Leadership, & Personality Development

1.       21st Century Skills: Learning for Life in Our Times

This important resource introduces a framework for 21st Century learning that maps out the skills needed to survive and thrive in a complex and connected world. 21st Century content includes the basic core subjects of reading, writing, and arithmetic-but also emphasizes global awareness, financial/economic literacy, and health issues. The skills fall into three categories: learning and innovations skills; digital literacy skills; and life and career skills. This book is filled with vignettes, international examples, and classroom samples that help illustrate the framework and provide an exciting view of twenty-first century teaching and learning.

·                  Explores the three main categories of 21st Century Skills: learning and innovations skills; digital literacy skills; and life and career skills

·                  Addresses timely issues such as the rapid advance of technology and increased economic competition

·                  Based on a framework developed by the Partnership for 21st Century Skills

This e-book contains 243 pages


2.     An introduction to critical thinking and creativity

what do we mean by good thinking skills? Basically, it comes down to two things—critical thinking and creativity. Critical thinking is thinking clearly and rationally. It involves thinking  precisely and systematically, and following the rules of logic and scientific reasoning, among other things. As for creativity, it is a matter of coming up with new and useful ideas, generating alternative possibilities. This book is about these two sets of thinking skills, but at this point, you might ask, Which is more important, critical thinking or creativity? The short answer is that they are equally important. We need creativity to come up with ideas to solve problems, but we also need critical thinking to evaluate and improve these ideas. They complement each other, and we need both to survive and to prosper. In this book we shall discuss critical thinking first, and come back to creativity near the end. As we shall see, there is a lot more we can say systematically about critical thinking. A critical thinker is someone who is able to do the following:

 • Understand the logical connections between ideas.

• Formulate ideas succinctly and precisely.

• Identify, construct, and evaluate arguments.

• Evaluate the pros and cons of a decision.

• Evaluate the evidence for and against a hypothesis.

• Detect inconsistencies and common mistakes in reasoning.

• Analyze problems systematically.

• Identify the relevance and importance of ideas.

• Justify one's beliefs and values.

• Reflect and evaluate one's thinking skills.

This e-book contains 274 pages.


3.       Anger Management For Dummies

Anger Management For Dummies is not one of those 12-step books where you have to read (and follow the advice) of Step 1 before you can proceed to Step 2, and so on. It’s a resource book  containing all the information I have at my disposal after four decades of combined clinical practice and scientific research on anger management. You don’t have to start with Chapter 1 and read straight through to the end of the book. You can look at the Table of Contents, find something that interests you, and start there. You may want to focus on the area in which you’re having the most trouble controlling your temper — at work, for example. Or you may want to head straight for a chap- ter on managing stress (one of the most common causes of anger). I’m not even going to suggest that you read the whole book — that’s up to you. Be like my bassett hounds and go where your nose (or in this case, your eyes!) lead you. Trust me, you’ll get where you need to be.

This e-book contains 385 pages.


4.       Are You Good Enough: 15 Ways to Build a Confident Mindset

Following the success of Drop the Pink Elephant, Bill McFarlan and leading psychiatrist Dr Alex Yellowlees from The Priory, offer explanations about what affects confidence and practical advice to build confidence to become a happy, well-rounded individual. Whether you are leading a high powered corporate lifestyle, at home raising a family, studying at university or unemployed Are You Good Enough? will help to create confidence and boost it so that you reach your goals, banish low self- esteem and eliminate self-doubt, explained in terms that all can understand.

Imagine being able to replace negatives with positives, having clarity and being able to pay and accept compliments with sincerity. Think about how good it would be to be direct with your manager about being overworked on your project and not being able to make a deadline without feeling anxiety and stress. Gain knowledge in pruning friendships from unhealthy “all take” and “no give “ to healthy balanced friendships. Learn how to boost your own confidence and pass your awareness of self-esteem onto your children, encouraging them to thrive and be confident adults. It is not possible to alter the past and your own set of circumstances that had detrimental consequences on your mindset but it is within your grasp to learn how to change your attitude and outlook to become that contented, confident person you would like to be. Let Are You Good Enough? based on real life experiences, triumphs and tragedies and solutions to deep-seated problems, show you how. This e-book contains 202 pages


5.       Brilliant Interview: What Employers Want to Hear and How to Say It

Congratulations- you’ve got the interview. Now how will you get the job? Brilliant Interview will equip you with all the insights and practice you need to be the most successful interviewee around Most people will have to do a job interview at some point in their lives. Interviews can be nerve-racking and it’s really easy to make mistakes. However, your performance can have a huge impact on your career so it’s vital that you get your interview technique right. Brilliant Interviewwill show you how to present yourself as the best candidate, with plenty of tips and advice from the experts to tell you what they want to see and what impresses them the most. This new edition has been completely revised and updated throughout. New material now includes: *- A new section for graduates going to their first interview. *- New information on perceptions of piercings and body art plus more detailed advice on handshakes. *- More information on body language in interviews *- More up-to-date advice on telephone interviews. This e-book contains 217 pages.


