Forsaken Author Pairing Rating Subject


I do not own Weiß Kreuz or any of its characters. I just love them to no end and have a very twisted imagination. Please be aware that I am extremely poor so suing me will do you no good. Thanks.

Warning: NC-17 / Lemon Yaoi / NCS / Violence / Explicit Language

Pairings: Schuldich x Yohji / Aya + Yohji / Ken + Omi / Bradley x Nagi

FYI: { Telepathic speech } -- Inner thoughts -- [ Flashback ]

Author's note:

Hey everyone, finally Chapter 14 of The Hunted has arrived! It's a chapter full of drama, action and of course, angst filled POVs. As promised, this chapter will be the beginning of the end and soon our bishounen will be put through the ultimate test. Schuldich has finally made a decision and will act upon his newly reawakened emotions. What will happen? I guess you're going to have to scroll down and see for yourself. *grins* Trust me, you're in for quite a ride.

My heartfelt thanks go out to all of The Hunted's wonderful fans. Schu, Yohji and Aya are loved by many and the triangle that I have sprouted between them has become a definite hit. It still amazes me to see how many people have truly enjoyed the developing drama and angst found in The Hunted especially since it was my very first attempt at writing fanfiction. Again, thank you for your encouragement and for your support! *sniffles*

Well, that's it for now. Go on and enjoy the fic! And please, don't forget to review.



The Hunted Part 14

Blinds closed, curtains pulled, Schuldich's room was shrouded in darkness. Silence hovered over the large room; a silence Schuldich could not manage to incorporate into his turbulent mind as he laid on his bed, his arms beneath his head staring up at the ceiling, feeling as if his whole world had been turned upside down. What the hell's happening to me? I don't even know who I am anymore.

He rolled onto his side keeping one arm tucked beneath his head and brought a hand up to rest on the pillow next to his chin. His eyes, confused pools of green, peered through the darkness unblinking and unfocused as his mind continued to replay the events of the night before.

Over and over again, Yohji's cries of despair echoed in his mind and Schuldich's heart clenched in rememberance. Try as he might, he just couldn't shake the feeling of guilt that had managed to filter through his defenses. The feeling was haunting him, allowing him no rest, no reprieve and it was driving him insane.

He felt like such a fool. He'd allowed himself to do what his training, what his very soul had forbidden him from doing. He had allowed himself to become emotionally attached. Worst still was the fact that his attachment was Yohji Kudou. A member of Weiß. His enemy.

Schuldich's hand fisted over the pillow. The realization of his error had been a hard one to swallow; denial being his first reaction for he had been unwilling to admit to such a weakness. But now, as he laid here in his bed, wallowing in his own misery, remembering the agony he had felt when he'd commanded Yohji to sleep yesterday, Schuldich knew he could no longer avoid the facts, could no longer deny what his inexperienced heart was telling him.

He was in love with Yohji Kudou.

Schuldich closed his eyes, anger and desperation intermingling within him. So I've figured out that I'm in fucking love. That I'm royally fucked. What now? What the fuck am I going to do now? Schuldich covered his face with his free arm. Shit. I hate this. I fucking hate this.

Feelings he had buried long ago were resurfacing, assailing him without mercy and Schuldich found himself doubting everything he had thought to be true about the man he'd become, everything he had thought the Mastermind should represent. Not only that but the door he'd erected over his memories was splintering, cracking under the strain of his now beating heart and for the first time since he was but a boy haunted by a myriad of voices, prostituting himself in Germany trying to survive, Schuldich was afraid; something he had sworn never to be again.

That time in his life when he had been forced to live a life full of filth and humiliation had instilled within him the determination to survive at all costs and by any means. Entering Rosenkreuz had been yet another stepping stone towards ensuring his survival. It had been a desperate choice to make, but a necessary one. A choice that had taken him off of the merciless streets and had given him a purpose.

Fear --- All of his needless emotions had been purged from him once he had been enclosed within the walls of Rosenkreuz, giving Schuldich the control he'd always craved but had been denied up until then. His life had been a journey through Hell since his birth and Schuldich had learned the hard way that only the strong could survive within the Devil's compounds. It had been a hard lesson learned and it hadn't been the only one but the knowledge he'd obtained had made him stronger, harder to break.

Throughout the years, he'd done whatever had been necessary, whatever had been asked of him in order to be allowed free passage through the 'Gates of Hell', in order to obtain his freedom from Rosenkreuz. Schuldich moved his arm away from his face and stared at the bedroom door. Joining Schwarz had been his reward. A reward earned through rivers of blood but one that he was thankful for nonetheless.

