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I do not own Weiß Kreuz or any of its characters. I just love them to no end and have a very twisted imagination. Please be aware that I am extremely poor so suing me will do you no good. Thanks.

Warning: Lemon Yaoi / Violence / Explicit Language / Angst

Pairings: Schuldich x Yohji / Ran x Ken / Omi x Nagi / Jei x Aya / Hints of Crawford x Schuldich

FYI: { Telepathic speech } - Inner thoughts - [ Flashback ]

Author's Notes:

Hey everyone, here's the next chapter of Crimson Embrace (I think this is my longest chapter yet). I hope you enjoy all of the angst in this latest chapter, not to mention the Ran and Ken lemon that I've conjured up. I hope you like it.

Well, that's enough for now. I hope you guys enjoy the fic. And please, don't forget to review!

Thanks so much,


Crimson Embrace

Chapter 6 - Shattered Tomorrows

Downstairs in the former briefing room, Yohji stood next to Omi, his unusually serious gaze glued to the screen, as the younger man's fingers danced quickly over the laptop's keyboard.

"Okay, here's what we were looking for," Omi said as he manuvered the mouser onto a specific file. He hit the enter button and more data crammed into the screen. "Got it!"

Yohji leaned forward and perused the records Omi had managed to obtain and manipulate in order to find out what they needed to know. Thanks to Omi's skill with the computer, they had been able to link to one of the goverment's satelites. Once the link had been established and safeguarded against detection, Omi had been able to configure the exact points from which Schuldich and Nagi had used their cell phones within the last 24 hours.

His jade eyes narrowed suddenly and he felt his heart stop before it continued to beat at an erratic pace. Dammit to hell. "There," he said quietly, lifting a finger to indicate a particular point that stood out among the others. He turned his head and stared impassively at Omi.

Omi eyes shifted onto the screen and after a moment of silence looked up at Yohji, his eyes full of confusion and doubt. It was like looking into a mirror.

"What the hell's going on?"

Yohji straightened and crossed his arms. "Your guess is as good as mine, kid." He focused his gaze once again on the screen and took a deep breath. "The last call between them was this morning with Nagi already at Point A and Schuldich heading in that direction." He looked away from the screen and took a step back shifting his gaze onto Omi yet again. "Guess we know where we're going now, don't we?"

Omi nodded as he continued to stare at the screen. "Yeah, I guess we do."

Yohji knew the younger man was hurting, that his mind was probably being bombarded with a thousand questions; much like himself. But we've come this far. There's no way we can back down now. He and Omi had to move forward and complete what they had started.

Yohji turned and began to walk across the room to the stairs. "Let's go, Omi." He didn't look back as he began to climb the stairs. He knew Omi would follow.

Sure enough, a soft click sounded and Yohji knew Omi had closed the laptop. Seconds later, footsteps could be heard trudging softly as the kid crossed the room to join him on the stairs.

Silently, they walked through the shop ignoring the girls shrieking their names.

Yohji spotted Aya to his left and just before he exited the Koneko, he grinned and winked at her giving her his own brand of a thank you for taking over his and Omi's shifts. The petite brunette winked back before turning away to attend to a customer.

As he and Omi quietly walked toward his car, Yohji rubbed unconsciously at his chest as his mind began to question what they were about to do. Shit, you started this Kudou. You can't change your mind now. You can't run away from this with your tail in between your legs.

No, he couldn't turn away from what he'd read on that screen. He couldn't pretend it didn't matter. A motel. Point A is a motel. I can't just fucking brush this off. No matter what he and Omi were about to discover, nothing could be worst than living with the fear of the unknown.

But even though his determination to find out the truth was pushing him forward, Yohji couldn't help but feel anxious over what was to come. He didn't know how he knew it, but Yohji knew that things were about to change. Not only for him but for the others as well.

Shit, I know I'm going to regret this. He knew deep in his heart that he would.

But the truth would be revealed today. No matter what.

"I can't believe you let those two talk you into taking over for them," Jei said, shaking his head as he counted the money from the register. The store was closed for lunch and it was the perfect opportunity to empty the til. "You're so gullible."

"They really sounded desperate. I don't know why they had to run out but I just couldn't refuse them." Aya smiled at him from where she sat on top of the counter and reached over to touch his nose. "Besides, I didn't see you saying 'No' to them."