6.       Building Team Power: How to Unleash the Collaborative Genius of Teams

Building Team Power is a hands-on, how-to book. It is a roll-up-your-sleeves-and-get-your-hands-dirty book. It is applications oriented all the way. Don’t look for complex psychological, sociological or academic group theory models here. You won’t find any. Building Team Power extends and expands the reach of my well-received Mining Group Gold book. This one digs into the crucial behaviors you need to understand and practice to be a collaborative leader. It takes you into the “how-tos” for building collaborative partnerships and facilitating teamwork within your own work group, across work groups, or in task forces, committees, problem-solving teams, executive councils, and the like. It is one thing to say, “We need more and better collaboration around here;” it is another thing to do it. This book fills a void because it shows you how to do it in terms you can understand, with skills you can actually put into practice! Skill improvement in building and facilitating collaborative partnerships and teamwork is what this book teaches. After reading Building Team Power, you will, I hope, pick out a few collaborative leadership actions and get started by saying: “Hey, I can give these a try because I understand what I am supposed to do. Kayser’s book taught me something.” This e-book contains 305 pages


7.       Career – Personal – Development

Subjects covered:

1) Careers in Banking and financial Sector: This section deals with preparation for careers in financial sector;

2) Coaching and mentoring : The difference between coaching and mentoring;

3) Demystifying Case Interviews: Preparing candidates for case interviews;

4) Effective Communication Skills : Covers the essentials and hidden secret of how being to communicate with ease to achieve one’s purpose;

5) Emotional Intelligence: covers how, by understanding your emotions and of others, can take your leadership and management skills to next level;

6) Graduate Employment :333 tips  for finding your first job as a graduate;

7) Net-working  - a professional discipline : Here you will be introduced to people who have made giant leaps within their professions thanks to their powerful networks;

8)  Perfect presentations: How you can master the art of successful presenting;

9) Personal Confidence and Motivation: Here you’ll understand how to build your own self-confidence levels and how to generate confidence in an instant;

10) Successful Time Management: In this section, you’ll learn skills and techniques to prioritise your works, how to avoid time wasting events and how to communicate exactly what you want and what you don’t want;

11) Working Abroad: This section provides you with information on handling the myriad details and help you to prepare you for the journey.

This e-book contains 773 pages


8.       Career Discovery Encyclopedia   

The eight-volume Career Discovery Encyclopedia helps younger readers to begin learning and thinking today about their future careers. Fully revised and in its seventh edition, the encyclopedia contains more information and features to help students in the career exploration process. The career articles in this revised edition of the Career Discovery Encyclopedia contain several features that can help students match their interests to possible career paths. This  e-book contains 1586 pages


9.       Critical Thinking for Helping Professionals: A Skills-Based Workbook

Critical thinking values, knowledge, and skills are integral to evidence-based practice in the helping professions. Practitioners must be able to think clearly, on a daily basis, about decisions that may change their clients’ lives. Critical Thinking for Helping Professionals, 3rd Edition, is designed to engage readers as active participants in honing their critical thinking skills, mastering a coherent decision-making process, and integrating the evidence-based practice process into their work with clients. In this interactive skills-based workbook, 37 hands-on exercises offer rich opportunities for students in professional education programs to learn how to make informed decisions. Unique material exploring the use of propaganda in advertising and discussing the research on judgment and problem solving highlight the connection between critical thinking and evidence-based practice. For students in social work, nursing, counseling, and psychology, this new edition of a unique workbook is a fun and thought-provoking way to sharpen and maximize their decision-making skills so that they can provide their clients with the best care possible.

* Fun, interactive exercises emphasize learning by doing

* Integrates research and practice, practice and policy, and critical thinking and evidence-based practice

* Helps readers to recognize how to recognize propaganda, avoid pitfalls in decision making, critically appraise research, and improve their practice

* Ideal for graduate and undergraduate courses in research and practice

This  e-book contains 425 pages


10.  Comprehensive Stress Management 

James Chang is the founder and president of Ivy Consultants, Inc. He has extensive experience implementing Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP)–enabled business solutions and process-centric integration solutions for Fortune 500 companies. Mr. Chang has written several articles on BPM and EAI. He graduated cum laude with a Bachelor of Science degree in operations research and industrial engineering from Cornell University. This e-book contains 303 pages


11.  Develop Your Leadership Skills: Develop Yourself as a Leader

Develop Your Leadership Skills is John Adair’s most accessible title on leadership. Full of exercises and checklists, it can help boost confidence levels and guide and inspire anyone on their journey to becoming a leader of excellence.  Acknowledged as a world expert, John Adair offers stimulating insights into recognizing and developing individual leadership qualities, acquiring personal authority, and mastering core leadership functions such as planning, communicating and motivating.

Suitable for anyone who wishes to improve or develop their leadership skills, this guide distils the essence of John Adair’s teaching and provides a framework for becoming an effective leader. This e-book contains 89 pages


12.  Developing Successful Leadership

Research has shown that school leadership is second only to classroom teaching in its effect on pupil learning. As the demands on management teams become ever more complex, this volume offers a fresh and expansive view on the challenges to be met in developing a leadership career. With contributions from some of the most accomplished commentators on school leadership and management from around the world, this book moves away from the simple ‘how to’ of becoming a principal, focusing instead on the wider issues of becoming a successful leader. The central aim has been to assemble powerful statements from international authorities that encapsulate leading-edge thinking on a group of interconnected themes based on the notion of developing successful leadership in, and beyond, schools. In so doing the text examines strategies for existing leaders developing their full capacity as well as enhancing the skills of those new to, or aspiring to, a leadership role. The chapters contributed by a carefully selected group of leading educationalists present insights on a number of central themes, including: developing new skill sets in leadership, the ethical and moral dimensions of leading an organisation, Leadership for instructional and pedagogical success, developing leadership capacity and capability through strategic activity. Rather than taking a technical approach of how to undertake the managerial or administrative tasks, the authors seek instead to develop critical leadership perspectives and skills, with chapters on vitally important topics such as strategies for maximizing the potential of the leadership team as a whole. They draw not only upon the literature in the field of educational leadership but also a wider literature in the field of business and management. This diversity of perspective ensures this book’s appeal to a broad international readership. This e-book contains 220 pages


