A profile of Nicolas Anelka

Squad Number: 9
Position: Striker
Height/weight: 6ft/13st 1lb
Born: Versailles(France), 14 March 1979
Previous clubs: PSG
First apperance: League(sub) vs Chelsea(a), 5 April 1997
Singed when he was just 17 to the outrage of Paris Saint Germain. They, like Wenger, saw the huge poetential of Anelka. They had to let him go though because his contract was due to run out.
Nicolas is now our first choice partner for Dennis Bergkamp up front, due to the departure of Wrighty, and has shown on many occasions what a talent he promises to be.
France and Arsenal team mate Petit recently described him as "in Ronaldo's class". This is definatly true, he has fantastic pace, probably in the top five for speed in the Premiership, and has come back after the close season with the build of a boxer. His strength was futhur underlined on Charity shield day, where he out paced and brushed off Japp Stam with the simplest of ease on many occasions.
Need's to learn not to stray off side quite so often, and has not shown great finishing abilities, yet. But, he is still extremly young and I feel both of these weak points will dissapear with time, making him one of the best strikers in the world.
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