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Dinah was a stray that came to my door one day in September, 1994. Begging and pleading allowed me to keep him. It didn't take me long to fall in love. His charming personality could put anyone under trance. He was the best lap-warmer I ever had!

His coat was short, black and shimmery. He got along well with everyone, although our other male cat, Precious, did not take an immediate liking to him. Of course, Precious never took immediate liking to anyone!

You can imagine how sad I was when I heard he had crossed over the Rainbow Bridge. After three days of not seeing Dinah, I has begun to wonder where he was. Under the tree in the backyard, is where he was. He had been hit by a car.

I was very, very depressed for days, and still miss him to this day. Sometimes, I go out to the tree and talk to it. I like to think Dinah can hear me. I'll probably never forget him. He has woven a special place in my heart.

Thank you so much Diane