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I do not own Weiß Kreuz or any of its characters. I just love them to no end and have a very twisted imagination. Please be aware that I am extremely poor so suing me will do you no good. Thanks.

Warning: NC-17 / Lemon Yaoi / NCS / Violence / Explicit Language

Pairings: Aya + Yohji / Schuldich x Yohji / Ken + Omi / Bradley x Nagi

FYI: { Telepathic speech } -- Inner thoughts

Author's note:

I hope you've enjoyed chapter one of my fic and are ready for the second installment of THE HUNTED. If you are, proceed and enjoy the fic.

Thanks so much,


The Hunted Part 2

Yohji was about ready to explode. He was so angry with himself that he wanted to throw himself into a wall. He grabbed the arrangement he'd just finished barely controlling himself enough not to hurl it at something. You are so fucking stupid, Kudou! How could you forget that Aya had the afternoon shift with Omi today? How? Stupid! Stupid!

He stalked over to the counter and put on the most flirtatious smile he could muster as handed the arrangement over to the pretty blonde girl eyeing him with obvious adoration.

"Here you go, Sasha."

"Ohhh, thank you, Yohji! They're beautiful."

Yohji grinned as the young girl grabbed the arrangement and beamed a huge smile at him. It was moments like this one that reminded him of how much he loved working at the flower shop. At least here, he could bring joy to someone. This is where he could find his balance in a world usually filled with blood and pain.

Still smiling, the girl practically bounced out of the store where she joined some of her friends who had been staring at him through the window. Jumping up and down, they admired the flowers excitedly. Four pairs of big star-filled eyes turned back to look at him in unison. Yohji would've blushed if he weren't already used to it. After a few more minutes of drooling over him, the girls finally walked away.

Smiling, Yohji turned away from the window to get back to work. The smile on his face died the instant he realized how empty the shop was. The instant he realized that he was alone with Aya. Shit! What the hell am I going to do?

His heart started pounding violently against his chest at the thought of being alone with Aya. He was about to have a panic attack when a sudden thought occurred to him. Relief washed over him like a tidal wave when he looked at his watch. It was almost 3 PM. Yes! Break time.

Yohji's lips curled up into a huge smile as he silently thanked the heavens for their mercy. He didn't even care if he could only escape to their apartment. It was an excuse to get out of the shop for a while. Maybe if he milked it, Omi would be home by the time he was to come back down. Sounds like a plan, Kudou. He was about to take off his apron when he heard it.


The voice of doom.

The baritone voice was coming from the back room full of authority and impatience. Yohji looked up to the ceiling and silently asked the heavens why they had been so quick to change their mind.


Goddammit! It rankled him to no end when Aya was in prick mode. He wasn't his boss, dammit. But like the ass he was, he started heading for the backroom. I might as well get this over with.


"Yeah, yeah. I'm coming." Shit. Can't even get a friggin break.

Yohji took his time walking over to the back. He hated being so close to Aya especially when they were alone. He guessed that's why he'd been so pissed off at himself for forgetting that Aya would also be working the afternoon shift. He felt caged by the emotions Aya could still evoke in him and he hated feeling that way. When he reached the backroom, he leaned against the doorframe and unnoticed, watched Aya work on a flower arrangement set out for delivery.

His mutinous eyes took the opportunity to skim over the redhead's lean body. He hated himself for noticing how good Aya looked in tight black jeans and a snug black sweater. He'd always told Aya that black was his color. The apron that Aya had tied around his waist did nothing to lessen the sexy image he was presenting.

Yohji swallowed hard as his mind remembered the hard body beneath the clothes. A familiar tingling in his groin had him shifting slightly as his body betrayed his thoughts. Thank the heavens that he was still wearing his apron or the bulge underneath would have given him away for sure.

Stop thinking about him that way, dammit. Can you be any more pathetic? Hating himself for being so weak, Yohji moved his lanky body away from the doorframe and made his presence known to the redhead he'd been scrutinizing.

"What?" He said in an annoyed tone as he walked up next to Aya. His hard-on was making him really uncomfortable and it was really pissing him off. "It's time for lunch and I'm hungry."

Aya simply looked at Yohji and handed him the arrangement he'd been working on.

"What the----"

Yohji looked at the arrangement in his hands for a second before shifting his gaze back to Aya who'd walked over to the printer to retrieve the list of deliveries he'd printed out. With growing awareness, he watched Aya scan the list before reading the first address off to him.