Schwarz had made his worthless existence tolerable. Bradley, Nagi and even Farfarello had somehow become his family. Schuldich grinned at the realization. No wonder I'm so fucked up. But funny as it may seem, deep down he knew it was true. The four of them were a family now, a family forged by loss and blood, a family brought together by Fate's belated mercy.

But now, everything he had done up to this point was on a precarious edge, tilting by the second toward oblivion. No longer was his path clear and sure, no longer was his mind focused and lethal, no longer was his heart devoid of all emotion. His unwavering control had been compromised, compromised by the wire wielding member of Weiß, by Yohji Kudou.

Schuldich sighed and moved to sit up on the bed; the movement causing a few of his flame colored locks to fall over his face. He swung his legs over the bed and leaned forward until his hands were hanging in between his legs. Automatically, he raked his hair back out of his face as his mind once again shifted to the blonde assassin who had somehow captured his blackened heart.

His life was in an upheaval because of Yohji, but for some ungodly reason Schuldich couldn't find it within himself to lay any blame on the blonde. It was his fault, not Yohji's. He had let his guard down, left himself wide open and now he would have to deal with the consequences of his mistake. Because of that understanding, Schuldich knew his outlook of the situation should be one of stoic patience. It was what his training required of him, what his years of experience demanded of him. But it was easier said than done.

Anger was still coursing through him; Aya's near conquest of Yohji still painfully clear within his mind. Such uncontrollable rage made him dangerous and unpredictable, more so than ever before and Schuldich knew that he was reaching his breaking point and knowing that only escalated the fear threatening to rip him apart. He needed to rid himself of all of the anxiety, of the fury running through him before it was too late, before he did something he would forever regret.

Schuldich stood up and began to pace the wooden floor beneath his feet. His body tense, his hands fisted at his sides, he walked back and forth as his mind searched for a solution that would end his torment.

Frustrated, he walked back to the bed and threw himself onto it. "What the fuck should I do?" Schuldich asked the silent room, once again finding himself on his back staring at the ceiling. What 'can' I do?

A hesitant knock sounded on the door and Schuldich rolled his head to the right, quickly scanning for surface thoughts. After a moment, he sighed and looked back up at the ceiling. "Come in, Nagi."

Slowly, the door opened revealing the younger man on the other side.

"Are you alright, Schu?"

"I'm fine, Nagi." Just fucking peachy.

Eyes still on the ceiling, Schuldich heard Nagi's soft footfalls approaching as the brunette entered the room and walked toward him. He heard a soft click just before the room went bright.

"Shit!" Schuldich cursed as he closed his eyes; the light immediately bothering them. "What the fuck, Nagi?"

"Why are you in the dark, Schuldich? You've been locked away in here since yesterday. What's wrong with you?" asked Nagi, his voice a mixture of annoyance and worry.

"Nothing's wrong, goddammit! Now turn the fucking light off!" Schuldich hissed. He knew Nagi was only trying to help him but right now he wasn't in the greatest of moods. All he wanted was to be left alone.

He heard Nagi sigh before the room was plunged into darkness once again. Schuldich opened his eyes just as he felt the mattress dip. He shifted his gaze and frowned. Nagi was looking at the lamp and not at him but it was obvious by Nagi's tense form that the younger man had something on his mind.

"What? I told you I'm fine."

Nagi swallowed, his eyes still focused intently on the lamp. "It's just that …… I thought that ……" Nagi sighed. "We talked yesterday, really talked about what was bothering me and I appreciated it. I just figured that maybe I could return the favor."

Eyebrows raised in surprise, Schuldich stared at Nagi. Well, damn. A warm feeling began to spread across his chest and Schuldich looked away from the brunette, unsure as to how to respond to Nagi's admission.

"Look, forget it," Nagi said dejectedly before he moved to stand up.

The kid's not playing fair, dammit. Schuldich reached out and grabbed Nagi's wrist, stopping the brunette before he could move away. Nagi sat back down and simply looked at him. After a few moments, Schuldich let out a breath and spoke, breaking the silence. "I fucked up."

Nagi raised a thin eyebrow in question waiting for Schuldich to continue.

"Shit," he mumbled, crossing his arms over his chest. { If you repeat what I'm about to say to anyone, I swear I'll kill you. } he threatened telepathically, switching to a method of 'talking' he was more comfortable with.

Nagi rolled his eyes at the baseless threat but nodded his head anyway.

Schuldich shifted his gaze back up to the ceiling. { It's Kudou. I …… Dammit. } This was a lot harder than he'd thought it would be.

