Forsaken Author Pairing Rating Subject


I do not own Weiß Kreuz or any of its characters. I just love them to no end and have a very twisted imagination. Please be aware that I am extremely poor so suing me will do you no good. Thanks.

Warning: Lemon Yaoi / Violence / Explicit Language / Angst / Slightly AU

Pairings: Schuldich x Yohji / Ran x Ken / Omi + Nagi / Jei + Aya

FYI: { Telepathic speech } - Inner thoughts -- [ Flashback ]

Author's Notes:

It took longer than the norm for me to write this chapter and I do apologize for the delay. I was plagued by the ever horrid writer's block and it wasn't easy to get around it. I hope that this installment of Crimson Embrace will have been worth the wait.

My thanks go out to all you who have sent wonderful comments of praise and encouragement my way. Please know that I have appreciated every one of them.

Well, that's it for now. Please enjoy the read.

Until next time,


** This chapter is dedicated to two of my dearest friends, Anney and Nev. Without their advise and cheers, I probably would've still been knocking heads with that blasted writer's block, feeling all depressed and hopeless. Thanks, guys! I love you both! **

Crimson Embrace

Chapter 13 - Pathway to Chaos

Ran sat quietly on the smaller of the two sofas in the living room, his violet eyes focused on Ken who was sitting a few feet away talking to Aya and Jei. A frown blossomed on Ran's handsome face, as he took in the pallor of his lover's complexion and the dark circles marring the skin underneath Ken's beautiful blue-green eyes. The same could be said for Omi, Ran thought, as he looked over to his left where Omi was resting on a soft plush chair with Nagi sitting comfortably on his lap, snuggled close. Ran wasn't foolish enough to think that he himself looked any better. They had all been through hell and they more than looked the part. Suddenly pensive, Ran looked down to his lap and gazed upon his fisted hands.

He was different somehow, Ran admitted silently. He had known the instant he'd awakened three hours ago that he was no longer the person he'd once been. He could sense the subtle changes occurring within him, could feel the tingles of warmth swirling beneath his fingertips, shooting up his arms and into the rest of his body. Ran knew that the feeling wasn't normal. It was as if his blood were on fire, coursing through him like molten heat, burning him in a way that surprisingly caused no pain. Ran once again looked over at Ken and felt his heart clench within his chest. Something was indeed happening to him, but the acknowledgment of such a fact didn't overly concern him for the fear growing inside him was not for himself.

Ran's thoughts were suddenly interrupted when Yohji walked into the room followed at a short distance by Schuldich. Expecting Yohji to walk toward him since there was more than ample room for both men beside him on the sofa, Ran grew puzzled when Yohji passed him by and took a seat next to Jei instead, leaving no room for his telepathic lover. Hurt seemed to flicker through Schuldich's eyes briefly before the flame haired man resignedly half sat on the arm of the sofa next to Yohji. The almost palpable tension hovering around the two men was undeniable and it surprised Ran to realize just how much it bothered him to see Yohji and Schuldich at odds. He had actually grown accustomed to the pair's open and often exaggerated displays of affection and couldn't help but wonder at the cause of the rift now standing between them.

Ran's eyes narrowed, as his mind came up with a possible reason, and his head turned a bit to the right to where Crawford and Sakura were standing near the window. Ran had a feeling that whatever problems Yohji and Schuldich were having probably had something to do with the arrival of the former Schwarz leader. In light of the relationship Schuldich had once shared with the other man, it wouldn't surprise Ran in the least if Yohji wasn't really as accepting of Crawford's presence as the blonde was letting the rest of them think. Everything had been disrupted by the stoic brunette's reappearance and Ran was certain that more was yet to come. It didn't bode well with him. Not one bit.

Eyes locked onto Crawford's lean form, Ran found himself growing angrier and angrier with each passing moment. He was tired, having undergone a series of relentless tests soon after his awakening, and he was in no mood to take anyone's bullshit. He wanted answers to the questions beginning to plague him and he would be damned if he was going to wait a moment longer.

"What the hell happened to us?" Ran asked suddenly, his tone hard and full of demand.