13.  Find a Job Through Social Networking: Use LinkedIn, Twitter, Facebook, Blogs

Millions of people have embraced online networking sites like Facebook, LinkedIn, and Twitter, but too few understand how much influence these sites can have in accelerating their job search and career. This timely book unveils the reality that online networking is more than a fun way to pass time. It’s a career management strategy that is rapidly changing the way job seekers and employers connect in the world of work. With this guide, readers will discover how to launch their online networking efforts and will gain advice for getting the most out of LinkedIn, Twitter, blogs and other sites. They’ll also learn how to find jobs, seek advice, research employers, build a network, and create online portfolios and blogs. Additional guidance and worksheets help readers develop and communicate their personal brand online. This e-book contains 273 pages



Tired of not getting what you want? In How to Get What You Want…Without Having to Ask, best-selling author Richard Templar brings his inimitable originality, imagination, wisdom, and straight talk to the challenges of negotiation, persuasion, and influence. You’ll find 100 clever, simple, pain-free ways to get people to happily say “yes” to you… practical principles and strategies covering a wide range of work and life situations. Discover how to get what you want without saying a word… and, for those rare occasions when you have to ask, find the techniques and words that get the job done. This e-book contains 221 pages.



15.  How to Make People Like You in 90 Seconds or Less

For many entrepreneurs there is a mystique about finance -starting, growing and selling new ventures is tough enough. Yet with some focused financial knowledge you can run your company with less cash, grow it more quickly and make more money when it is sold. This book makes the dry world of finance easy to understand and relevant to entrepreneurs. This e-book contains 221 pages


16.  How to Programme your Mind for Wealth

The basic psychological principle this book will teach you in this 30-day course is that small amounts of highly focused conscious attention can change anything in your life. You are only asked to devote ten minutes of your day to these lessons, but these ten minutes will make a remarkable change in your consciousness and your life. In order to get the most out of this daily ritual, there are a few simple things that you must do everyday. This e-book contains 69 pages


17.        Leadership Principles for Project Success

This book is about project success and the secret to achieving this success, effective project leadership. Filled with samples, templates, and guidelines, it covers the five principles of effective project leadership: building vision, nurturing collaboration, promoting performance, cultivating learning, and ensuring results. Using nontechnical language, this practical guide explains how to integrate these principles into daily work to help you effectively set up, manage, and align your projects for success.

Praise for: 

… a great leadership book with five sound leadership principles. … any project manager or leader would benefit from this book. … filled with common sense suggestions on how to start new projects using the five principles and what to do to bring troubled projects back into alignment.
—Patrick S. Durkin, Retired U.S. Army Lieutenant Colonel in PM World Today, December 2010, Vol. XII, Issue XII

I love this book. … fun and interesting to read …on my short list of recommended readings and references for an effective leader’s toolbox.
—Neal Whitten, PMP, Best Selling Project Management Author

… a great resource for not only projects, but for success in life in general.
—Lee Cockerell, Former Executive V.P., Walt Disney World Resort

… an essential step-by-step reference for the professional project manager.
—Robert Urwiler, CIO, Vail Resorts Inc.

Thomas Juli has drawn on his substantial experience in project management to show the way to success.
—Murray Weidenbaum, Former Chairman of the Council of Economic Advisers under President Ronald Reagan

 … contains many helpful suggestions for creating ‘Wow Projects’: i.e. projects that surprise and delight their clients.
—Stephen Denning, Author of The Leader’s Guide to Radical Management and The Secret Language of Leadership

… provides an excellent range of tools and advice to elevate your project role from manager to leader.
—Peter Taylor, Accomplished Leader, Professional Speaker, and Author of The Lazy Project Manager

… provides the reader with solid leadership concepts that are supported with a clear understanding of how to apply them specifically in the project environment.
—Michael O’Brochta, PMP, President, Zozer, Inc., Former Senior Project Manager at the CIA, Thought Leader, Author, Lecturer, and Trainer

 … practical examples and templates enhance the quality of this exceptional book.
—Ginger Levin, Ph.D., PMP, PgMP, Project Management Consultant, and Lecturer, University of Wisconsin-Platteville

This e-book contains 279 pages.


18.           Leading with Emotional Intelligence:Hands-On Strategies

·                  Everyone agrees that Emotional Intelligence (EI) plays a key role in overall success. But when it comes to putting theory into practice, EI consultant Reldan Nadler, Psy.D., has written the only book on the subject that shows you step-by-step how to:

·                  INCREASE CONFIDENCE

·                  IMPROVE TEAMWORK

·                  ENHANCE COMMUNICATION


·                  PROTECT YOUR IQ WITH EI

·                  The more than 100 cutting-edge tools and strategies presented here are used by the most effective leaders in the world. This complete, hands-on action plan has worksheets, exercises, self-quizzes, and much more to show how great leaders put Emotional Intelligence to work.

·                  “One of the most practical and useful books on the topic that I’ve seen.” — David B. Peterson, Ph.D., Senior Vice President, Personnel Decisions International, author of Leader as Coach and Development First

·                  “The perfect field guide for leaders who hope to improve their Emotional Intelligence and increase employee engagement, performance, and retention in the process. It is user-friendly and filled with practical tips and tools.” — Sharon Jordan-Evans, co-author of Love ‘Em or Lose ‘Em: Getting Good People to Stay

·                  “Provides detailed and easy-to-use practices to make you and your leaders superstars. One of the most valuable leadership books available!” — Jeffrey E. Aurbach, Ph.D., President, College of Executive Coaching

·                  “Open to any page, and you will find a key lesson in leadership.” — Sylvia K. Leduc, M.Ed., MPEC, leadership specialist

·                  “Provides the kind of real-world guidance that is so often missing from leadership books. The tools and techniques are immediately applicable.” — Nick Rothenberg, OD consultant and owner, 2Be, LLC

·                  First introduced 15 years ago, Emotional Intelligence (EI) has been recognized as a far better indicator of success in the workplace than IQ is. But how do you apply the principles of EI in the real world? This book shows you how.