{ You care for him, don't you? } Nagi asked him, his dark blue eyes holding a mixture of surprise and understanding.

Schuldich snorted. { That's the understatement of the year. } He sighed. { Yeah, I …… care for him. } Damn, he could feel his cheeks getting red. Goddammit.

{ And you have a problem with that. } Nagi stated.

{ Yeah I've got a problem with that, } he replied angrily, his eyes shifting to glare at the telekinetic. { I'm not supposed to be 'caring' about anything or anybody let alone someone from Weiß. This is a fucking nightmare! }

{ What else? }

{ What? }

{ There's something else bothering you. About Kudou. } Nagi tilted his head a bit. { Does he return your feelings? }

Schuldich's heart clenched at the question. He looked away from Nagi unwilling to let the younger man see the doubt whirling within his eyes. He wanted to say yes, wanted to sound arrogant and sure, his normally cocky self, but he couldn't. { I …… } I am so fucking pathetic! { I don't know, alright, } he snapped. { I have no fucking idea what he feels toward me aside from the usual 'I hate your guts' crap. }

{ And that upsets you. }

{ I'm not upset! I'm just …… unsettled. }

Nagi nodded and Schuldich's eyes narrowed. { What? }

{ Do you really want to hear my opinion? }

{ Fuck Nagi, just say what you want to say. I don't give a shit either way. } But he did and knowing it irked Schuldich to no end.

{ Alright. I'm going to be as up-front with you as you were with me. } Nagi paused a moment before he continued. { You fucked up. }

Schuldich rolled his eyes. { I know that, } he replied, his tone exasperated.

{ But, } Nagi continued, ignoring Schuldich. { You're only human, Schu. Assassin, telepath, it doesn't matter. You're still human. You have faults just like everyone else, whether you wish to acknowledge them or not. }

Schuldich stared at Nagi, wanting to deny the younger man's words but unable to say a word against them.

{ Emotions are …… complicated. They're a hindrance for people like us. For that reason alone, we were all programmed to ignore them, to forget their existence. } Nagi shook his head. { But we can't, Schu. We can't just erase our emotions, no matter how hard we may try. They're ingrained too deeply within us to just wipe them away. } Nagi's eyes bore into Schuldich's. { Or are you that wrapped up in this role you constantly play that you can honestly deny that fact? }

Schuldich turned away from Nagi's all too knowing eyes. { What role? I am who I am Nagi, } he countered, refusing to allow Nagi's words to fuel the lingering doubts whirling around inside of him. Nothing's going to ever change who I've become, he told himself. But despite those words, Schuldich couldn't help but wonder whether Nagi's words true.

Nagi shook his head, a small grin playing on his lips. { Your attitude isn't going to help you resolve your problem. You're at war with yourself and until you make a decision as to what you want, you're never going to be at peace. }

{ Dammit, Nagi. What the hell do you know anyway? } Schuldich spat, a rush of anger filling him. { Why don't you worry about your own damn love life before you start preaching to me about mine. }

Schuldich regretted his words in an instant. Nagi's face fell, hurt written over his beautiful features as he turned his head away to face the door. Schuldich's chest constricted and he berated himself for being so cruel to the brunette. Goddammit, why the hell do I always have to do that? He's only trying to help.

{ You're right, Schu, } Nagi replied, his voice a mere whisper in Schuldich's mind. { I'm the last person who should be handing out advice. }

Fuck! You and your big fucking mouth. { Listen to me, Nagi. I shouldn't have said that. } Schuldich reached over and pulled on Nagi's sleeve until the brunette was looking at him with solemn eyes. { I was being an asshole. You said something that hit a little too close to home and I ... Well, I got pissed, alright. And I said what I said to get you off my back. }

Nagi blinked, his eyes understanding rather than sad and Schuldich turned his gaze back to the ceiling, his arms once again crossing over his chest. Relief was obvious within him and Schuldich didn't know what to think about the unusual occurrence. Not only had he apologized for what he had said but he was actually feeling a measure of relief knowing that his apology had been accepted. I am definitely fucked up.

Without moving his head, he shifted his eyes back onto the brunette. Nagi was still looking at him as if the kid wanted him to say something else. Schuldich sighed inwardly. Well, you started this bullshit. Now, you've got to finish it ... Dammit.