The conversations within the room stopped and Ran felt everyone's attention shift to him, as his own gaze bored into the amber-brown eyes of the one man capable of providing the answers he sought. He felt the sofa cushion press down beside him and knew, without looking, that Ken was now sitting next to him.

"That's not a simple question to answer, Ran," Sakura replied, unphased by his harsh tone.

Ran looked over to the willowy brunette, his eyes narrowing in anger. "Then give us the facts - something to answer the questions we all have."

Ken's hand entwined with his own and Ran instantly began to calm down. He sighed, forcing back the frustration nearly consuming him, and tried to regain a semblance of the self-control that had always been attributed to him. "I'm sorry, Sakura," he apologized, a concept that was still rather new to him. "I'm being short-tempered and it isn't fair to you." I just need to know what's going on - what's happening to me ... to us.

Sakura smiled in understanding, as she moved away from Crawford and walked closer to where he and Ken were sitting.

"It's alright, Ran," she stated calmly. "After the ordeal you just went through, I can understand your desire to know more about what's happened to you and the others." Sakura paused for a moment before she continued speaking. "Truth be told, we don't know much about what's happened to you. All we have been able to surmise is that you were enhanced while within the red spheres that had been encasing you."

"Enhanced?" asked Omi, his blue eyes alert and sharp. "What exactly does that mean?"

Sakura half turned toward Crawford. "I believe that Bradley would be a better choice to explain this to you."

Ran's frown grew, as the brunette walked to stand next to Sakura. This was it. The moment of truth. Ran didn't know whether he should be relieved or anxious about the revelations to come.

"As I explained earlier, the Sodinu's main objective is to 'collect' anyone that possesses psychic power. You four were chosen because of the once latent psychic threads you have within you."

"What do you mean by 'once' latent?" Ran asked, a part of him already knowing the answer and wishing he could deny it.

Crawford looked at him. "Let me ask you something, Fujimiya. Do you feel different in any way?"

Ran swallowed, feeling the question hit him right in the gut. "Yes," he answered without hesitation. There was no use in denying the truth.

"What about the rest of you?" Crawford asked, his gaze roaming around the room.

Ken and Omi nodded in response and Crawford's gaze locked onto Yohji, waiting for an answer. Ran could practically feel the waves of anger pulsing around the blonde, as Yohji's eyes stared back at the brunette.

"Why ask me something you already know the answer to?" Yohji asked in turn, his emerald green eyes glittering with a mixture of annoyance and sarcasm.

Crawford smirked and broke eye contact with Yohji, his eyes pausing briefly to peer over the blonde's shoulder toward Schuldich. The other man shrugged and Crawford turned his attention back onto Ran. "While you were inside the red spheres, the psychic threads that the Sodinu detected within you were activated and modified. You were enhanced. Whatever dormant abilities you had are now at full strength and can at any given time manifest themselves."

"Shit, you mean we're like walking time-bombs?" asked Ken angrily.

"In a way, yes."

"What can we do?" Ran asked, his eyes searching those of his former enemy. "We can't just wait around to see what the four of us can do. There has to be a way to tap into our ... abilities."

"What are you saying, Ran?" asked Aya from where she sat next to Jei, her face etched with worry.

"The Sodinu will come for us again," Yohji replied, surprising Ran and the others. "They're not just going to let us go. Not after they've enhanced us." Yohji turned his head and looked over at Aya with surprisingly serious green eyes. "They want something from us, Aya, and they're not going to stop searching for us until they have what they're looking for. We have to be ready for them."

After the initial shock of having Yohji somehow voicing his thoughts, Ran cleared his throat and gazed into Crawford's whiskey colored eyes. He was about to do something that he would've never thought possible. But as he sat there in the presence of his family, Ran knew that it had to be done. "Can you help us?" he asked, swallowing his pride and fear. "Can you help us find a way to discover what our abilities are so that we can learn how to control them?"

"Is this what all of you want?" Crawford asked after a long pause of silence, his eyes searching the room once again.

"Yes," Ken replied and leaned against Ran's side, placing his head upon Ran's shoulder.

Omi nodded and tightened his hold around Nagi's waist. "It's what we have to do."