"……Marshall Blvd. Second floor." Aya looked at him and handed him the printout. "Eat when you're done." And without saying another word, the redhead turned back around dismissing him.

Staring at Aya's back, Yohji tried to hold back the anger that was threatening to consume him but it was in vain. It was all too much and he had to let it all out or he would explode. "Aya?"

Was that me just now? Was that really me sounding all choked up and shit? Fuck. Yohji's heart felt like it was about to ram through his chest and it was getting harder for him to breathe. He saw Aya stiffen before turning around to face him and his heart constricted from the pain that slight movement had caused.

"What is it?" Aya responded coldly. Clearly annoyed to see him still there.

To his dismay, Yohji felt his eyes begin to water. Blinking rapidly, he fought back the tears determined with every fiber of his being not to cry in front of this man. He wasn't going give Aya the satisfaction. Not ever again. Shit, take control, Kudou. You are not going to stand here and cry like a damn baby. No fucking way. So take a deep breath and calm the hell down.

Listening to his inner voice, Yohji took a deep breath and made himself relax. He looked into Aya's violet eyes and spoke as calmly as he could. "Why did you end things between us?"

The question surprised him almost as much as it did Aya. His eyes were probably just as wide and his face probably looked just as confused as Aya's did right now. Why in the hell did you ask him that? Idiot! How had he gone from being angry at being dismissed to asking the question that had haunted him for the past two months?

But as he stood there looking into the eyes of the man who'd broken his heart, Yohji realized that it really didn't matter now. He'd asked the question once before and had never received an answer. This time he wasn't going to let it go. This time he was going to get his answer. With determined eyes and a proud stance, Yohji faced his former lover and waited for an answer he was terrified to hear.

Aya looked away briefly and Yohji could have sworn he saw the younger man swallow. But when Aya looked at him again with stone cold eyes, he knew he must've imagined it. The man standing so still before him was emotionless and affected by nothing.

Tension permeated the air and the silence was becoming unbearable. His hands were shaking so bad that Yohji thought it was a miracle he hadn't dropped the flower arrangement he was still holding. Aya would probably kill him if he did. Slowly and painfully. Well, shit. Speak now or forever hold your peace, Kudou.

"I know that it's over between us. I've managed to accept that. Pretty much because you didn't give me any other choice. But it pisses me the hell off not knowing why you decided to end it. I asked you that night why and you never answered me. You just fucking walked away from me. For two months, I've let it go. But dammit, it's eating away at me. The not knowing. I deserve to know why you decided to end what we had. I……"

Frustrated, Yohji looked away from the redhead. Gods, I'm getting pissed all over again. He ran a hand through his wavy hair quickly and took a deep breath. "I need to know, Aya."

Yohji looked up at Aya again and his heart dropped as violet eyes narrowed back at him giving him a cold and hard stare. When Aya finally spoke, his voice was harsh and angry and Yohji had to fight back the urge to wince.

"You are not what I want or need."

Yohji felt something shut down inside of him. He couldn't speak, couldn't move as iced violet eyes bore into him. Frozen to the spot, Yohji watched Aya reach out to touch him. It took all of his strength not to move as a pale long finger slowly ran down his cheek following the path a rebellious tear had left behind. Yohji would've normally shivered at the slight touch but now he was pretty much dead inside. Feeling nothing. With impassive eyes, he watched Aya move back a few steps once again putting distance between them.

"You were something my body craved, Yohji. Nothing more." Aya looked at him with deadly serious eyes. "Is that answer enough for you?"

Yohji had thought he'd been prepared for Aya's answer. But as he stood there, mind and body slowly collapsing, Yohji realized how wrong he'd been. Aya's answer had managed to destroy what little had remained of his shattered heart.

Yohji blinked slowly and focused his empty eyes on Aya. In a quiet and emotionless tone, he simply said, "Yes." He turned and walked out of the room.

Yohji quickly loaded the arrangements he had to deliver into his car. Don't think. Don't feel. Don't care. He felt a tear trail down his cheek and Yohji laughed out loud as he wiped it away. Damn crybaby. He took out the last cigarette from the pack in his jacket and lit it up. He thought about going upstairs to get his spare pack, but decided not to. He just didn't want to run into Aya.

A cloud suddenly came overhead blocking out the sunlight and he looked up. His teary jade eyes widened as the clouds in the sky began to shift and change color. Dark gray hues seemed to literally bleed into the bright blue tones of the clouds. The beauty in the sky suddenly became a morbid and vile collage of darkness.

