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The Wild World Of NKOTB


Welcome to my world of the New Kids. These fab five guys from BeanTown are

some of the most influential musicians in my life. Each Kid has a personality and

love of his own. Since their split, the guys may bave went thier seperate ways but

all in all they have continued to be friends to each other, and their music has been

a friend to me as well.




These fab five guys from Boston have ruled my world for quite sometime, well since 1988. When Joe McIntyre's golden vocals poured their heart out over the radio waves singing "Please Don't Go Girl." My heart went to my stomach, these guys were hot! The problem, none, I was only 8 at the time. I was a young fan but these guys were awesome. They had style charisma, and boy could they dance!!

Take a good look at these guys, can u

honestly tell me they arent hot?

I mean HELLO??? From Joe's

baby blues, to Jordan's chocolate brown

puppy dawg eyes these guys are all some


As Time allows I will be adding a page for each member. But as with all pages on the net, this is in under severe construction!!!


A few Links to the pages of the New kids!! KnightOfMylife--an excellent source of New Kidz Vitamins..hehe, no really Its an awesome page about the old and the new. Thanx for the pics as well Tracy. THE WONDERFUL WORLD OF NKOTB, Jen has a hella amount of info on the guys and pics gallore, thanx for the pix as well. Joe's official site!! Jordan's official site!! Keep Keepin On, the official Fan website of the NewKids



Jon's Page--> Joe's Page-->