Jei grinned back at her, stopping his counting for a moment to look at her. "Yeah, well I never said I was any less gullible than you. I'm a sucker too, you know. After all, I fell for you, didn't I?"

Aya punched Jei lightly on the shoulder and smirked. "You're just sore because you couldn't resist me and you made a fool of yourself whenever you could."

Jei laughed as he placed the money and register receipts into a money bag. "That's such bullshit. God, how are you managing to stay upright with that heavy head of yours?" Aya punched him again, this time a little harder. "Ow, you're so touchy."

"Touchy my butt. Keep it up and I'll show you touchy."

Jei's white brows lifted and a slow smile creased his lips. "Yeah? You promise."

Aya giggled, having clearly been out maneuvered. "You're terrible."

Jei reached over and pulled Aya almost completely off the counter, bringing her body plush against his. "I'm horny is what I am," he whispered and kissed Aya breathless.

Aya's hands delved into Jei's white hair as their lips met with unbridled passion. She opened her legs a bit, allowing Jei to move in closer and moaned as Jei's hands took a hold of her hips and moved her up against him. Knowing that they would be getting hot and heavy in a matter a seconds, Aya pulled away panting and rested her head on Jei's shoulders. "Damn, but you're good."

Panting as well, Jei smiled and squeezed her behind before he spoke. "And you've got good brakes."

Aya nodded into Jei's shoulder and said, "Yeah, yeah. I'm an ass."

Jei laughed and hugged her closer to him. "Nah, you're just using the brain God gave you. And we're lucky that you are since my brain took a nose dive into my pants."

Aya giggled and kissed Jei's cheek. "You're impossible." She glanced over to the clock on the wall and sighed. "And lunch is almost over."

Jei looked over his shoulder at the clock and agreed. "Yup, we'd better get things situated before we open up again." Aya sighed and climbed off the counter as Jei reluctantly moved away from her. She pushed down her skirt, making sure that she was decent and walked over to the front door as she ran a hand through her hair.

"I'm going to put this in the safe," said Jei as he headed for the back room, moving a bit uncomfortably due to a certain unsatisfied bulge in his pants.

Aya smiled as she switched the sign on the door to read 'Open'. Her eyes took in the glorious day outside and sighed; a part of her regretting her decision to work today. Oh well, what's done is done. I couldn't have refused them even if I'd tried anyway. She really was gullible. It was just the way she was. She just couldn't deny her family a damn thing.

Gentle arms suddenly came around her waist but Aya didn't startle. She knew who it was. She leaned back into Jei's chest and closed her eyes loving the feel of her lover against her.

"Regretting missing out on such a beautiful day?"

Aya smirked. Jei really knew her well. She would never let him know that of course. "No, I'm glad that I could do the guys a favor."

"Well, Ran and Ken will be down in a few hours to take over. That'll still leave us plenty of time to enjoy the day."

Aya nodded and turned around to look at her lover. "Do you think Ran took a nap like he was supposed to?"

Jei's eyebrow lifted and he gave her a what-do-you-think look.

Aya sighed. "Yeah, probably not," she said as she shook her head. "He's just so hard-headed sometimes. I don't know how Ken puts up with him."

"Probably the same way you do but with an added twist," Jei replied. He spotted a customer already heading toward the shop and motioned his hand toward the door. "Here comes a customer."

Aya looked over her shoulder and winced as she recognized Mrs. Oshima, one of their regular customers. The woman tended to mull over her order. Aya could still remember with horrid clarity the time the old woman took three hours to make a decision over an arrangement. "Well, I guess it's back to work for us." Aya prayed for strength.

Omi and Yohji, you guys owe me big for this one.

Stretched out on his bed holding a hardcover book in his lap, Ran was attempting for the third time in the last half hour to read the page he was on. Unfortunately, the words kept blurring and bleeding into one another making the whole reading process quite a chore.

Ran yawned and blinked several times trying to clear his vision. His violet eyes were burning from lack of sleep but Ran refused to give in to his body's demands. He had too many things to do today. The only reason why he was in bed to begin with was because Ken had practically locked him into their bedroom insisting that he should take a break from work.