{ Alright! What you said made sense. } Schuldich's eyes hardened as a now familiar sense of desperation speared his insides. { But recognizing my ... 'feelings' isn't going to do shit for me. No matter how 'human' I may be, it doesn't change the facts. I am Schwarz and Kudou is Weiß. We're sworn enemies, Nagi. How the fuck am I supposed to overcome that? }

{ Schu ... }

{Besides, } Schuldich continued before Nagi could speak. { Even if I could find a way, there's still the problem of Kudou himself. He confuses me Nagi. To the point that I no longer know what I'm about. And despite this confusion he causes me, I can't ignore what I feel when I'm near him. He feels it too. Of that much I'm sure. But he fights it. Fights it with all of his strength. He's as confused as I am. Plus, } Schuldich's tone lowered, it's tone becoming harsher even though it was but a whisper, { a part of his heart belongs to another. }

Nagi straightened, his blue eyes glued onto Schuldich.

Evergreen eyes narrowed as Schuldich's thoughts strayed towards the katana wielding assassin of Weiß; anger radiated from his every pore as his mind latched onto his rival. { No matter how hard I try, I can't purge that bastard Fujimiya from Yohji's soul. Every attempt I've made has failed, leaving us both miserable and in pain. } Schuldich reached out and grabbed Nagi's forearm. { Do you have any idea how that makes me feel, Nagi? To have these fucking feelings consume me, lead me into doing things I don't want to do, reveal a part of myself even I wasn't aware of, only to have it all blow up in my face? I'm the fucking Mastermind, Nagi. An assassin who isn't supposed to have any qualms to terrorize, to maim, to kill. Yet here I am, a miserable wretch, all because I want something I can't have. All because my fucking heart decides to beat again. All because I'm in fucking love! }

Schuldich's grip had tightened over Nagi's arm, but the younger man hadn't winced, hadn't made to move away from the hand that held him. Instead, Nagi placed his hand over Schuldich's, his touch soothing, comforting. Schuldich blinked in reaction and released Nagi's arm in an instant.

{ Shit, Nagi. I'm ... Shit. } Schuldich's hand fisted over his chest, his eyes once again fixed on the ceiling.

{ It's alright Schu. } Nagi replied, his voice reassuring.

Schuldich looked at Nagi as if the brunette were out of his mind. { I just acted like a fucking jackass and nearly broke your arm and that's all you can say? You should be swinging me around the room for what I just did. Stop being so goddamn nice, Nagi. It's annoying the hell out me. }

Nagi smirked. { Careful, I can still change my mind. Besides, } Nagi tilted his head, { I can understand what you're going through completely. Don't forget that I'm dealing with a man just as pigheaded as you are. And because I understand you, I'll tell you what someone once told me. } Nagi's looked into Schuldich's eyes. { Instead of getting yourself all worked up over this, you should be trying to talk to Kudou. Stop being an ass and talk to him. }

{ Hey, I never said that. }

{ That last part was from me. }

{ Smart ass. }

{ I learned from the best. }

Schuldich scoffed at the last remark, knowing full well that the kid was probably right. But was Nagi right about everything else? Should he talk to Yohji? Should he stop this nonsense once and for all by getting the blonde to listen to him? But how? How can I get Yohji to stay with me long enough to talk to him? Yohji had threatened to kill him the last time they had been together. Schuldich had no doubt that the blonde would try to do just that, despite any feelings that might exist between them. Yohji was like a wild animal. If cornered, he'd more than likely lash out at him, ready to defend himself by any means. There has to be a way, dammit. There has to be ...

Schuldich's eyes widened a bit as a thought crossed his mind. A very foolhardy, dangerous, downright insane thought. Schuldich sat up and slid off the bed, his mind already planning what needed to be done.


Schuldich blinked as Nagi's voice penetrated his thoughts. Opening the bedroom door, he looked back at Nagi and smiled. "I've decided to take your advice."

Nagi's confused eyes stared at him and Schuldich grinned.

"What are you planning to do, Schu?" Nagi asked, his voice full of concern.

Schuldich's grin faded just before he turned his head away to stare straight ahead. His body suddenly tense and straight, Schuldich's voice was calm yet fierce when he spoke. "I'm going hunting."

"Schu!" Nagi called out as Schuldich left the room, his power grasping Schuldich's arm in a desperate attempt to prevent what Schuldich was set out to do.

Schuldich paused and looked down at his arm before he turned his gaze back to Nagi; the look in his eyes causing Nagi to swallow.

"Don't try to stop me, Nagi," Schuldich warned. "Fate's already leading me down my path and there's nothing you can do to divert the outcome."