"I'm in," Yohji replied, his eyes boring into Crawford. "But are you the one to show us?"

Tension once more permeated the room, as the two men looked at each other. Ran didn't know what was going on between Yohji and Crawford, but he knew that whatever it was had to be settled soon. They needed to work together - all of them - in order to survive.

"No, I'm not," answered Crawford, a grin playing at his lips, as if he'd somehow enjoyed Yohji's challenging glare. "But Sakura is."

"What?" asked Sakura incredulously. "Bradley, what are you talking about?"

Crawford looked at her. "Your ability can help guide them in their search."

Sakura stared at Crawford, her eyes thoughtful and unsure. After a pregnant pause, she sighed and took a step back, crossing her arms over her small bosom. "What do I have to do?"

Crawford nodded in approval and turned toward Schuldich. "Schu, we're going to need your assistance."

Schuldich sighed, before he rose from where he'd been perched next to Yohji and walked over to where Crawford was standing.

"I don't think this is a good idea, Bradley," Schuldich stated, his voice loud and clear, making sure that everyone heard him.

"It's the only way, Schu," Bradley replied.

"What's the only way?" asked Ran asked, wondering what Schuldich's role was in all of this. He could tell that the telepath was anxious about what they were about to do and it was making him nervous. To see Schuldich showing an emotion other than his usual humor or lust disturbed Ran more than he cared to admit. What the hell are we getting ourselves into?

"Schuldich will serve as the link between the five of you. You will need to grant him access to your minds and allow him to gain a measure of control over you."

Ran didn't like the sound of that. Control meant everything to him. His life had already been turned upside down by the Sodinu, his control having been taken from him against his will. To allow someone, even Schuldich, to have such power over him again was something Ran wasn't sure he could ever permit.

"I know it's hard for all of you," Schuldich said, his gaze full of understanding. "And even though I personally don't think it's a good idea, Bradley feels that it's the only way. Since he knows these bastards more than anyone, I think that you should listen to him. If he feels that my linking to your minds is necessary, then it is. He's not one to waste time." Schuldich smirked. "He's logic personified."

Schuldich's green eyes suddenly became serious. { Will you trust me? }

Ran's eyes widened imperceptibly, as Schuldich's voice echoed in his mind. Ken stiffened slightly next to him and Ran knew that the question hadn't been projected at him alone, making him come to a sudden realization. He doesn't have to ask us for our permission. Schuldich could have imposed his will over them, taking the matter out of their hands ... but he hadn't. The telepath had opted instead to give them a choice, earning more than just Ran's respect.

Decision made, at least on his part, Ran looked at Ken, pouring all of his emotions into his violet gaze, and was relieved to see the understanding and faith within the gentle orbs staring up at him. Having Ken's approval, Ran turned his head to the side and faced Omi. The younger man smiled at him from above Nagi's head and nodded in silent agreement and Ran tilted his head in gratitude. Two down, one more to go.

{ No need to ask me, Ran. The answer's yes. }

Startled, Ran almost snapped his eyes toward Yohji, before a mask of indifference settled over his face. It was taking all of his self control to school his features, to void them of the shock now coursing through him and to keep his eyes on Schuldich. My God, Yohji's a ----

{ Don't say anything, Ran, } Yohji pleaded with him, his eyes dark jewels of emerald. { I don't want them to know. Not yet. Please, Ran. }

Although he didn't understand Yohji's reasoning, Ran respected Yohji's wish and pretended as if nothing had just happened. He turned his attention back to Schuldich and took a deep breath before he spoke, hoping that he hadn't just made a huge mistake. "Alright," he said, his mind more certain than ever of what needed to be done. "If this is the only way, then ... so be it."

Schuldich stared at Ran for a scrutinizing moment, before he nodded and looked away. The puzzled look on Schuldich's face left Ran completely stunned and he forced himself not to give in to the urge to look back at the blonde who had just successfully blocked a seasoned telepath from hearing their unvoiced conversation. Was Yohji already that powerful?

"Let's get started then," Schuldich announced, snapping Ran out of his revere.

