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I do not own Weiß Kreuz or any of its characters. I just love them to no end and have a very twisted imagination. Please be aware that I am extremely poor so suing me will do you no good. Thanks.

Warning: NC-17 / Lemon Yaoi / Non-Consensual sex / Violence / Explicit Language

Pairings: Aya + Yohji / Schuldich x Yohji / Ken + Omi / Bradley x Nagi

FYI: { Telepathic speech } -- Inner thoughts

Author's note:

Well guys, here's the fourth installment of THE HUNTED. Things are starting to get really angsty (original word there) in this chapter. Poor Yohji --I'm really going to put him through an emotional upheaval. I can't help it. He is my favorite Weiß kitty after all. Aya and even Schuldich are going to go through a lot as well. Hey, I'm not partial and I just love inner turmoil.

I must say that this fic has taken a life of its own especially now that I have Schuldich involved in it. I haven't got a clue as to what's going to happen next since I never planned for the story to be so complex or to involve a love triangle. But I must say that I'm rather pleased with the results so far.

What about you guys? Your reviews are something I always look forward to reading. They inspire me so much. Please let me know what you think. I'd really appreciate it.

Well, that's it for now. Enjoy the fic and please review!

Thanks so much.


The Hunted Part 4

It was funny how life could bite you in the ass as soon as you let your guard down, Aya thought as he stared out of the kitchen window.

Car lights flashed through the darkness and his eyes immediately focused on them. And as they disappeared into the night, Aya chided himself for being such a fool. For the past hour, he'd stood there leaning against the kitchen sink peering out the window at every movement, every shadow, and every car that passed by. Definitely a fool. A pathetic one at that. A whisper of footsteps alerted Aya of someone's presence and he closed his eyes in frustration. Gods, what now?


Holding back a snarl, Aya turned away from the window and looked over to see Omi standing by the doorway. "What is it?" His angry violet eyes narrowed as Omi hesitantly walked further into the kitchen. The kid was still dressed in his white T-shirt and faded blue jeans. When was he planning to go to bed? Aya wondered angrily.

Eyes the color of the truest blue scrutinized him from across the kitchen table. As their eyes met, Aya was struck again by Omi's gentle beauty. He could clearly see why Ken had fallen so hard for those huge blue orbs that so obviously mirrored Omi's heart.

"Are you okay, Aya?"

No, Goddammit! He was not okay. He was confused, tired and half out of his mind with worry. And he was in no mood to deal with Omi's prying right now. All Aya wanted was to be left alone.

He would've given Omi a piece of his mind but those big amiable eyes looking at him with so much concern stopped Aya cold. Omi had an air of naÏÏvetÉÉ about him that made the kid stand out amongst the four of them. Even after all of the blood and death, Omi was the only one who had managed to retain a part of his innocence. How could he fault the kid for that? How could he purposely hurt him? I can't, dammit.

"I'm alright Omi. I was just washing the dishes." Aya motioned to the empty sink and the dishes that were drying in the rack. He'd finished washing them over an hour ago but Omi didn't need to know that.

"Are you sure?"

Suddenly curious to see where this was leading to, Aya crossed his arms and said, "Yeah. Why wouldn't I be?"

"Well, you seemed kind of----" Omi hesitated for a moment obviously a little nervous. "You seemed kind of preoccupied today. And you've been in here all alone for a while now."


"Well, I was just wondering----um, if you were worried about something. About Yohji, maybe?"

Aya's eyes widened a fraction before he could stop himself. Was he that fucking obvious? How could he have been so careless? Had Ken noticed too? Deny it, you idiot! "No, I'm not." He answered lacing every syllable with ice. No way was he ever going to admit that he was worried about Yohji.

Omi winced at Aya's harsh denial but he didn't back down. Normally, it would've made Aya sort of proud to have Omi stand up to him like this, but right now it was just pissing him off.

"Well, I just thought----Dammit, Aya."

Aya's red eyebrows lifted in surprise. Omi normally wasn't the type to curse or get angry. In fact, he usually served as a buffer for everyone whenever the tension got to be too much. To see Omi like this with his eyes practically piercing him with anger was a shock to Aya.