Nagi stared at him for what seemed to be an eternity before Schuldich finally felt the invisible band over his arm disperse, releasing him from Nagi's hold. Schuldich's eyes softened for he knew how hard letting him go must been for the surprisingly caring telekinetic. { Thanks kid. }

Nagi crossed his arms and looked away. { Just come back in one piece or you won't be so lucky next time around. And don't call me kid! }

Schuldich nodded, a grin curving his chiseled lips, before he turned and walked away.

"Your target will be Hirotoshi Wada, head of Wada & Takaya Enterprises."

Aya stared at the report in his hand before turning his violet eyes back onto Manx and Birman. "What about the partner?"

Manx walked over to the stairwell to stand next to Birman. "Reports have confirmed that Takashi Takaya is completely unaware of his partner's corrupt dealings. He has been called away to the United States on business due to an 'unexpected problem' at one of his offices there."

"Quite a coincidence," Ken commented with a knowing grin.

Manx smirked and proceeded to brief the four of them on what could possibly be their latest mission. Aya stood against the far left wall, trying to listen to the green-eyed agent but found his mind straying and his eyes wandering to the blonde sitting quietly on the sofa a few feet away.

Aya's hand tightened unconsciously over the file in his hand as he recalled the previous night. His lower body tightened as he remembered the spearing heat he had felt at the taste of Yohji lips, at the feel of Yohji's body once again pressed against him. But he could also remember the pain that had slashed through him at Yohji's rejection. It had felt as if his heart had been ripped out of him, torn from his chest in one brutal blow.

Isn't that exactly what I did to him? Yes, it had been, he told himself bitterly. And because of that fact, he had deserved the harsh words Yohji had directed toward him. In a moment of complete selfishness, of utter stupidity, of desperate fear, he had destroyed his relationship with Yohji. Instead of facing the inner turmoil his love for Yohji had stirred inside of him, he had chosen to run away, like a coward, like a fool and in doing so, he had lost something precious, something that had been given to him with great care and trust.

He had lost Yohji's heart.

Or had he?

Last night, Yohji had allowed Aya to come near him, to touch him, to taste him once more. It had been almost like a dream when he had felt his love's soft lips yield under his own, to feel Yohji's desire harden within his hand. No, I haven't lost you completely, Yohji. You still feel something for me.

There had to be a way to prove to Yohji that he regretted what he'd done, that his words of love were true and unwavering. Aya sighed inwardly. How the hell can I make him see the truth? Words alone would not be enough to salvage what he and Yohji had once shared. Yohji's rejection last night had proven that to him. It was true that Yohji had reacted to his words, to his touch. But in the end, Yohji had refused him turning him away with teary eyes.

Pain had been clear to see within those sparkling emerald orbs but there had been something else whirling inside of them, a glimpse of something he hadn't been able to recognize until now. His mind and heart had been in chaos and he had been unable to comprehend what he had seen. But now that his mind was once again clear, realization finally dawned on him.

He had seen ... fear.

Aya knew for a fact that Yohji didn't fear him in the least; the blonde being his equal in almost all things including strength and skill. Why was he afraid then?

His worry for Yohji was escalating with every passing day. Seeing that underlying of fear in Yohji's eyes only served to increased his apprehension. His hands were tied however, his own ignorance having created the binds that now held him and Aya had no idea as to what he could do to make things right. Dammit, I feel so useless. There's just nothing I can do for him. Not until he learns to trust me again.

"So, are all of you in?" asked Birman, her eyes searching the faces of the four men before her, interrupting Aya's thoughts.

Everyone nodded, clearly accepting the mission at hand and Manx smiled. "Good," she replied as she turned and began to climb the stairs after Birman. "2100 hours, boys. Be ready."

Aya watched the two Kritiker agents leave before he shifted his eyes back toward Yohji. He nearly gasped when his violet eyes met Yohji's green ones. His face, schooled long ago to not show any emotion, was impassive as his eyes remained locked onto Yohji, as his heart seemed to skip a beat, as all air stopped flowing through his lungs, as time itself froze around him.

What can I say to change things between us? Aya's eyes bore into Yohji's, trying to convey his thoughts somehow. What can I do to get you to believe in me once again?

Yohji's eyes darkened as if the blonde had indeed read his thoughts but the moment was lost between them as reality once again made itself known.

"Aya, I need that file on the building's blueprints," Omi stated as he approached Aya.

Aya blinked and watched Yohji turn away. His violet eyes turned to the younger man now beside him and he wordlessly handed Omi the file in his hand.

"Thanks," Omi replied, his blue eyes roaming over his face quickly before he turned away.