Crawford turned toward Sakura, motioning for her to stand next to Schuldich. "I'll need you to stay close to Schuldich, Sakura. When his mind links the five of you together, you'll have to search inside of yourself - reach into your own powers and focus them into the link. Once you've fortified the link, you'll be able to sense 'their' power. Take your time in reading them. We don't want any mistakes. Also, keep in mind that Schuldich won't be able to help you once the link is in place. You'll be on your own, so you'll need to tread carefully."

Sakura swallowed and nodded. "I understand."

Schuldich closed his eyes and instructed the others to do the same. Power surged throughout the room, and Ran fought back his instinct to repel the commanding force away.

"Here we go," he heard Schuldich say, just before Ran lost his hold on reality.

Sakura gasped, as she felt Schuldich's power grab a hold of her. Hold on, Sakura. You can do this, she chanted to herself. Eyes closed, she stood ramrod straight, trying to maintain her balance. She felt as if she were floating.

{ Can you hear me, Sakura? }

{ Yes, Schu. }

{ The link is almost set. Are you ready? It's going to be a hell of a ride. }

Sakura smiled at Schuldich's expectant tone. { I'm as ready as I ever will be, Schu. }

"Here we go," she heard Schuldich say out loud, before the darkness that had been surrounding her was shattered by several bursts of light. Shit.

Taking a deep breath, Sakura focused her mind, knowing that now was the time to take over the link Schuldich had managed to create. She frowned, as the intensity of the lights began to diminish, allowing her to take a better look at them. Little by little, glowing orbs began to take shape, becoming clearer and larger with each passing second, leaving Sakura in awe at what she was seeing.

Four black doors stood side by side before her, each outlined by a glowing light - one red, one yellow, one purple, and the last a strange mixture of black and white. Her mind's eye grew closer to the dark doors hovering up ahead and Sakura began to tremble, the power emanating from each door flowing over her in waves.

She came to a stop in front of the door to the left of the other three; it's edges were glowing as if it were on fire. Concentrating her gift, Sakura reached out with an invisible hand and touched the door's smooth but heated surface, reading the aura of energy surrounding it. She repeated the process with other two doors until she came to the last door. Sakura gasped as an unseen force began to gently push her away. Ignoring the sensation enveloping her, Sakura tried once more to touch the door that was beginning to glow with a fierce light, almost blinding her. Dammit, come on ... reach!

It was hard though. Harder than she could've thought possible. Something was keeping her away, trying to block her power, but Sakura persisted, unwilling to give up without a fight. She knew whose power the door represented, having recognized the owners of the other three, and it was because of that knowledge that Sakura reached out once more, concentrating all of her remaining strength into one final lunge.

Upon contact, Sakura screamed in agony, as the power radiating from the door seemed to burn right through her. Everything around her began to shake, but despite the quaking fear gripping her, Sakura tried to maintain her hold. Hold on! God, hold on! Have to see more. Have to see....

The door, however, defended its secrets and the power pulsating from within its depths proved to be too much for Sakura to handle, overwhelming her, until she was forced to relinquish her hold. Once more, Sakura screamed, but this time out of anger and despair, as she was pulled away from the door and thrown back into the darkness from which she'd come.

A feeling of detachment consumed her senses and then Sakura knew no more.

"What the fuck?" Schuldich cursed, as the link he'd been maintaining between Sakura and the former members of Weiß was abruptly severed.

He opened his eyes just in time to see Sakura pitch forward. Using his more than average reflexes, Schuldich caught the slender brunette in his arms, managing to break her fall. Weak himself from the power he'd exerted during the link, Schuldich stumbled under the added weight.

"What happened?" asked Bradley, as he steadied Schuldich and took hold of Sakura.

"I don't know," Schuldich replied, running a shaky hand through his fiery mane.

He looked around him, taking in the dazed looks on Ran, Ken, and Omi's faces and realized that he wasn't the only one that had been affected so strongly by the sudden loss of the link. Aya and Jei had rushed forth to help Ran and Ken, while Nagi was at Omi's side, trying to snap his lover out of his confused state. Schuldich's eyes snapped over to where Yohji had been sitting and he felt his heart skip a beat.