·                  Written by Dr. Reldan Nadler–one of the top corporate experts in EI leadership–this hands-on guide uses case scenarios and step-by-step strategies to provide all the answers you need:

·                  How do I increase my confidenceand EI to become a star player?

·                  How can I become more effective as a leader?

·                  How do I develop my people to become our next leaders?

·                  How can I communicate decisions to become more successful?

·                  What can I do at my next team meeting to improve morale and performance?

·                  Filled with more than 100 EI tools and techniques, Dr. Nadler’s proven program is a must-have resource for CEOs, executives, managers, and team leaders. Organized by key topics–communication, collaboration, confidence, self-control, and developing others–this book offers invaluable quick-reference tips, as well as detailed checklists, worksheets, and action plans. In addition, you’ll find fascinating frontline reports of leadership in action: Warren Buffett’s vision and leadership of powerful CEOs, Jeff Immelt’s staying power at GE, Pete Carroll’s optimism at USC, and Meg Whitman’s commitment to service at eBay.

This is how successful people put their emotional skills to work. This is how you increase confidence, teamwork, and performance. This is Leading with Emotional Intelligence.

This e-book contains 368 pages.


19.  Learn Strategies for Your Success & Excel in Competitions

This e-book explains how to think strategically, thereafter makes a study on strategy; further it deals in depth with: strategic marketing, strategic management, strategic financial management, operations in strategy and finally corporate valuation and takeover. Thinking strategically requires research, analysis, and forethought in order to create a plan for how you will proceed in this competitive field to excel all others to achieve success. In this text-book, you will receive an insight into strategic thinking and planning process: what it does take to formulate strategies and how strategic thinking differs from normal thinking. The process of crafting and implementing an organizational ‘game plan’ for: creating customer value, sustaining competitive advantage and achieving performance targets. This e-book also deals in detail about six Ps in thinking strategically viz: Plan, Ploy, Pattern, Position, Purpose and Push. This e-book contains 800 pages.


20.       Making Sense of People: Decoding the Mysteries of Personality

Leading neuroscientist Samuel Barondes shares scientific frameworks and tools for improving your intuitions about people, and sizing them up more consciously, systematically, and successfully. He shows how to use the latest research about personality and character to get along better, choose great friends, decide whom to trust, and avoid narcissists and sociopaths.

 Kirkus Reviews

A succinct look at personality psychology.   As a psychiatrist and neuroscientist at the University of California, Barondes (Molecules and Mental Illness, 2007, etc.) has spent years studying human behavior, and this book reflects his systematic, scientific approach for personality assessment. The average person isn’t likely to have time to research a difficult boss or potential love interest, but the author supplements intuition with a useful cornerstone for gauging human behavior: a table of the “Big Five” personality traits, among them Extraversion vs. Introversion and Agreeableness vs. Antagonism. To learn how to apply the Big Five, Barondes supplies a link for a professional online personality test, in addition to a basic introduction of troubling personality patterns—e.g., narcissism and compulsiveness. While genetics may play a heavy hand in influencing personality, Barondes writes, it’s awareness of a person’s background, character and life story that is paramount in unearthing reasons for adult behavior. Readers might like to see the author weave more everyday examples into the text—his exercise in fostering compassion by imagining an adult as a 10-year-old child is a gem—but there is plenty here to ponder. Those looking for traditional “self-help” advice won’t find it here, but this book clearly lays the groundwork for deeper human interaction and better life relationships.

This e-book contains 241 pages


21.       Public Speaking Success in 20 Minutes a Day

This book will help you increase your skills as a public speaker. Over the course of the next 20 lessons, you will learn how to be a good listener, analyze your audience, do research, organize your thoughts and notes, prepare an outline, and craft a memorable speech. You will also learn how to use stage fright to your advantage, how to control the audience’s responses, how to use visual aids, how to use language, and much more! Use the lined pages in the back of the book to take important notes as you make your way through the lessons. Each lesson also presents exercises that will help you hone what you’ve learned, one step at a time. The final lesson presents the texts of several famous speeches so that you can read for yourself how to craft a great speech. All types of speeches are covered: speeches to persuade, to demonstrate, to inform, and to honor special occasions. With this book, some practice, and just 20 minutes a day, you can become a skillful public speaker! This  e-book contains 90 pages


22.  Social and personality Development

The success of this best-selling text lies in the author’s belief that a good text talks with, rather than at, its readers. The author does an extraordinary job of anticipating students’ interests, questions, and concerns while treating them as active participants in the process of learning about social and personality development. This edition of SOCIAL AND PERSONALITY DEVELOPMENT features clearly written, current coverage of social and personality development that aids students in discovering the causes, processes, and complexities that underlie developmental change. Students learn why biological and environmental factors, contextual factors such as cross-cultural, familial, neighborhood, school, and peer-group influences cause change in children. He also explores the approaches that researchers use to test their theories and answer important questions about developing children and adolescents. This book’s effective coverage of field research stands out from other texts not only for its accuracy and currency, but because the author consistently juxtaposes classic research with the latest breakthroughs in a way that helps students appreciate how knowledge builds on earlier findings. This edition features a much stronger emphasis on cultural influences on development. This e-book contains 622 pages


23.       The leadership brain for dummies

Discover how scientific knowledge of the brain can make you a better leader

Based upon the latest breakthroughs in neuroscience and advances in brain-based education, Leadership Brain For Dummies gives you the edge to influence, lead, and transform any team or organization. Drawing concrete connections between the growing scientific knowledge of the brain and leadership, this book gives you the skills to assess your strengths and weaknesses as a leader, adopt a style of leadership that suits your characteristics, determine the learning styles of individual employees, and conduct training sessions that can physically change brains. This e-book contains 363 pages.