Aya nodded and watched the youngest of the Weiß assassins walk to where Ken and Yohji where standing. He took a deep breath and walked over to join them as well. A feeling of dread suddenly washed over him and Aya paused in mid-step, his body growing still and tense. What ... What's this feeling? Why am I suddenly so ... uneasy?


What? Ken ... Ken was calling out his name.

Aya snapped his gaze to towards the others and forced himself to move, dispelling the air of apprehension that had momentarily surrounded him. Raising an eyebrow in question as he caught sight of Ken's confused stare, he stood next to the brunette and crossed his arms.

Ken merely shook his head and turned his attention back toward his lover.

Blue-green eyes met true blue ones for a brief second but it was long enough for Aya to notice, causing him to almost roll his eyes. Those two worry too damn much for their own good. But he understood their anxiety. Ken and Omi cared about him, about Yohji. The two lovers had more than likely noticed the tension now pulsating full force between Yohji and himself. The whole situation was probably taking its toll on them as well. Can anything ever be simple?

"Alright, let's go over the blueprints. We have only a few hours to study and memorize them," Omi stated, his eyes focused on the white sheets now spread over the table.

Aya listened carefully to the discussion at hand, knowing that every detail had to be followed to the letter in order for the mission to go as planned, but his concentration faltered as a shadow of foreboding once again loomed over him.

Amethyst eyes darkened as a silent prayer was whispered up to the Heavens above.

Protect them ... Above all else ... Protect those I love.

Sightless and unblinking, Bradley's amber-brown eyes stared straight ahead as the images of things that had not yet come to pass flooded his mind. Over and over again, they flew by him becoming clearer with each passing turn even as they began to fade into oblivion.

Bradley's eyes narrowed as he tried to free himself of the vision's hold. He'd seen all he had needed to see. He couldn't allow the events foretold by his gift to unfold. Enough was enough. It was time for this needless battle to end before those he cared for paid a price higher than death. But try as he might, Bradley couldn't break free; the vision's will too strong to give him up as of yet.

Time continued to flow as Bradley's body remained unmoving; it's passing an agonizing torment within Bradley's mind for he knew that there was nothing he could do now. The hands of Fate were once again at play and all he could do was watch in utter resignation as one desperate action sealed the destiny of not one, but three.

"Mission complete. Target is down. Ready to synchronize charges at 2200 hours."

Crouched down on one knee near a wall, Yohji looked at his watch. Once the timers on the detonators were set, the four of them would have exactly five minutes to exit the building before it exploded. Jeez, talk about being under pressure.

Omi's voice once again rang clear through the communicator over Yohji's ear. "Sections A-C secure," Omi informed them. "Siberian, report."

"Sections D-F secure."

"Balinese, report."

"Sections G-I secure."

"Abyssinian, report."

"Sections J-L secure."

Aya's calm voice had Yohji's hand clenching over his earpiece; the redhead's startling confession still a painfully clear memory within his mind. No, dammit. Don't think about that now. Foolish thoughts were best kept buried. He had to keep his mind clear and focused. Thinking of Aya would only distract him.

"Copy," Omi responded. "Get ready on five."

Yohji placed his hand over the main detonator as Omi began the countdown.

"Five ... four ..."

Yohji's heart picked up its pace as a familiar feeling suddenly coursed through him, touching the outskirts of his mind. Yohji gasped and his hand began to shake over the incendiary device. Shit, not now. Dammit, not now.

"Three ..."

Yohji's eyes darted from side to side, his frame tense and alert. Concentrate, Kudou! You're imagining things. He can't possibly be here.

"Two ..."

But the feeling wouldn't subside as Yohji began to set the timer. Quickly his fingers moved, entering the first three numbers that would soon set off the chain of explosives he had planted.

"One ... Synchronize charges now."

Yohji entered the last required number and pressed the trigger, immediately activating the timer.

"Everyone move!" Omi commanded.

Moving quickly, Yohji stood up and turned to run when a bullet suddenly whisked by his ear. Shit! Yohji ducked and drew his wire, his jade eyes searching for any sign of movement. Dammit, where did this asshole come from? All of Wada's men had been taken care off. Obviously, you missed one idiot.

A flash of light to his right caught his eye and in an instant Yohji's wire was flying through the air; the metal strand whistling as it arched and twirled toward its target. Yohji felt the wire contact and immediately pulled, adeptly cutting off the scream of his attacker as the wire fulfilled its duty. Yohji jerked his hand and allowed the wire to loosen its hold. Another jerk and the wire fell away, whistling through the air once again as it coiled back into his watch.

