Welcome to the website de la Taylor and Eric. Here we will present, for your reading pleasure, stories and other humorous happenings that we've shared during our friendship. We hope you like them, but if not... guess who doesn't care? That's right. If you want to contribute a story, too bad. Start your own site. Man, I'm sorry. I'm gonna quit. Below are pictures of two of our heroes: The Onion Man and Scott Onestep. More will be added later, but obviously these are the two most important.

April 2, 2002 - We've taken a long break from this website. But tonight we're both bored and decided to write some new stories that you'll read and we'll remember. Hopefully this time they'll be funny. My birthday is this Friday. If you want to, give me some money. I could use it.
- Eric

wal-mart and the law (NEW!)
a&f causes headwound (NEW!)
the booger
the midnight car chase
discount baked goods and the devil himself
the scott onestep saga
poncho fun

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