He had protested of course, trying to convince Ken that he was perfectly capable of making it through the afternoon without a need for a nap. He wasn't a child for Christ's sake. But as Ran had learned from years of living with the man, once Ken set his mind to something there was no budging him. Knowing when to give up ---for now, Ran had come up to their bedroom to take a rest.

And an hour and a half later, he was still wide awake. I really am a stubborn bastard, aren't I?

Ran smiled, something he'd only learned to do in recent years without reservation, and stretched his back straightening his shoulders as he did so. He would wait another ten minutes before he'd break out of his 'cage'.

The faint footfalls of someone approaching his room caught Ran's attention. Even though he'd long retired from the assassin business, old skills ingrained into his being could not be forgotten. His hearing was still top notch. He looked up at the door just as it opened and smiled when Ken walked into the room.

Dressed in a gray sweatshirt and matching pants, Ken crossed the room smiling and sat down next to him on the bed.


"Ran, what are you doing?"

Knowing what Ken was referring to but pretending otherwise, Ran grinned at his lover moving closer to the brunette as he said, "Waiting for you."

Ken snickered, obviously aware of Ran's ploy. "You know what I mean Ran. You barely slept last night. You agreed to take a nap, remember?"

"No, you agreed. I just decided not to argue with you."

Ken shook his head. "You're an ass, Ran. What am I going to do with you?"

Ran's retort was lost as Ken leaned forward to brush his lips against his own. Ran took advantage of the moment and deepened the kiss, wrenching a moan from the other man. Approval given, Ran reached out and pulled his lover closer until his hands found their way beneath Ken's sweatshirt. His hands worshiped every inch of the warm skin as they traveled the expanse of Ken's broad back.

He pulled Ken even closer until the other man was straddling his lap and growled at the sudden feel of Ken's arousal being pressed against his own.

"We shouldn't be doing this," whispered Ken, even as his head fell back to allow Ran to nip at his exposed neck. "You should be resting."

Ran's tongue darted out of his mouth and slid along the column of Ken's neck until it reached the spot Ran knew would set Ken on fire. "Trust me," he said huskily as Ken let out a harsh gasp. "After we're done, we'll both be resting."

Ken cursed and Ran felt his lover's hands tighten over his shoulders before they began to pull at his maroon turtleneck. Ran moved back just enough to allow the material to be pulled up and over his head. Thrilled by Ken's acquiescence, Ran did the same for Ken relishing in the feel of skin against skin.

"Damn, you taste so good." He moaned and lowered his lips to Ken's chest taking a nipple into his mouth, teasing it until it hardened.

Ken's hand found its way into his pants and Ran hissed when it touched his erection.

"You feel good," Ken said in return, his voice husky and full of need.

Ran's lips made their way back to Ken's and he fell back onto the bed, taking Ken with him. Frantically, he pulled at Ken's remaining clothes desperate to feel the other man's warmth, his own garments disappearing just as quickly. Ken gasped and Ran groaned as their naked bodies wrapped around each other in wild abandon.

Ran's hands went around Ken's narrow hips and moved them back and forth so that their erections rubbed urgently against one another. He heard his lover moan a curse and Ran was lost in a haze of pure lust and need for the man straddled so intimately against him.

Wanting to taste his beloved, needing to please the man he loved, Ran urged Ken to move up along his body so that the brunette's erection hovered invitingly above his mouth. He licked his lips in anticipation as his eyes locked onto a bead of clear liquid slowly trailing down the velvet skin before him. He opened his mouth and slowly ran his tongue over the blood engorged head of Ken's arousal, stopping the white bead's decent and following its path back to the tiny hole found there.

Ken moaned and gripped the headboard above him. Ran could feel his own arousal getting even harder as it stood in attention waiting to be encased in warmth. He slid his tongue over Ken's erection yet again, marveling over the feel of the velvety skin covering the hard strength beneath.

Over and over, his tongue explored every inch of the jutting member in his grasp until Ken began to move his hips in response, thrusting urgently into his mouth as he neared release.

"God, Ran. Shit!" Ken nearly shouted. He arched his back and let out a throaty moan as he climaxed.

Warm liquid jetted into his mouth and Ran greedily swallowed every drop of his lover's essence.

A few seconds passed before Ken moved back down Ran's body staddling his hips once again and reached over to the night stand to retrieve the small white tube found there. Wordlessly, Ken handed the lubricant to Ran and waited for him to make the next move.

