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Your brother and me. 1968

Again, your brother. My mom, Maria, is the blond woman, The other two women are friends of Maria,

You got it by now....

I'm hiding behind a pole at the daycare center. 1973-ish.

Engine of an Airbus 310, at Schiphol. 1996-ish.

Italy 2000

Ponte Vecchio, Firenze (Florence) Italy. 2000.

Paris, 1998.

On my way to Paris. I look like I'm having a headache.....1998.

Noooooot. Like Arthur I'm a GROUNDhog.....hahahahaha. He was stationed at Soesterberg, remember? This is at Schiphol. 1996-ish

Again. I was supposed to be working.....

Aaaaah, my sweet little brother Remko. He's got all the good looks of the family. :-)

First time. Can you tell?

At a friends wedding. One of the few photo's on wich I don't look like a drug addict just out of bed hahahaha

Ever doubted whether I'm your nephew?

The beautiful Colloseum, Rome. 2000

Italy, somewhere. 2000.

In a castle/hotel Maastricht. 1997-ish

Yep, just out of the sack. 1999

Rome, Italy.

Show off. Italy 2000.

Same thang.

What was I thinking......Brussels, Belgium. 199?

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