"Look, if you don't want to admit that you're worried about him, well, that's up to you Aya. But I'm not going to pretend that I'm not." Omi paused to run a hand quickly through his light brown hair. "This just isn't like him, Aya. He's changed. I'm sure you've noticed that even if you won't admit it. You two may be having your problems but I don't think that Yohji would've left you like that in the middle of his shift."

The anger in those big blue eyes died away as suddenly as it had come and were now pleading for understanding. "Aya, please. We have to go out and look for him. I have a bad feeling about all of this."

Aya felt his heart ram against his chest. Omi's words had just mirrored the chaotic thoughts that for the past hour had been plaguing him. The urge to go out into the night in search of his former lover had almost overwhelmed him before. Not wanting Omi to see the effect those words were having on him, Aya turned away and quickly picked up the blue sponge he'd left on the kitchen counter.

Get a grip of yourself, dammit! He had already screwed up once today when he'd cried like a damn baby in the back room earlier. Anyone could've walked right in on him. He couldn't afford to make another mistake like that again. And pondering on idiotic fears would definitely be another mistake, Aya thought as he wiped the already clean counter. Letting himself worry would signify that he cared and that was unacceptable. It was much easier for him to think that Yohji was probably drunk and in some stranger's bed right now. And even though the thought pissed him off, he'd rather be angry than fretting over that irresponsible lout.


Omi's soft voice brought Aya out of his musing and his hand stilled on the counter. He looked over his shoulder at the bishounen and knew from the determined look on Omi's face that the subject was not about to be dropped anytime soon. Out of reflex, Aya's grip tightened on the sponge causing rivulets of water to seep through his fingers. He was not going to go out there to search for that idiot, Aya swore to himself. He didn't care what happened to Yohji. It wasn't any of his concern.

Decision made, Aya now only had to deal with Omi and he knew what he had to do in order to get the kid off his back. He let go of the sponge and took in a silent breath before turning his body all the way around. Violet eyes looked into blue ones as Aya lied right to Omi's face.

"Alright." His voice was impassive and cold but Aya didn't care. He just wanted Omi gone so he could bask in his own misery and guilt. "I'll go out to search for Yohji----" Omi immediately relaxed and gave him a bright smile doing wonders for his guilt trip. "But you will stay here."


"No buts, Omi. You have classes to go to tomorrow morning, don't you?"

As if aware of the corner he'd just been successfully backed into, Omi's slim shoulders slumped a bit before he answered. "Yeah."

"And what time is it?" Aya knew it was almost midnight. He'd looked at the damn clock in the last five hours often enough to know. But he had to get his point across to the stubborn kid.

"Jeez, Aya." Omi rolled his eyes and crossed his arms in a show of frustration. But fortunately for Aya, he relented. "Okay, okay. I get the message. But you'd better call if you find out anything, Aya. I mean it. I don't care what time it is."

Aya nodded slightly in agreement his face betraying no emotion. "Go to bed, Omi."

"Thanks, Aya." Omi said giving Aya another smile before he walked out of the kitchen.

Relief washed over Aya pushing the guilt he was feeling aside for the moment. No longer on the defensive, he allowed his shoulders and back to relax a bit. Slowly, he walked over to the kitchen window and placed his hands on the sink below it. Leaning over to look out of the window, Aya's violet eyes gazed up at the bright full moon that stood out like a beacon in the dark sky. Wherever you are Yohji, I hope you're enjoying yourself. Because when you get your sorry ass home, you're going to have to deal with me.

Aya turned away from the window determined to march himself up to his room leaving all thoughts of Yohji behind. But he found himself unable to move. With his hands fisted at his sides, Aya stared down at the floor and cursed himself for being a fool as his mind betrayed him. You'd better be all right, Yohji. You'd better be all right.

Aya crossed his arms over his blue sweater and leaned against the counter. He closed his eyes and began to wait.