Startled by what he was seeing, Yohji turned away and blinked several times trying to dispel the horrid scene he had just seen. He stood there next to his opened car door fighting the urge to look back up to the sky. Not wanting to see its shattered beauty. But try as he might, Yohji found himself looking back up. He let out a sigh of relief when he saw that the sky was beautiful, as it had been just moments before. You're such an ass, Kudou.

Laughing to himself, he dismissed what he'd seen as nothing more than his mind playing tricks on him. Yohji climbed into his car and strapped himself in before pulling out of his parking spot. A faint stab of pain zigzagged across the back of his head and his grip on the steering wheel tightened. Yohji's lips formed a grim smile as another faint stab streaked through his skull. He was getting another headache and it was going to be a bad one. Shit. Just what I needed. Life is just fucking hilarious.

Aya watched Yohji's retreating form from the shadows of the empty shop. He could see the set of Yohji's shoulders and how he held his head up high as he walked to his car. No one could tell by looking at him that Yohji was hurting. But he knew.

Aya closed his eyes remembering the look in Yohji's eyes after he'd said the words. It had nearly killed him to hurt Yohji that way. But why? Dammit! It had been his intention, hadn't it? What he'd wanted. It shouldn't have been so hard for him. He'd hardened himself against Yohji. He didn't care that the truth had apparently hurt the other man.So, why am I feeling like this? Why am I feeling this pain? This guilt?

Aya watched Yohji's car drive out of sight and into the traffic of the busy streets. Confused by his thoughts, he rested his forehead against the window and closed his eyes. Anger was a living growing thing inside of him. He hated himself and he hated Yohji. He hated his whole fucking life. Acting on impulse, Aya drew back his right arm and crashed his fisted hand into the window as hard as he could. Goddammit! Why can't I forget you? Why can't I be rid of these damn feelings?

Aya cracked his fist once more against the window for good measure before moving abruptly away from it. He was determined to live with the decision he'd made two months ago after realizing that his feelings for Yohji were becoming too intense. Nothing was going to change his mind. He stalked over to the counter and started to clean up the mess Yohji had left there ignoring the pain in his bruised hand. His foot stepped on something and Aya looked down at the floor. There, next to his foot, was a cigarette.

Dammit, Yohji. You're such a fucking slob. Aya tried to get angry over it but instead he found himself holding back a sob. Tears ran unchecked down his cheeks as he bent over to pick up the discarded cigarette. It had been smoked only halfway. One of Yohji's annoying habits. He ran the half-smoked cigarette along his fingers over and over again. He kept repeating the movement as he fought the emotions raging inside of him. Aya tried to put it down but found himself giving in to his heart instead. Slowly, he brought it up to his nose and inhaled. He closed his eyes and he savored the familiar scent. Yohji.

The scent brought back memories, memories Aya had tried to forget. The smoky aroma reminded him of the nights he had spent sated in Yohji's bed watching his lover smoke on the veranda. He would watch Yohji silently admiring his lean naked body under the moonlight, his own body would tense up with need.

A small smile curved Aya's lips as he remembered how Yohji would look back at him with a mischievous smile after catching him in his scrutiny. Yohji would throw the partly smoked cigarette away just before pouncing onto the bed managing to straddle him in one swift move. Aya could still hear the laughter and the giggles and the contented sighs and the husky moans.

Yohji, I miss you. Aya suddenly jerked at the unguarded thought. his anger once again coming to a boil. Where the hell had that come from? He looked down at the cigarette in his hand and wiped away the wetness on his face with the other. His eyes turned cold once again as he realized how foolish he was behaving.

He didn't need Yohji, Aya swore to himself. He didn't need anyone but his sister. She was the only thing that mattered to him. He would allow himself to care for no else. To be vulnerable, open to hurt, was something he had promised himself long ago never to be again.

Taking a deep breath, Aya walked over to the trashcan next to the front door and threw the cigarette away. He reached over to the front door and turned one of the signs on it around so that it could read "Out to Lunch". Aya moved to the counter and took off his apron leaving it there before he headed over to the stairs leading to their apartment.

With a foot on the first step, he suddenly stopped and turned back to look over at the trashcan. I don't love you, Yohji Kudou. I never did. I never will. He had to convince himself of that. He had to. With his hands fisted to his sides, Aya turned and walked up the stairs.