Yohji turned his wrist and looked at time. "Shit," he cursed. Only two minutes left. He had lost precious time. I'm never going to make it to the roof in time. Yohji closed his eyes, trying to calm his breathing as he quickly searched through his memory, scanning through the memorized blueprints of the building. His eyes opened in a matter of seconds.

Section H had a fire escape leading towards the far side of the building. It had been a part of the original building's design before it had been expanded and it had never been removed. The emergency stairway only covered two levels but it would have to be enough. He would figure out what he would do next once he made it outside.

Yohji ran quickly toward his destination, his heart ramming against his chest as once again apprehension washed over him. But Yohji quickly put it aside, shifting his focus back onto what he was doing. Otherwise, he wouldn't live to see another day.

A sudden explosion shook the building and Yohji stumbled as the floor quaked violently. Unable to stop himself, he fell forward, landing on his side. Pain shot up his shoulder as he impacted against the concrete floor but he forced himself to ignore it. "Fuck," he whispered hoarsely as he made himself stand, his arm protesting the movement.

Water cascaded all around him; the fire now consuming the hallway having set off the sprinkler system. Yohji blinked rapidly trying to see past the water in his eyes. Come on. Come on. Where's the fucking exit? He had to find Section H or he was done for.

Another explosion rocked the foundation of the building and Yohji braced himself against a wall, trying to stay on his feet. Yohji's eyes narrowed, searching for the familiar glow of the exit sign. Relief washed over him when his gaze finally spotted the sign shining clearly at the end of the now darkened hallway.

Lights flickered on and off as Yohji's footsteps echoed throughout the dim area, his feet splashing through the puddles of water on the floor. The thundering roar of yet another explosion resounded along the weakening walls of the building, this time only a few feet away from where he was and Yohji knew that his set of explosives had finally detonated. Shit!

His long legs moved swiftly despite the trembling waves running along the floor beneath his feet, threatening to upset his balance yet again. Yohji's eyes remained locked onto the doorway up ahead, survival his only goal.

I just hope the others made it out. Even if I don't make it. Let them be safe. Let Aya be safe.

"Where's Balinese and Abyssinian?" demanded Ken as he ran up to Omi, his face sweaty and covered in soot.

Panting and trying to catch his breath, Omi shook his head. "Abyssinian was on his way here but when he heard that I couldn't reach Balinese, he cut off his communicator. I haven't heard from him since."

Worry could be clearly seen with Omi's blue eyes and Ken swallowed as he turned to look back at the towering inferno they had created. "Shit." Ken's hands fisted as his sides; the claws within his bugnuks automatically releasing.

There was nothing they could do now but wait.

"Dammit," Yohji cursed as a piece of concrete hit him from behind causing him to stumble. He managed to balance himself, however, and continued to run quickly through the almost pitch black corridor.

Smoke had yet to reach this side of the building for the explosives had thankfully been set towards the front of the large structure. But the electricity had long given out and he was just running blind now, relying solely on his memory to guide him.

Having reached what had been dubbed as Section H, Yohji had ran his ass off in hopes of reaching the far end of the floor before the fire spread there as well. So far, he'd been lucky and now only had a few more feet to go before making it to his destination.

Moving his head from side to side, Yohji tried to locate the office that lead to the fire escape. Okura. Okura, his mind chanted as he went from door to door skimming each name plate.

"Jackpot!" he exclaimed when he finally found the right door. Quickly he opened it and ran into the room, his eyes already locked onto the large windows directly ahead of him.

He opened the window, breathing in the clear air suddenly flooding the room and climbed over the windowsill. His feet hit the metal stairway and Yohji pushed himself the rest of the way through the window. Smoke surrounded him despite the passing breeze, cutting off even the moonlight and Yohji swallowed as the eerie sounds of shrieking metal echoed around him; the now burning structure beginning to fall apart.

Yohji looked around desperately, searching for a way to get down. He peered over the railing of the fire escape and whistled. He's known that he was still way up from ground level, section H merely being another name for the eighth floor, but actually seeing the height difference was a little disturbing. He cursed at himself again for having lost his communicator along the way. Without the necessary tools to get down or the ability to get help, Yohji found himself in between a rock and a hard place.

"Okay, Kudou. What are you going to do now?" he muttered to himself, his eyes roaming around the area. There has to be a way out of this. You just have to ----

Suddenly his world turned and tilted as another explosion shook the side of the building, hurtling Yohji over the metal railing of the fire escape. Gods! Yohji's eyes widened as his surroundings whisked by him in slow motion.