Schuldich didn't know how long he'd lain there staring at the slumbering blonde next to him unable to give in to his body's demands for sleep. He couldn't sleep even if he wanted to. His mind refused to shut down.

With confused eyes, he continued to look at Yohji still baffled by what had transpired between them. Damp tendrils of honey-blonde hair were plastered to Yohji's forehead and Schuldich gently brushed them back twirling the darkened strands in between his fingers before letting them go.

What the hell just happened? This had never happened to him before. Sex, for him, was always incredibly satisfying. Male or female, he'd always proved to be a talented lover. Sex with Bradley was always wild and fucking fantastic. It was almost brutal in its intensity. But what he'd just shared with the Weiß assassin had gone beyond anything he'd ever experienced. It was confusing the shit out of him. And he despised the feeling. He had enough crap whirling around in his head.

Goddammit! I don't need this shit. Suddenly angry not only with himself but with Yohji, Schuldich moved away from his prey. He tried climbing over Yohji in order to get off the bed and to his clothes but stopped the instant his body brushed against the hard form underneath him. His body reacted of its own accord and it unnerved the hell out of him. Shit! What the fuck?

A feeling of panic overwhelmed him and Schuldich practically jumped off of the bed. He stumbled a bit in his haste but managed to get to the chair where he'd thrown his clothes. He dressed quickly trying to regain his focus. He's Weiß. My enemy. He's means nothing to me. But even as the thoughts crossed his mind, Schuldich found himself at the foot of his bed pulling the thin sheets back over Yohji's naked body.

As if reacting to the warmth the sheets were now providing, Yohji turned to his side and buried himself into the soft material until only his tawny hair was left uncovered. He looks like a little boy, Schuldich thought as he gently pushed the sheet away from Yohji's face. He let his fingers linger over the blonde's soft skin and felt his body react.

Realizing what he was doing, Schuldich pulled his hand away as if he'd been burned. Shit. What am I doing? I just raped him, dammit. He should be planning his next move not standing here like some lovesick fool. The next logical step would be to break the blonde with the memories of the rape. Dammit, I don't want him to remember it that way. But making sure that Yohji's spirit would be left totally shattered was supposed to be his goal. It would allow Schuldich to use the assassin as planned. But, I don't want to break him.

Over and over again, his thoughts battled against one another until Schuldich was about ready to explode. What the fuck is wrong with me? Schuldich looked away from his bed and turned to open the door. He had to get out of here. He had to get his thoughts together and his priorities straight. And standing here gawking at Yohji was not going to help him any. If Bradley ever found out what was going on in his head, his ass would be dead and Kudou would fair no better. There I go again. Dammit, I don't care what happens to him. I don't.

Without looking back, Schuldich hurried out of his room. He was so rattled by his conflicting thoughts that he wasn't paying any mind to where he was going. He walked briskly around the corner and almost crashed right into Nagi.


"Watch where you're going, Schu!"

"Alright, kid. You don't have to----Hey, what the hell are you doing over here anyway?" He looked at his watch. "It's almost midnight."

Obviously annoyed at being treated like a child yet again, Nagi's dark blue eyes flashed with anger. "Although it's none of your business, I was getting something to drink."

{ Likely story. } His mind projected.

"Don't do that!" Nagi snapped at him.

Schuldich had to smile. The kid absolutely hated when he entered his mind without permission. Nagi felt vulnerable to him and like the heartless bastard that he was, Schuldich didn't care. He always did what he pleased. Besides, it was downright hilarious to see just how pissed off the kid could get.

"Did Bradley send you here to check up on me?"

"Don't be an idiot." Nagi said as he smoothed out his black sweater neatly over his black slacks. "I have better things to do than to keep an eye on you." He glared at Schuldich for another second and brushed past him without saying another word.

Schuldich smiled wickedly as Nagi walked past him. He just couldn't help himself.

{ Good night, Nagi. Sleep tight. Don't let the bedbugs bite. }

"Bastard." Was Nagi's only reply as he continued to walk down the hall.