Bent at the waist, Yohji was rocking back and forth in his seat. His hands were buried within his blonde hair, as he cradled his head as if he were in immense pain. Fear lanced though Schuldich at the sight and he rushed forward, desperate to help his lover.

His senses suddenly screamed at him to stop, however, warning him not to go any further and Schuldich halted his approach, unable to go against his instincts. He stood about an arm's length away from Yohji and cautiously reached out with his hand. He hissed in pain when his hand ran into an invisible barrier of tremendous energy. Shocked, Schuldich stared in wonder at his lover's huddled form. What the hell is going on? Is 'he' doing this?

"Yohji," Schuldich called out, trying to get Yohji's attention. The blonde probably didn't even know that he'd somehow erected a barrier around him. Come on, Yohji. Snap out of it. Schuldich watched anxiously, as Yohji stopped rocking and slowly lowered his hands away from his face. "Yohji, look at me."

Green eyes full of anger and desolation locked onto his own, before Yohji abruptly stood up and ran out of the room. Schuldich felt the shield that had been keeping him at bay disappear and he rushed forward after the blonde. Once again, his instincts screamed at him, trying to stop him from following after Yohji. But Schuldich refused to listen to them this time. Nothing was going to keep him from Yohji. Not even himself.

"Yohji, stop!" he shouted, the two words laced with the desperation Schuldich was now feeling, as he followed Yohji out of the apartment. "Yohji, please stop and talk to me! I love you, dammit! Don't run away from me!" This was not how he had expected to proclaim his love to the blonde and Schuldich cursed at his incompetance. As usual, your timing sucks! Asshole!

In the hallway of the small apartment complex they had found shelter in, Yohji stopped running and whirled around to face Schuldich, reaching out with one hand to balance himself against the wall. "Don't fucking say that to me! Don't you 'ever' fucking say that to me again!"

Schuldich stood still just a few feet away from the blonde, sensing the sudden surge of power coming from Yohji. What the hell was that? he asked himself, completely shocked by the realization of how powerful Yohji really was.

He could tell by the sweat beading down Yohji's face and the way the blonde was relying on the wall to keep himself upright that Yohji was in agony. Think, dammit. He's going to hurt himself. ""Yohji, calm down. You don't want to re-open your wounds," Schuldich pleaded, unnerved by the wild look in Yohji's eyes. Never before had he seen his lover so angry and it was scaring the shit out of him.

"Fuck the wound!" Yohji spat, panting in between words. Yohji let his hand slide down the wall and leaned his lanky body against the wall. "Why do you care anyway?" Yohji asked in a calmer tone.

"Didn't you just hear what I said?" Schuldich asked, his eyes desperately trying to convey what he felt in his heart. "Yohji, I ----"

"You chose 'him' over me, didn't you?"

"What?" Schuldich's eyes narrowed in confusion at the sudden question, before realization dawned. Bradley. He's talking about Bradley. Shit! ""I didn't," he denied quickly. But ... I had been thinking about it. I was ---- Wait, how did he.... Schuldich eyes widened, as he stared into Yohji's knowing jade eyes. Holy shit.

"You finally figured it out, huh Schu?" Yohji asked bitterly. He winced and leaned even more against the wall, his tortured eyes not once leaving Schuldich form. "I can't fucking control it and it's becoming a bitch to deal with, but at least it helped me find out the truth."

Schuldich took a step forward, his hand outstretched, almost pleading. "Yohji, it's not like that. You don't know ----"

"Dammit, don't patronize me!" Yohji yelled, pushing himself away from the wall to stand on shaky legs. "We were linked, remember? I read what was in your mind. You can't lie to me anymore, Schu. You can't lie to me!"

Schuldich didn't know what to say. If what Yohji was saying was true, then the blonde should've also been able to sense the feelings that belonged to Yohji alone. No, he didn't get to read me completely, Schuldich realized. The link was cut off before he got the chance too. Fuck! That's just great. Just 'fucking' great!

"Stop lying!" Yohji hissed brokenly, bringing his hands up to his head. "Stop lying!" Yohji's body suddenly began to glow a brilliant white.

"What the...." Schuldich's eyes widened and his heart seemed to stop, as the wall behind Yohji began to darken, the off-white paint beginning to bubble in patches. Oh my God.

