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Cheating in cs... - Under Construction

Just wanted to have a quck say about the cheating aspect in cs (Counter-Strike). Some people seem to be pathetic in the aspect that they cheat to be able to compete with other players.This in my opinion isn't really all that bad, provided it doesn't give them an advantage that is unreasonable. But, as all of us have whitnessed, there are some people who cheat to the point where they slaughter every enemy that comes near them. This is not fun for the other players, mabye fun for the cheater but frankly, who cares, it's about YOU having fun.

I used to fully support punk buster. Naturally assumed every person that complained bout it not working was either cheating or retarded and didn't install it properly. After having to format my hard drive I came accross this same problem, punk buster keeps kicking me due to a file missing (which one I cannot remember). Of corse some of u critics r gonna say CUZ U REARRANGED THE FILES!, well this is bullsheet, i modified the config.cfg and made an autoexec.cfg for the simple purpose of weapon buying binds. This is not cheating, by any means, and punk buster didn't work prior to me modifing them either. So because of this I no longer support punk buster. Due to punk buster being such a fool proof program, I have been playing on non-PB servers... Here is the GRAND central of cheating. I have whitnessed so much cheating that it puts me to shame. I've been playing cs since beta 4 and never did I think that cheating would become such an issue.

I sympathyse for all those whom say away from the cheats and are faced up against them when they play. For all of you who have not turned to the pathetic ways, you have my kudos...although this doesn't help you in any way, you can still rest assured, those guys u took down, were taken down with skill and not a POS program that some scronny dork who hasn't gotten laid in 10 years made. I know what it's like but still, think of it this way... They cheat = they suck you play against guys with cheats = your gonne become (or are) a MUCH better player in the long run. Cheating in warcraft and other single player games is fine, who cares, your only cheating yourself out of a challange. But cheating in a multiplayer game is robbing every other player there out of a fair game.

My major problem is with the admins that are running the average server. Me and my good buddy RoSTraX have been banned from AT LEAST 50+ servers for strafe jumping (way back when, i know it's not really around any more) and for being accused of cheating. It's because of cheaters that me and RoS and probably thousands of others have been banned simply for playing with skill. If your an admin and reading this, I know what it's like, you can't really tell the difference sometimes, but who cares, let them play even if they are taking out a good portion of the team, playing against them will improove your skill, so when u meet up with them at the CPL they'll get slaughtered. And for those admins who are thinking "but what about the other 20+ people who aren't having fun because this guy is good" well this is cuz they all suck, if you keep banning good players how are these guys supposed to get good? Besides the whole point of online gaming is to find someone that's better then you because it's a CHALLANGE. Another beef i have with admins is: WTF is your problem with the awp? "it takes no skill, you aim and shoot" if you've said this then you've never used the awp, your a hypocrit and your gay. Reguardless of what people say the awp DOES take skill. There are many aspects to the awp, such as you miss, your probably dead before you can fire another shot, on top of that, the cs krew patched the awp so that u might have a second chance...although people with half assed aim wont usually give you another chance. Every gun that has a large advantage also has flaws, such as close range with the awp is VERY difficult, just like the auto-shot gun at far range your screwed! Additionally if your moving AT ALL when you fire the bullet will go NO WHERE near where your aiming. Point being is, there's alot more to the awp then just getting 1 shotted and being pissed off cuz he saw you first. Another LARGE beef with admins is when admins act like 4 year olds and run commands off every 5 seconds, such as stack, slap, kick, and a few others. You admins know what I'm tlaking about, when you "pick" on a certain person because they killed you. This is lame DON'T DO IT because you will be labelled, and believe me, word spreads through the cs community VERY fast.

As it currently stands there is no fool proof way of preventing cheaters, and this sux, I know, but bare with it, play against the cheaters and become overwhelmingly better then them at the game.

For the record, me (MaXMaN) nor RoSTraX have EVER cheated in cs. We have been playing the game for a long time, but if it keeps going in the direction that it's going now, we will shurly abort it, we, to some degree, already have. Cept the problem is there are no other good games out right now. SO if your a r33t programmer and reading this, make me n ros a good game pls!!!

Hope this has either informed you, persuaded you, or offended you. Either way you read it, and there fore my voice has been listened to. Thx for reading, and feel free to send me ne comments at all to the e-mail below (even hate mail is appreciated) If you wanna chat me n ros chillin channel #copkillerz on the gamesnet server in IRC, if you have no idea what im talking about then don't bother. And once again Thank you for reading.

-MaXMaN Dec 24th 2001

Email: MaXMaN