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Our journey up the three sisters mountain peaks

Right behind our town is a mountain range and the three biggest peaks behind us are called the three sisters. One day, we went with Khayo and Saki to climb them. Well, when the book says hard climbing, it meant it. It was one of the hardest, maybe the hardest hikes I've done, and just think how my parents dealt with it. At one point, when we'd just got done climbing the highest peak, and we were starting down a 80% grade or so, my mom was lagging behind, and I asked, "Would you like us to wait for you?" To which she replied, half joking, half seriously, "No, I think I'll just sit here and cry a while." Well, the hike took us 5 hours.

Us on three sisters

From left to right, Saki, Khayo, Margaret, Mom, Brendan. Behind us, just infront of the atlantic ocean is part of our town, Kleinmond.

Over Kleinmond

Left to right, Saki, Brendan, Khayo

Margaret and behind her dad