Yohji raised his hands and gasped, as sparks of fire began to emanate from his fingertips. "Schu? What's happening?"

Shit! He's a pyro, too? The realization left Schuldich astounded. What else could Yohji do? First thing's first, idiot. You've gotta calm him down before he torches the place. Feeling the heat rising around them, Schuldich walked closer to Yohji and cursed when the blonde took a step back.

"Listen to me, Yohji. Close your eyes and take a deep breath." When Yohji hesitated, Schuldich exclaimed, "Do it, Yohji! You have to suppress the energy your anger is releasing. If you don't, you're going to burn everything around you."

Schuldich breathed a sigh of relief, as Yohji closed his eyes and took a deep breath.

{ Try to control the energy that's pouring out of you, } he projected.

Yohji's brow furrowed. { How do I do that? }

{ Imagine a door, } Schuldich instructed, hoping that Yohji was a fast learner.

{ Okay. }

{ Now, channel the energy ... the fire that's building up inside of you into that door. }

Schuldich could see that Yohji was beginning to control his newfound ability, as the rich aura around the blonde began to fade.

{ I think I've got it, } Yohji replied, his tone strained.

{ Good. Keep the energy from escaping, Yohji. Hold it in place until you can shut that door. }

The glow surrounding Yohji's slender frame vanished and Yohji fell to down to his knees exhausted and obviously drained. Schuldich quickly went to his lover, getting down on his knees as well, and pulled Yohji into his arms. Panting and sweating, Yohji rested his head on Schuldich's shoulder.

The heat still effusing from Yohji's skin made him wince, but Schuldich refused to let go of his beloved. He had made that mistake once before. Never again. ""Are you okay?" Schuldich asked, his tone low and gentle, as he held Yohji as best as he could.

Yohji nodded and whispered hoarsely, "Sorry."

Schuldich's face tightened and he closed his eyes, knowing full well that this had been his fault. If he had been with Yohji on the night of the attack, he would've been there to protect him, to prevent all of this from happening. Because of his selfishness, Yohji had been left alone to face an evil beyond imagining. "Don't be sorry. It's not your fault. It's mine. All mine."

But Yohji hadn't heard him, he realized. The blonde was limp in his arms. Tightening his hold over Yohji's waist, Schuldich stretched his legs out so that he could sit more comfortably on the floor and brought Yohji's still trembling form more securely into his lap. Relief washed over him, as he felt Yohji's body temperature begin to cool down. Schuldich's eyes opened and looked around him. He felt his heart ram against his chest, fear and awe intermingling inside him, as his evergreen eyes took in every detail of the sight before him.

The wall, the ceiling, and even part of the tile floor where Yohji had been standing, were charred to a pitch black. His eyes looked over to the window just to the right of the black mess, and he could see the jagged cracks running along the glass. Around the window, the once floral curtains, now riddled with burn holes, hung like dirty rags, an undeniable testimony of the havoc Yohji's brief display of power had wrought.

Worry and a bone deep fear for the man lying helplessly within his arms had Schuldich holding Yohji even tighter against him, his mind wishing that he could somehow turn back time. But as he sat there, his lover in his arms, surrounded by the evidence of Yohji's power, Schuldich knew that everything had changed forever.

Schuldich pressed his face into Yohji's sweat dampened hair. Dammit, what the fuck are we going to do now?

"How is he?" Ran asked, as Bradley exited the room behind him and closed the door.

"He's resting," Bradley said, his amber-brown eyes trying to reassure those around him. "Since Schuldich refuses to leave his side, I'm sure that Kudou will be fine for the time being." I hope, he added silently.

"Can someone please explain to us what the hell just happened?" Ken asked from where he stood near the living room doorway, his face lined with worry and frustration.

"I'll try," Bradley replied, hoping that he wasn't inadvertently lying to the two anxious men. "But first, I'll need to speak to Sakura."

Entering the living room, followed closely behind by Ran and Ken, Bradley walked over to where Aya and Jei were sitting on either side of Sakura on the sofa. Omi and Nagi were sitting on the floor beside them and their eyes, each pair a different shade of blue, looked up expectantly as Bradley sat down on the coffee table across from Sakura.


