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E-Mail:  Phyal.Adam@Newton.K12.GA.US


What Is Science

What is science? What isn't science? An attempt to develop a reasonable and understandable definition of science, relying upon the methods of science and what distinguishes science from other pursuits. The Philosophy of Science is concerned with, obviously enough, science - specifically, how science operates, what the goals of science should be, what relationship science should have with the rest of society, the differences between science and other activities, etc. Everything that happens in science has some relationship with the Philosophy of Science and is predicated upon some philosophical position, even though that may be rarely evident.


Course Description

Upon completion of this course , the student should retain and have an understanding of the basic concepts of the course.  The student involvement necessitates regular attendance; performing activities are designed to provide the student with an understanding and retention of the fundamental principles of Chemistry and Physical Science.  Laboratory exercises are included to reinforce learning and understanding of the subject matter through hands on activities.

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