24.       The Leadership Challenge, 4th Edition

 consider Leadership Challenge by Jim Kouzes and Barry Posner to be the best research-based book ever written in the field of leadership. What I love about this book is that it is actually written for its readers Let’s face it–very few readers of business books are CEO’s of multi-billion corporations. Yet many business books follow the same over-used formula–interviewing CEOs–talking about what they are doing so well–and suggesting that you do the same thing. Leadership Challenge is based upon learnings from leaders at all levels–and shows how “regular people” can make a huge, positive difference in their organizations. It is written in a way that can help executives, mid-managers, first-line supervisors, project leaders–and even individual contributors–better understand how they can lead–and be able to immediately apply what they have learned in their work.  My favorite movie is The Wizard of Oz. Three of the movie’s main characters are seekers: the scarecrow–who is searching for a brain–or wisdom, the tin man–who is searching for a heart–or compassion, and the lion–who is searching for the nerve–or courage. Leadership Challenge helps its readers, who are also seekers, find all three. It shows how real leaders can demonstrate the wisdom–needed to build a vision and show the way, the courage–needed to the challenge the system and do what is right, and the compassion–needed to care for and inspire others. Although my Ph.D. is in Organizational Behavior, my undergraduate background is in mathematics. I respect people who gather real facts and don’t just “shoot from the hip.” Jim and Barry have developed the “Leadership Practices Inventory”–which is possibly the world’s most widely-respected tool for 360° leadership feedback. They have thoroughly reviewed input from tens of thousands of respondents and used this data to form sound conclusions about what works–and what doesn’t work–in terms of leadership behavior.

My recent book, What Got You Here Won’t Get You There, talks about why it can be so challenging for successful people to make the changes that they need to “go to the next level.” Jim and Barry have not fallen into the classic “successful author’s trap.” Given the tremendous success of the first edition of Leadership Challenge, they could have easily thought, “Why change this? It is a huge winner!” Instead they have put in countless hours to make each new edition of this classic better than the previous editions. They have worked to incorporate both what they have learned, through their ongoing research–and what they have observed, through their observations of the changing world of work–to make this edition the best–and most relevant–for today’s readers. My final comment for you as a reader: don’t just learn from this book–do something with what you learn. This is a practical guide that can help you lead in a way that makes your organization a better place. Take advantage of this opportunity to make a positive difference in your own life–and in the lives of the people that you lead. This e-book contains 416 pages.


25.  Win at Work!: The Everybody Wins pproach to Conflict Resolution

After years of seeing clients struggling and their businesses suffering with destructive conflicts, Diane Katz developed The Working Circle, a step-by-step process that helps everyone in business resolve conflict in a non-confrontational, creative, collaborative way. Win at Work! provides you with a no-nonsense guide based on real-life examples of people at pivotal points in their careers. Filled with practical wisdom, it reveals how you can move around the roadblocks that, if left unattanded, can stop you in your tracks. Win at Work! also helps those of us who are uncomfortable with conflict, giving them tools for solving problems in a nonconfrontational manner. This essential guide

·                  Offers a proven step-by-step process for conflict resolution

·                  Deals with complex business questions about independence, moral values, face-saving, goal-setting, and leadership

·                  Provides easy language for talking through problems and reaching a relatively painless outcome

Putting aside simple band-aid solutions, Win at Work! is your proven resource for the kind of long-term team-building that ultimately makes the difference in business and organizational success. This e-book contains 176 pages.


26.  Optimisation of Leadership by Females for Power, performance and promotion


This is a hand book of gita for every working woman especially in managment cadre. The best-kept secret in corporate life is the vanishing act of women on their way to the top. Despite massive attention to the issue the number of women in top positions remains shockingly low. This book shows what women themselves can do to optimize their careers and how this can bring benefits to the companies and organizations they work for. This e-book contains 171 pages.


27.  Solving Everyday Problems with the Scientific Method: Thinking Like a Scientist

This book describes how one can use the scientific method to solve everyday problems including medical ailments, health issues, money management, traveling, shopping, cooking, household chores, etc. It illustrates how to exploit the information collected from our five senses, how to solve problems when no information is available for the present problem situation, how to increase our chances of success by redefining a problem, and how to extrapolate our capabilities by seeing a relationship among heretofore unrelated concepts.One should formulate a hypothesis as early as possible in order to have a sense of direction regarding which path to follow. Occasionally, by making wild conjectures, creative solutions can transpire. However, hypotheses need to be well-tested. Through this way, “The Scientific Method” can help readers solve problems in both familiar and unfamiliar situations. Containing real-life examples of how various problems are solved - for instance, how some observant patients cure their own illnesses when medical experts have failed - this book will train readers to observe what others may have missed and conceive what others may not have contemplated. With practice, they will be able to solve more problems than they could previously imagine. This e-book contains 235 pages