Anxious for his own release, Ran sat up and hungrily kissed the brunette. He took the tube from Ken and opened it as he continued to plunder his lover's mouth. He squeezed some of the oily substance onto his hand and reached around Ken's tight buttocks. He slid his hand over his own erection, lubricating its long length and moaned at the intense sensation.

When he was properly coated, Ran gripped Ken's behind and ran a slick finger over the brunette's entrance. He released Ken's lips and latched onto a hardened nipple just as his finger slid through the puckered up skin. His lover hissed in response, arching his spine and throwing his head back in pleasure. Ran groaned at the delicious sight and slipped a second finger into the man now writhing above him.

"God, Ran...Yes...right there...Shit...."

Ken's throaty whispers were exciting Ran beyond endurance, beyond reason. He could feel his painfully erect member straining for release and Ran knew he could no longer hold back. He lost control.

"Now. I have to have you now," he growled as he lifted Ken's hips and thrust upward into Ken's receptive body in one swift move.

Ken gasped and clutched at his shoulders as Ran's erection pumped into him. Ran gritted his teeth, the feeling of his lover's tight ring of muscles closing around him almost too much for him to control.

"Christ Ken," was all Ran could say as delicious agony spiked through his body with each powerful thrust.

Harder and faster he moved into Ken, relishing in the moans he was wrenching out of his beloved. Then he lost all train of thought as his body took over, his pace quickening even more as instinct overruled everything else.

Practically mewling in sweet abandon, Ken arched his back once again and moved his hips to meet Ran's thrusts. Ran's violet eyes clouded at the feel of Ken's hard member moving in between their bodies. Steel under smooth velvet.

Overwhelmed by the painful pleasure tightening the coil inside of him, Ran aimed his thrusts into Ken's sweet spot wanting nothing more than to hear his lover scream his name.

Ken practically did scream and Ran knew that the brunette was close to climaxing, feeling the tension in the body draped over him. He moved his hand in between them and wrapped his fingers over Ken's dripping member and began to move in time with his own thrusts. Ken gasped loudly and moved into his hand making Ran smile wolfishly in satisfaction.

Ran hit Ken's prostrate once again and the double sensations proved to be too much for his lover to handle. Ran winced as Ken gripped his thighs painfully. But the moment of pain was overshadowed in an instant by erotic hunger as Ken leaned back and began to pump his hips frantically into Ran's hand.

"Shit...Oh, Shit!" Ken cried as he finally reached his peak. "I love you, Ran., God!"

Warm sticky fluid spilled onto his chest and over his hand as Ken shivered and bucked over him. His erection was suddenly gripped by Ken's stimulated inner muscles and Ran arched his back off the bed as the coil inside of him finally snapped. "God, Ken... I love you!"

White light flashed before his eyes and his body felt as if it were floating. His over sensitized skin tingled all over and Ran thought he'd died and gone to heaven. Ken collapsed on top of him and Ran smiled as he wrapped his arms around his lover. Yup, he was in heaven.

"I guess I'll take that rest now," he said as his eyes began to close.

Ken chuckled into his neck but said nothing in response. Ran smiled and hugged Ken closer to him, their bodies still connected in the most intimate way. His mind relaxed joining his body in contentment and Ran felt himself drift into a peaceful sleep.

Little did he know that it would be the last one he'd have for a very long time.


Schuldich looked away from the window he'd been staring out for the last fifteen minutes and turned to look at Nagi. "Yeah?"

Nagi looked at Schuldich wanting to say so many things yet at the same time not knowing what to say at all. God, I'm so fucking confused.


Nagi blinked and focused on Schuldich trying desperately to put aside his confusion so that he could talk to his friend.

"I'm worried Schu." He stepped closer and wrapped his arms around his slender waist, a chill running up his spine. "We've been here all morning and we still have no idea of what's going on." He shook his head. "I'm just scared that this is all going to blow up in our faces, Schu."

Schuldich looked away for a moment and sighed. "I know that this is frustrating the hell out of you, Nagi. Shit, I frustrated too. But it's like you said before. We have to wait this out until Bradley's up to telling us what the hell is going on."

"I know, but..." Nagi shook his head and frowned. "He's still so confused, Schu."