By the time Yohji arrived at Marshall Boulevard, his headache had reached its peak and he found himself fighting to clear his blurring vision. He parked the car by some miracle and turned the engine off. Only then, did he allow himself to close his eyes. He rested his head against the seat's headrest trying to get the pain under control.

He'd never felt this bad before. Was it worst because of his confrontation with Aya? Yohji could still hear Aya's devastating words. They echoed in his pained mind over and over again.

[ You are not what I want or need. ]

[ You were something my body craved. Nothing more. ]

The pain in his head increased and Yohji thought he would throw up. He brought up a hand to his right temple and applied pressure. He moved his fingers in a slow circular motion desperate to find some relief against the pain.

{ I can take the pain away. }

Startled by the strange voice in his head, Yohji stopped massaging and straightened in his seat looking around for the voice's owner. People were coming and going but he saw no one by the car. He was alone.

"What the hell……" His voice trailed off when he realized that the pain had indeed subsided. It was nothing more than a dull ache now.

A little spooked, Yohji sprang into action. He reached back and grabbed the flower arrangement from the back seat and got out of the car making sure to lock it. He checked the address again on the list, trying to ignore his shaky hand, and tucked it back into his pocket.

Enjoying the cool evening breeze, Yohji walked down a few houses before he spotted the house he was looking for. Well, to call it a house was an understatement. It screamed "MONEY!" and took up at least half of the block.Exaaagerated. Man, I wonder if a real butler's going to open the door and shit.

As he climbed up the high concrete steps, a feeling of unease crawled up Yohji's spine. His jade eyes darted around quickly but saw nothing out of the ordinary. Stop being so paranoid, Kudou. You've been doing it all week. It's getting old.

He rang the doorbell and waited for someone to open the door. A few minutes passed and still no one answered. Yohji looked at his watch and was pissed to see how late it was. 4:30! Shit! I still have two more deliveries to make. Dammit.

Yohji was about to knock again when his head suddenly seemed to explode. He braced himself on the railing barely managing to keep himself from falling down the stairs. His vision began to blur again and the world began to fade away. As if in a dream, Yohji saw the door in front him slowly begin to open. Evergreen eyes peered at him through the dark haze now hovering around his eyes.

{ Come to me. }

Overwhelmed by the intense pain ripping through him, the voice in his head took control and Yohji felt himself falling forward. The flowers slipped from his numb hands as strong arms closed around him. Faint echoes of shattering glass swirled in Yohji's dazed mind. Then he knew nothing more as he slipped completely into the darkness.

As he had predicted, Omi was dead tired by the time he got home from school. He walked into the kitchen and dragged himself to the table practically melting into one of the chairs. His head hit the table with a thump but Omi didn't have the energy to care. His backpack slid down his limp arm as he proceeded to pass out.

Omi was almost asleep when he heard the door crash open announcing Ken's arrival. He didn't move a muscle from where he'd died but he still managed to yell at him from the top of his lungs.

"Keeennn. You scared me half to death! Are you crazy?"

Smiling at the cute picture Omi made, Ken quietly walked over to him and whispered just above his ear, "Awwe, you poor baby. Did I really scare you?"

Omi shivered as Ken's lips gently nipped at his ear. Tired as he was, he found himself getting aroused. "You sure did, Ken. " He moaned as his lover's tongue gently traveled down his neck. "And I think you have to make it up to me."

In compliance, Ken's mouth came back to his ear causing more shivers to crawl up Omi's spine. "Oh, I'll be glad to make it up to you, sweetheart."

Omi arched his back as Ken reached over to touch the growing arousal his shorts were in no way hiding. Their lips met and every nerve in Omi's body came to life again. He practically purred as Ken began stroke his now fierce erection.

"Mmmmm." Omi was so aroused that he reached over to grab Ken's waistband. He was about to unbutton his lover's pants when the phone rang giving them both a start.


Oh, boy. This better be good. Omi made to get up but was stopped by Ken's long arms as they wrapped around him.

"Ignore it." Ken whispered as he slid his agile tongue down Omi's slender neck.

"Ken," Omi moaned, "What if it's an emergency?"

"Omi, right now I really don't give a shit." Ken looked at him with an almost pleading look.

Omi couldn't help but smile. Ken was just too cute when he pouted like that. He caressed his lover's cheek lovingly before moving out of Ken's arms to pick up the still shrilling phone.


Grinning and holding back a laugh, Omi answered the phone. "Hello."

"Omi, its Aya."

Surprised, Omi looked up at Ken's questioning face and mouthed out Aya's name. He smiled as Ken rolled his eyes and crossed his arms obviously expecting the bomb to drop. "What's up, Aya?"