28.  Ten Commitments to Your Success

America’s notoriously unorthodox and creative personal growth guru Steve Chandler has written his most compact and powerful book yet in TEN COMMITMENTS TO YOUR SUCCESS. By explaining and dramatizing the power of introducing synergy into your life, Chandler demolishes the myth that a balanced life is mediocre. He reveals the underlying dynamic of commitment, how to access it, and how to apply it to the ten categories of your life that you usually don’t get committed to.The author delivers exciting new ways to commit to your career, your partner, your wealth, your physical well-being, and your future. The mind-body-spirit synergy, which has been verified and validated by the biosciences as an absolutely necessary synergy for a quality life, is expanded by the author into ten specific commitments to be made and kept on a daily basis. These commitments then combine with each other to produce not a lone voice singing in the wilderness, but a thrilling harmonic chorus that connects the individual to the entire universal web of living, loving beings. This e-book contains 101 pages


29.  101 answers for toughest interview

Tough interview questions are inevitable in today’s competitive job market. Ron Fry's 101 Great Answers to the Toughest Interview Questions has helped more than 500,000 job seekers pinpoint what employers are really asking with every question, and more importantly: what they want to hear in response. This no-nonsense guide will prepare you to leverage the trickiest questions to your advantage. Learn how to deal gracefully with complicated case interviews, various personality types, and even potentially illegal questions - all while avoiding common mistakes. Get the expert answers employers are looking for! This e-book contains 199 pages


30.  101 Great resumes

Summary: In 101 Great Resumes, you will find the resume format that will work wonders for you, one that can showcase your unique background, situation and career goals and help you land your dream job. The Author of this Book is Ron Fry It features resumes tailored to the individual situations, challenges, and aspirations of today's job seekers. This e-book contains 215 pages


31.  Learned Optimism: How to Change Your Mind and Your Life

Martin Seligman, a renowned psychologist and clinical researcher, has been studying optimists and pessimists for 25 years. Pessimists believe that bad events are their fault, will last a long time, and undermine everything. They feel helpless and may sink into depression, which is epidemic today, especially among youths. Optimists, on the other hand, believe that defeat is a temporary setback or a challenge–it doesn’t knock them down. “Pessimism is escapable,” asserts Seligman, by learning a new set of cognitive skills that will enable you to take charge, resist depression, and make yourself feel better and accomplish more. About two-thirds of this book is a psychological discussion of pessimism, optimism, learned helplessness (giving up because you feel unable to change things), explanatory style (how you habitually explain to yourself why events happen), and depression, and how these affect success, health, and quality of life. Seligman supports his points with animal research and human cases. He includes tests for you and your child–whose achievement may be related more to his or her level of optimism/pessimism than ability. The final chapters teach the skills of changing from pessimism to optimism, with worksheet pages to guide you and your child. This e-book contains 343 pages plus one audio book.



32.. Encyclopedia of Careers and Vocational Guidance (5-Volume Set)

"Encyclopedia of Careers and Vocational Guidance" - 14th edition - remains the most comprehensive career reference . This unparalleled resource has been fully revised and updated to contain the most accurate and current career information available. This edition features: completely up-to-date overviews of 93 industries; more than 700 completely revised and updated career articles; more than 35 new career articles; the latest information on salaries and employment trends; more than 320 on-the-job interviews; more than 220 sidebars, bring additional reading on industry issues and history, useful Web sites, industry jargon, and much more; approximately 550 photographs of people on the job, with more than 100 new to this edition; career articles keyed to four different government classification systems; more than 2,500 Web sites listed for further information; career guidance section in Volume 1, bring information on interviewing, job hunting, networking, writing resumes, and more; and a comprehensive job title index in each volume, plus four additional indexes in Volume 1.The five-volume "Encyclopedia of Careers and Vocational Guidance, Fourteenth Edition" is an essential resource for public, college, high school, and junior high school libraries; career centers; guidance offices; and other agencies involved with career exploration. More than 700 articles have been revised and updated since the last edition to reflect accurate, up-to-date career information. Along with revisions and updates to all articles, included here are more than 35 new career articles and more than 100 new photographs. Each article offers expanded career information, sidebars, and other user-friendly features. Receiving prominent treatment in this edition are the top 10 fastest-growing careers and the top 10 careers that experts predict will add the greatest number of positions through the year 2012. This e-book contains 3776 pages.


33. Hand book on Communication Skills

This handbook on Soft Skill in communication developed by Centre for Good Governance is intended primarily for personnel in public administration. This offers an overview of some of the principal skills that are essential for effective performance competence; and this handbook, Communication Skills, focuses on how personnel in the public administration can develop approaches and strategies that will enable them to deal with communication problems in a variety of contexts. This e-book contains 77 printable pages.


34.A Blue Print Success by Shiv Khera

This is a very good book-let to build positive personality which, in turn, will certainly pave way for success in life. This book is written by Shiv Khera containing 59 printable pages.


35.You-can-win by Shiv-Khera

Winners don't do different things. They do things Differently. In one sense, this book is a construction manual. It describes the tools you will need for success, and offers blueprints to help you build a successful and rewarding life. In a second, sense, it is a cookbook. It lists the ingredients the principles you will need to follow to become successful and gives you the recipe for mixing them in the correct proportions. But, above all, this is a guidebook a step by step, how to book that will take you from dreaming about success to unlocking your potential for success. This book is written by famous motivational expert Shiv-Khera containing 117 pages.


36. The Law of Success (in 16 lessons) by Napoleon Hill

This world-famous book written by Napoleon Hill deals in a very simple language of understanding about leading a happy and successful life in this competitive world. The purpose of the Law of Success course is to enable you to find out how you may become more capable in your chosen field of work. To this end you will be analyzed and all of your qualities classified so you may organize them and make the best possible use of them. This e-book is very and most useful, informative and educative means to come up in life and is expressed very vividly in 1170 pages.