Hearing Bradley's baritone voice, Sakura opened her eyes and focused her tired gaze upon him. "Is Yohji going to be alright?"

Bradley answered her honestly. "I'm not sure. His power manifested itself without warning. He's going to need time to recover from the experience."

Resting her back against the sofa, Sakura looked over to where Ran and Ken were standing at the end of the soda and then down to where Omi sat on the floor, her piercing eyes once more alert. "The four of you are more powerful than you can possibly imagine."

Bradley's hands clenched at Sakura's declaration. "What did you see during the link, Sakura?" he asked, needing to know the answer to what had transpired a mere half hour ago.

"Doors. I saw four black doors." Sakura looked at Ran. "I sensed your presence behind a door surrounded by a bright red glow. It was hot to the touch." Sakura's gaze shifted to Ken. "Your door had a yellowish glow to it and it felt as if it were shifting in place somehow." Lastly, Sakura looked down at Omi. "Your door, Omi, had a bright purple glow surrounding it and when I touched it, I felt a soothing warmth flow around me."

"What about Yohji, Sakura?" Bradley asked, seeing that the others were too stunned over what Sakura had just revealed to them to voice the question.

Sakura took a deep breath. "Yohji ... Yohji's door was different from the others," she replied, her eyes growing distant. "It's glow was ... not exactly gray, but ... more like a silver color. I tried to touch it, but something wouldn't let me get a firm hold on it. It took almost all I had in me before I was finally able to reach it. And when I did," Sakura swallowed, "the glow encircling the door began to alternate between black and white, nearly blinding me. Everything began to shake around me and I just couldn't hold on any longer. I was pulled away from the door and then," Sakura shook her head, "I woke up here with all of you."

"God, I'm getting a headache," Ken stated, before he sat down next to Omi and Nagi and dropped his head into his hands.

"What does all of this mean, Crawford?" Ran asked, as he sat down next to Ken and wrapped an arm around his lover.

Bradley looked down at the redhead, unsure as to how he should reply. Much of what Sakura had stated ran along the lines of myth and religious symbolism. Bradley sighed inwardly. He knew better, of course. Having been cursed with a gift that at one time would have classified him as a prophet or a devil, Bradley had learned the hard way to look beyond the guidelines of normalcy. Mythical or symbolic, every detail of what Sakura had seen had its purpose and was not to be taken lightly.

Determined to figure out the meaning of what Sakura had seen while linked to the four men the Sodinu sought, Bradley thought back to the teachings that had been ingrained into him while in Rosenkreuz. "This all goes beyond my limited knowledge," Bradley warned Ran and the others. "What I say may not be accurate."

"It doesn't matter," Ran stated, his face expressionless. "A theory, wrong or right, is better than having nothing at all to go by."

Bradley nodded and took a deep breath, knowing that he was about to enlighten the others of the precarious path Fate had placed them upon. Without his gift, Bradley couldn't be sure of what the future held for them. Suprisingly enough, Bradley found himself wishing for his gift's return and he barely stopped himself from laughing at the bitter irony of it all. He pushed his disturbing thoughts aside, however, and concentrated on what need to be done. His time was short, he could feel the sands of time working against him. He could only hope that whatever time he had left served its purpose.

Somehow, someway, he had to prepare those around him for what was to come before it was too late.


Special Notes:

The color coding I used for the doors representing our bishies' powers weren't coincidental. I did a lot of research on the meaning of colors both in spiritual and magical terms. This is what I came up with:

Red - fire elemental - symbolic of strength, raw energy, passion, aggression, dominance, and divine fire.

Yellow - air elemental - symbolic of loyalty, dedication, confidence, agility, and spiritual refinement.

Purple - symbolic of success, ambition, dignity, intuition, wisdom, power, kindness, compassion, and healing ability.

Gray or Silver - symbolic of victory, stability, and the balance between black and white.

White - symbolic of purity, perfection, truth, centering, protection, and the unity of all colors.

Black - symbolic of creation, rebirth, endings, magic, truth, grounding, and release.

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