Schuldich's laughter echoed down the dark hallway as the slender boy walked out of sight. But the smile on his face died quickly and his green eyes narrowed. Nagi had managed to shield his thoughts from him. The kid had been prepared for his intrusion. And that was not good.

Schuldich cursed under his breath. He didn't like being observed. Not one bit. It pissed him off to think that Crawford had felt it necessary to keep tabs on him. It could only mean one thing. The Oracle had had a vision. Fuck.

Schuldich ran his hand through his unruly mane and began to pace back and forth. He hated being in the dark. Especially since he knew that Crawford enjoyed keeping him that way. The bastard never revealed what he knew of the future unless it suited his purpose. If Schuldich even tried to pick out the information from the man's mind, Bradley would immediately sense his presence. And his ass would be as good as dead.

Crawford had known his whereabouts and was aware of his "activities". Yet the prick had sent Nagi to spy on him anyway. Whatever was going to happen involved him in some way. And it involved Yohji as well. It was the only possible explanation.

What's going on, Bradley? What did you see? Schuldich stopped his pacing and leaned his back against the wall. Staring at the opposite wall, he thought back to the original plan. Capture a member of Weiß and manipulate him into becoming a weapon against his own teammates. Use the captured assassin in any way necessary to accomplish Schwarz's goal.

Destroy Weiß.

It was to be Schwarz's vengeance against those who had interfered with the plans they had set in motion after the downfall of Estet. The Weiß bastards had ruined everything they had worked for. By using one of their own against them, Weiß would pay the ultimate price for their intervention.

Being the playboy that he was, Yohji had been the surest bet, the most sensible prey for the hunt. Unfortunately, Kudou had turned out to be the hardest to manipulate. If the blonde hadn't been so distraught today, Schuldich would've still been trying to break through Yohji's mental barriers.

It had amazed Schuldich to find out how strong those mental barriers really were. Yohji's mind was impressive indeed though the man never allowed anyone to know it. The blonde was a walking contradiction pretending to be the exact opposite of what he really was. It had been quite a shock to discover just how intelligent and strong minded Yohji could be. And although at first it had been an inconvenience for him, Schuldich had become intrigued by the challenge Yohji had presented.

A sudden whisper in his mind snapped Schuldich back to the present and had him walking quickly back towards his room. Yohji. Practically running now, he tried to reinforce the compulsion he had placed on Yohji and cursed profusely when he failed to do so. Yohji's mind was indeed impressive.

When he finally reached his room, Schuldich opened the door and rushed into his bedroom. Yohji was moving restlessly in his sleep obviously attempting to wake up. Schuldich immediately sat beside Yohji and placed his hands on the blonde's temples. He closed his eyes and concentrated. Beads of sweat glistened on his forehead as he struggled with Yohji's mind. Finally, after a few minutes, Yohji's movements stilled and his body relaxed in sleep. Schuldich looked down at his captive with tired eyes and smiled as his hands gently lowered to touch Yohji's face. Damn, Yohji. You really are a piece of work.

His smile faded as soon he realized what he was doing and he yanked his hands away. He pushed himself off the bed and sat in the chair next to the door. With his hands on the arm rests and legs spread apart, Schuldich tried with little success to keep his gaze from feasting on Yohji's slender body. Dammit, I can't help myself. He's fucking gorgeous!

The ivory sheets were now down to Yohji's waist lingering on the skin right below his belly button. Schuldich hands tightened on the arms rests as he fought the urge to run his hands along the blonde's smooth skin and under the silk material. Heat poured into his lower body and Schuldich hissed as his shaft began to harden. Cursing, he shot out of the chair and began to pace back and forth alongside of the bed. He rubbed his hand down his face and looked down at his captive with a venomous glare.

Somehow, he angrily realized, his prey had turned the tables on him. After months of entering Kudou's mind, he had grown to regard the blonde not as hunted prey but as a man. A man who's body Schuldich now craved and whose soul he knew inside and out. He actually felt something for Kudou. Schuldich's eyes widened and his hands balled into fists at his sides as the realization hit home.

How the FUCK could you let this happen?

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