His arm shot out and grabbed the railing, his body crashing against the fire escape, almost knocking the air out of him. Struggling to maintain his hold, Yohji brought his watch up to his mouth and tried releasing the wire within. But the wire would not uncoil and Yohji's eyes widened as realization dawned. His watch must have been damaged when he'd first fallen down.

"Shit!" he exclaimed in utter frustration and fear. He felt his grip sliping and Yohji knew that he wouldn't be able to hold on for long. The fire escape once again rattled; the force of the tremor loosening Yohji's hold. Yohji closed his eyes as he felt his hand lose its hold and waited for the rush of air beneath him, waited for death.

But death never came as his arm was suddenly gripped from above. His shoulder screamed in pain but Yohji paid it no mind as he lifted his eyes to see who had saved him.

"Hello, Yotan."

Yohji's eyes widened. "Schuldich?"

Green eyes glittered despite the lack of light as the telepath pulled Yohji's arm forward, lifting him until he was safely back onto the fire escape.

His heart ramming against his chest, Yohji allowed the arms surrounding him to hold him as he fought for control over his trembling body. Suddenly realizing what he was doing, Yohji shoved at Schuldich, forcing the redhead to release him.

"What the fuck are you doing here?" Yohji demanded, fear and anger intermingling within him almost making him forget about the danger he was still in.

Schuldich's eyes sparkled with a dangerous light. "I've come for you."

Yohji took a step back. "What? Are you fucking crazy?"

Schuldich grinned and shook his head. "Not exactly," Schuldich replied sardonically.

An orange glow began to light up the room on the other side of the window and Yohji knew without looking that the room was already being engulfed in flames.

"Look Schuldich, we don't have time for this. This building is about to come down and I'm in no mood to go down with it. So get the fuck out of my way."

Schuldich snickered and Yohji's fists clenched at his sides.

"And where my little kitten are you going to go?" Schuldich asked him, a grin curving his lips. "Down isn't exactly an option."

Yohji's eyes narrowed in anger. He knew he was cornered. Which was exactly where Schuldich wanted him.

"Damn you," Yohji spat, grabbing onto the railing as another tremor vibrated throughout the building.

Schuldich's grin suddenly vanished, his face even his eyes now unreadable. Yohji stood frozen unable to move as the telepath slowly approached him.

"I told you," Schuldich whispered, his mouth hovering near Yohji's ear, "that you are mine."

Yohji closed his eyes and shivered as the redhead traced his ear with a smooth tongue. Yohji's mind tried to protest, tried to free himself from the spell that the telepath had somehow woven around him, but his body was unwilling to obey.

"You belong to me, Yohji. It's time that you finally accepted that fact."

His body, his mind and even his soul responded to the dark command as Yohji felt his strength wavering. Did he belong to Schuldich? Perhaps, he admitted to himself grimly but ... He'll never have my heart. No, never his heart for it was no longer his to give.

Yohji winced as Schuldich lightly bit his ear.

{ Don't even think about him, Kudou. } Schuldich warned before he nipped Yohji's ear once again with more care. { Your heart may not be mine as you say, but it will be soon. This I promise you. }

Yohji shook his head, denying what he prayed would never be true. He was weakening, however, his mind no longer capable of distinguishing what was real and what wasn't. Gods, I'm so confused.

Schuldich's mouth suddenly dipped down to his neck and Yohji hissed as Schuldich's tongue trailed along his skin.

{ That feels good doesn't it, Yohji? }

"Gods, yes," Yohji moaned, unable to stop himself from responding to Schuldich's wicked caress. The pleasure was intensifying and Yohji leaned his body toward Schuldich's hard chest. Another moan escaped him as Schuldich's hands buried themselves within his golden hair.

His head was pulled back and Yohji's glazed eyes opened. Eyes now dark with desire looked down at him and Yohji fought to breathe.

{ It's time, Yotan. }

And before Yohji could react, Schuldich took hold of his mind causing Yohji to gasp in surprise. He wanted to struggle but he found himself unable to move as Schuldich plunged deeper into his mind.

{ You will sleep, kitten. Sleep. }

A wave of dizziness washed over Yohji and he felt his body go numb. His legs, no longer able to support him, buckled and Yohji slumped forward into the waiting arms of his enemy. The fire escape shook once again and debris began to fall from above, but Yohji was unaware of what was happening as his vision blurred and began to fade.

I'm sorry ... Aya. I'm sorry.

He felt the hold around his waist tighten as his head fell forward onto a strong shoulder. Yohji's eyes closed and then he knew no more as he descended into darkness.

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