For hours, he and Schuldich had tried to help Bradley collect his thoughts, to help him remember anything that would help them understand the danger that was coming toward them. But it was no use. Bradley just couldn't remember, couldn't get past the pain that would be triggered with each attempt.

And Nagi was going out of his mind, the anxiety he was feeling nearly overwhelming him.

Schuldich walked up to him, placing his large hands on Nagi's shoulders in a gesture of comfort.

"I know we didn't get anywhere this morning but we can't give up." Schuldich looked over briefly to the bathroom door where they could both hear the water running as Bradley took his shower before pinning Nagi with his evergreen gaze. "We have to be just as determined as he is to find out who the hell is coming our way. We have to have faith in him Nagi. If we don't, then we're truly fucked."

Nagi swallowed as his throat tightened with emotion, feeling as if he were being pulled in two different directions. A part of him wanted to faithfully continue to support his former leader, the man whom he considered to be a father. But the other part of him? The other part of him was more that willing to run away from it all, too afraid to risk ruining the most important thing in his world -- his relationship with Omi.

Dammit! Why does everything have to be so fucking hard?

"This is it."

Through a pair of dark lenses, jade eyes looked over the unimpressive structure before them as a half smoked cigarette was flicked onto the ground. "You ready?"

Nervous blue eyes met determined jade ones. "No."

"Me neither, but I'm going in anyway."

"Yeah, I know. So am I."

"Let's go then. Hanging out here gawking at this place isn't going to make this any easier."

"You're right. Let's go."

The shower had stopped running and for the past ten minutes Schuldich had been sitting in the chair he'd claimed for his own patiently waiting for Bradley to emerge from the bathroom.

A thousand confusing thoughts and questions were running through is mind as he pondered over his former lover and the feelings that were once again surfacing within him. He ran a hand absently through his fiery hair and stared down at the floor.

He'd tried to encourage Nagi as best as he's been able. But deep down inside, Schuldich's feelings mirrored Nagi's. Try as he might, Schuldich just couldn't get away from the guilt and fear looming over him. But I have to get past it. Bradley means everything to me. I have to help him in any way that I can. I can't just abandon him to go play house with Yohji, dammit.

Schuldich was so engrossed in his thoughts over the two men in his life, that he failed to detect the familiar presence just outside the motel room until it was too late. He cursed and turned quickly, about to warn Nagi but the knock on the other side of the door beat him to the punch.

Nagi gasped and looked over to Schuldich.

Schuldich winced and gave Nagi a pained look. { Shit Nagi, I'm sorry. It's Omi. }

Nagi's dark blue eyes widened in horrified shock. Slowly, he turned toward the door but didn't move to open it even as a second knock sounded throughout the silent room.

{ What do I do, Schu? }

Christ, I don't know! Schuldich's gut clenched at the despair clearly lacing Nagi's plea. The kid had been placed in an awful position and Nagi was about to suffer the consequences. What could he possibly say to rectify the situation? If it were Yohji on the other side of that door, he wouldn't know what to say? { Shit Nagi. Just open the door. We'll deal with it the best we can. }

Nagi turned his head and stared at him over his shoulder; anger causing the dark blue depths of Nagi's eyes to sparkle with menace.

{ We'll deal with it, Schu? You mean I'll deal with it, dammit! }

Schuldich winced at Nagi's accusing glare and didn't say a word in return. The kid was right after all. There was nothing he could say.

Nagi walked over to the door and took a deep breath. Schuldich could see how Nagi's hand was shaking as the younger man reached for the doorknob and opened the door.

The door opened and the former Weiß archer stood before them. Omi looked at Nagi, his normally cheerful face hidden behind a mask of doubt and hurt.

Goddammit, I can't let him do this by himself. Schuldich moved to go to Nagi's aid, wanting to help the brunette in any way he could but stopped dead in his tracks as another figure materialized near the doorway next to Omi.

Schuldich's green eyes widened and his heart seemed to stop beating as Yohji walked through the doorway, right past Omi and stood a mere inches away, lifting his dark shades from his face to look directly at Schuldich with angry jade eyes. How the hell---

And as if life wasn't already a bitch and a half, the bathroom door opened behind him at that exact moment.

He saw the anger in Yohji's eyes drain away as the jade orbs widened in shock completely focused on the person now entering the room.

Oh, Shit!!!

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