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The UKBWN - Version 3.1 - Your Only UK Backyard Resource
Latest News and Updates:04.1.02
Hello sir,First ever Star Spotlight is up,decided to take a more informal approach than ex Star Spotlights,its on Jon Cameron and delves into his indy,Brifest II and National Britfest....
UWF are back and have cleaned up in this weeks of the week par 1,well done lads,good to have you back.
Phil returned to the forum,blocked 3 hours later,oh well.
Im working on the downloads section,I need the urls of downloads for all UKBWN videos out,like,ever...and both the two 1st britfests,and Northern Britfest 2.
Awax,Gangster,were all behind you guys,get well soon =).

- Rizo -
Of The Week: 04.11.02
You know how this works, its my views on what deserves to be of the week, is it politically correct? Hell No. Is it your site? Hell No Again.

Fed of the Week:
Uphill Wrestling Federation
                             (Welcome back boys!)

Music Video of the Week:
UWF - Comback

Clip of the Week:
Jeffers sick bump(UWF)

Site of the Week:
Chris Scotts personal website

Quote of the Week: 'With that wink i hope ur not implying that u wanna nail me in the backseat of your car :-p'Perite on the UWF Comeback post.

National Britfest News
The first ever NATIONAL Britfest will be definitly be happening,thats a fact,the date will be sometime in January although it hasn't been confirmed to what actual days,The feds in attendance will include YWF ( The Hosts),TWXW,NAW,FXW,UVW,THD,SECW,UWF,HBW,and anyone else who contacts Jon Cameron,the host...drop him a line at,or myself at like.

It will be in a ring,it will be damn good,there will be fruit.
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