37. Think and Grow Rich by Napoleon Hill

In every chapter of this book, mention has been made of the money-making secret which has made fortunes for more than five hundred exceedingly wealthy men whom the author has carefully anyalysed over a long period of years. The author has revealed a secret formula and elaborates on this from chapter to chapter which formula will certainly make you rich.This e-book contains 235 pages.

38. The Art of Public Speaking

This e-book explains the strategies to adopt to take up public speaking with confidence and the art of presentation including with power point. This useful book contains 467 pages with very eminent writing.


39. Think and Grow Rich by Napoleon Hill: An Audio Book

In every chapter of this book, mention has been made of the money-making secret which has made fortunes for more than five hundred exceedingly wealthy men whom the author has carefully anyalysed over a long period of years. The author has revealed a secret formula and elaborates on this from chapter to chapter which formula will certainly make you rich.


40.  Encyclopedia Careers Discovery

The eight-volume Career Discovery Encyclopedia helps younger readers to begin learning and thinking today about their future careers. Fully revised and in its seventh edition, the encyclopedia contains more information and features to help students in the career exploration process. The career articles in this revised edition of the Career Discovery Encyclopedia contain several features that can help students match their interests to possible career paths. This e-book contains 1586 pages.


41. Personality Development for-ever Success and Achievements***

We cover the following topics in our CD on Personality Development.

1.                  What is Personality and what for?

2.                  Purpose and Benefits of Personality Development.

3.                  Four Pillars: Intelligence, Character, Smartness and Knowledge –


4.                  Physical, Social, Psychological and Philosophical perspectives of


5.                  How to chisel one’s approach, attitude, behaviour and mannerism to

become role-model in Society.

6.                  How to achieve Success and translate failures into Success.

7.                  How to develop others’ trust and integrity in U.

8.                  How to expertise Communication Skill to achieve the goal of others agreeing yours.

9.                  Understanding the vitality of Self-Confidence, Will-to-achieve and Self-

Reliance, and making use of these to stand on one’s own but higher

than others.

10.               How to bring total positive nature and beget peace-of-mind thro’


11.               Education on emotional management and using the management for

sensible approach and decisions.

12.               To develop inner-strength to face reality without tension but killing stress.

13.               Art of successful decision-making with confidently risk-taking.

14.               Developing Leadership Qualities

15.               Expertising in other skills also like:

(a)  Influencing Skill

(b)  Managing Skill

(c)  Creative thinking skill

16.               Art of making bondage in relationships stronger.

17.               Developing Inner-Strength to have maturity in life.

18.               How to make use of our C.D to sharpen your skill of developing

personality ideal.

This CD instills an absolute confidence for developing one’s own personality

to face life and come up with flying colours the CD elaborates by dealing the matter exhaustively by way of lessons in the following areas:

·         Theories on Personality Development

·         Personality Development

·         Inner Strength for Personality Development

·         Communication Skill

·         Various skills for Personality Development

·         Reference Sites for Personality Tests

thereby it is our aim to make every participant thorough in Personality Development and making use of the skills to come up in life with success, happiness and enviable prosperity.

42 22 Powerful Tools to transform your fear into Happiness, Peace and Happiness


The root of our „negative‟ experiences may be reduced to one of three universal fears (or a combination of them): abandonment, low self-worth, or lack of trust. In the first 3 chapters of this e-book you‘ll learn how these 3 universal fears affect our lives through our personal fears, collective fears and consciousness.  Then in chapter 4 you will discover 22 simple techniques that can help you to transform your fear into more empowering feelings. These methods may be simple, but don‘t be fooled into thinking they can‘t possibly work because they are immensely powerful if you give them a fair chance. This e-book contains only 60 pages.


43. 28 Days Success


In this eBook there are some great tools and techniques such as The Wheel of Life. There is plenty to think about and lots of questions to ask yourself.

This e-book contains 109 pages.


44. Collection of personal development e-booklets


This e-book is the collection of 18 book-let on personality development; they are: (1) 5 traits to develop to be successful; (2) boosting self-esteem guide; (3) Creator of your own life; (4) Essence of time Management; (5) Guide to Motivation; (6) how to attract anything you want in life; (7) how to become a highly effective time manager; (8) How to become successful public speaker; (9) how to boost self-esteem; (10) How to boost your memory power; (11) How to control anger; (12) how to develop your power of concentration; (13) How to kick bad habits; (14) how to overcome procastication;(15) positive  attitude for unlimited success; (16) power of Positive thinking; (17) Sel improvement made easy; (18) Strategies for success. This ebook contains 1018 pages.


45. Dealing with difficult people: 24 lessons for bringing


In every workplace there are difficult people who, at best, make life stressful and, at worst, interfere with project and career goals. This book delivers a proven approach to finding common ground and creating a more productive interaction with difficult people. This e-book contains 127 pages.


46. Decision making and Problems solving strategies


There are three forms of applied thinking that we all need: decision making, problem solving and creative thinking. These overlap considerably but they can be distinguished. Decision making is about deciding what action to take; it usually involves choice between options. The object of problem solving is usually a solution, answer or conclusion. The outcome of creative thinking, by contrast, is new ideas. Any leader such as yourself who aspires to excellence obviously has a vested interest in seeing that the best decisions are taken, that problems are solved in the optimum way and that the creative ideas and innovations so necessary for tomorrow’s business flow freely. In the following pages we shall explore some practical ways in which you can improve your skills in this key area. By the time you have worked through the book you should: • understand the way in which the mind works and the principles of effective thinking; • have a clear framework for decision making; • be aware of the relation between decision making and problem solving; • be able to use a unified model for both making decisions and solving problems; • have sharpened up your creative thinking skills; • be in a position to chart a way forwards for improving your thinking skills across the board. This e-book contains 105 pages.

