
