"Come downstairs. Bring Ken with you if he's there. I need help down here."

"Where's Yohji?" Omi winced as Aya angrily explained that Yohji had gone out to make deliveries and was still not back yet. Aya was so mad that Omi could practically see the steam coming through the phone. "Okay, Aya. We'll be down in a few minutes."

"No fucking way!"

"It's only for another hour, Ken." Omi quickly hung up the phone and brought his hands up trying to calm a fuming Ken down.

"Yohji isn't back from making his deliveries and a swarm of customers just invaded the shop. Come on, Ken. Aya needs us." Wide-eyed and looking as angelic as possible, Omi pleaded with Ken.

Obviously unable to fight against such dirty underhanded tactics, Ken sighed and bowed his head. "I really hate it when you do that."

"Do what?" Omi said innocently knowing very well what he was doing and that it was working.

"Damn, you're good." Ken said as he looked up at Omi with an almost proud look on his handsome face.

Omi smiled at the compliment and leaned into Ken for a kiss. He just loved it when he won.

"Come on." His lover said with an exasperated look. "Let's hurry up and help Mr. Personality."

Omi smiled wickedly giving Ken a heated look. "Yeah, we've got unfinished business to get back to. Don't we?"


The look in Ken's blue-green gaze caused another shiver to run up Omi's spine. The man was an absolute beast. Omi wrapped his arm around his lover's waist loving the feel of hard abs as Ken pulled him closer.

They continued flirting with one another as they headed downstairs.

"Where is he?"

"In my room."

Crawford's amber-brown eyes narrowed in warning and Schuldich couldn't help but grin in return. "Don't worry, Bradley. I want to play with him not kill him."

"You're at your most dangerous when you play, Schuldich."

So very true. "Why thank-you, Brad. That's the nicest thing you've ever said to me."

Schuldich knew his sarcasm provoked his leader but he didn't care. Better yet, Crawford knew it. It made their private game all the more interesting to play. He was about to say something that would probably earn him a backhand to the face when Nagi entered Crawford's office.

"Yes, Nagi."

"As you anticipated, Weiß has yet to discover Kudou's disappearance." The telekinetic said in his usual quiet and reserved tone.

Schuldich regarded the beautiful teen still standing near the door. One day, he promised himself, he would crack Nagi's shell. The boy had definite potential. Oh, the possibilities.

"Good." Crawford said. A picture of dignified elegance. "That will be all, Nagi."

"I'll be in my room if you need me." Nagi turned and left the office as silently as he had entered.

Schuldich grinned and shook his head as he watched the door close. I really have to do something about that kid.He turned back to Crawford who was still looking at the door. Something was obviously brewing between those two, Schuldich thought. It bothered him a bit to see the obvious attraction between the two, after all, he and Crawford were on and off lovers. But it wasn't because he was jealous. Or was he? He didn't really know. Emotions were pretty foreign to him. Fuck. I even confuse myself. He laughed at himself. Well, enough of this deep thinking shit.

"What did I tell you, Bradley? Don't I know how to pick them?" He sounded a bit smug. But so what. It had been his idea to choose Kudou after all. It had been an obvious choice for him to make really. Kudou was a man who was always going out to clubs and disappearing for hours at a time. A playboy, a slut, a man after his own heart, Kudou had been the perfect target. The most desirable prey.

Schuldich wasn't expecting to receive any praise from the all too serious Crawford, however. It wasn't the bastard's style. It was just another reason why a part of him hated the man. Weird, how the other part of me just wants to fuck the guy senseless. I am sooo sick.

"Apparently your choice was indeed the most advantageous."

Holy shit! Was that a compliment? "Of course it was." He said trying not to show his shock.

"Now, if you're done patting yourself on the back, why don't you make yourself useful and attend to our guest."

Knew it was too good to be true. Asshole. Schuldich gave Crawford a wicked smile before he spoke. "It'll be my pleasure, Bradley."

Crawford stared at him for a few seconds as if he wanted to say something in response before turning his attention to the paperwork on his desk. Schuldich had to literally restrain himself from picking at the man's mind. The fact that Crawford would probably kill him if he did had him walking out of the room as quickly as he could.

The door's latch clicked behind him just as the clock chimed in the hallway. Schuldich's infamous smile once again adorned his handsome face as his green gaze focused on it. His heart began to race as anticipation escalated inside of him.

It's playtime, kitty.

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