47. Reasoning Skills Success in 20 minutes a day


This book is designed to help you improve your critical thinking and reasoning skills in 20 short lessons that should take 20 minutes a day to complete. If you read one chapter a day, Monday through Friday, and do all the exercises carefully, you should see dramatic improvement in your ability to think critically and to solve problems logically and effectively by the end of your month of study. Although each lesson is designed to be a skill builder on its own, it is important that you proceed through this book in order, from Lesson 1 through Lesson 20. Like most other skills, critical thinking and reasoning develop in layers. Each lesson in this book builds upon the ideas discussed in those lessons before it. Each lesson provides several exercises that give you the opportunity to practice the skills you learn throughout the book. This e-book contains 173 pages.

48. Training on Leadership Skills


In this e-booklet, you will be given information to help you start building your leadership skills immediately.  You will be given specific tools and tips so that you’ll be able to take what you learn and will be able to apply it the moment you are done reading.  If you do, you will be amazed at how quickly you can improve your leadership abilities.  You’ll start to see those around you react to you differently.  You’ll find that work can be a more pleasant place to be and that you truly can lead others on to their own success. This e-booklet contains59 pages only.


49. Motivation Skills


This e-booklet is a textbook in which the author covers the main motivational theories and what they mean in the real world.  You will learn what it takes to be self motivated and how you can use different techniques and strategies to motivate others.This e-booklet contains 53 pages.


50 Personal Confidence and Motivation


Do you have the self belief and confidence to make a difference? Do you :just know: that you’ll succeed no matter what? Do you know what motivates and gets you going? And do you know how to tap into the motivations of other people? In this e-text-booklet, you will find the answers to all of these questions and much more besides!  You’ll understand how to build your own confidence levels and how to generate confidence in an instant.  You’ll then move onto the topic of motivation and you’ll be able to really understand this area of personal development. This e-booklet contains 58 pages.


51 Successful Time Management


In this textbook you’ll learn skills and techniques to prioritise your work, how to avoid time wasting events and how to communicate what you want and what you don’t want.This e-book will help you take on a new time management goal: Concentrate on results, not on staying busy. This e-bookslet contains 57 useful pages.


52. Theories of Personality


Theories of personality attempt to explain much of our behavior in a variety of life situations. The text is designed to assess how well each of these theories meets criteria for judging its scientific worth. It also introduces students to the many research studies that test the validity of the major concepts in the theories. In addition, this edition presents issues that currently challenge personality psychologists, and discusses some of the major theoretical and research areas and ideas in

contemporary personality theory and research.this e-book is divided into 7 parts: the first part deals with an introduction to the discipline, part2 with psychoanalytic and neoanalytic perspective, part3 on cognitive perspective, part5 on humanistic/existential perspectives, part 6 on social behaviousistic perspectives, and the part 7 on the role of the grand theories in contemporary personality psychology. This e-book contains 734 pages.


53. Writing Skills Success in 20 Minutes a Day

The lessons in this book are designed to be completed in about 20 minutes each. If you do a lesson every weekday, you can finish the whole course in about
a month. However, you may find another approach that works better for you. You’ll find you make more progress, though, if you complete at least two lessons
a week. If you leave too much time between lessons, you’ll forget what you’ve learned. You may want to start with the pretest that begins on page 1. It will show
you what you already know and what you need to learn about grammar, mechanics, and punctuation. Then, when you’ve finished the book, you can take a posttest to see how much you’ve improved. This e-book contains 193 pages.


54. Job and Career Expert Advice

Do you want to be the best candidate for the job you are applying for? Then your CV and your interview performance need to be outstanding. Our authors can help you with e-books about C.Vs, Interviews and, Career

This e-book contains 22 booklets on the following subjects

Administration Skills

Coaching and Mentoring

Creating Your CV as self marketing tool

Demystifying Case Interviews

Effective Communication Skills

Essential Job Searching Tools

Ignite Your Career

Interview Secrets Exposed

Leadership Skills

Making the Business Case

Managing through Change

Managing Your Career

Networking English

Performance Management

Planning for new Opportunities

Resume Secrets Exposed

The fastest way to the job interview

The Seven Deadly Sins of Employment

Time to get Hired

Working Abroad

Working Abroad: European Perspectives

Working as an Independent Contractor

This e- book contains 1272 pages in totality.



55. Strong Personality for Perfect Management


This e-book contains most important characteristics for development of strong personality for perfect management and this e-book consists the following chapters:


Effective Discipline

Maximizing your Potentials

The Art of Personal Effectiveness

Effective Communication Skills

Advanced Communication Skills

Net-Working English

Leadership Skills

The Art of Leadership

Motivation Skills

Personal Confidence and Motivation

Influencing and Persuation skills

Thinking Skills

The A to Z of Presentations

Perfect Presentations

Presenting an Effective Message

Successful Public Speaking

Emotional Intelligence

Dealing with Conflict and Complaints

Counseling Skills – Managing People and problems at work

Managing Stress

Stress and Work – Life Balance (Insights for Managers)

Managing through Change

Getting Motivation Right – How to get everyone in your business motivate.

Interview Secrets Exposed

Demystifying Case Interviews

Ignite your Career

Career Secrets Exposed

Understanding Personality Types – Managing People through their Personality Traits

Overcoming Perfectionalism

This e-book contains 1619 pages.

This is an e-book; on receipt of order, the e-book will be written in a CD and the CD will be sent.
