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Science Related Pick-Up Lines

Science Related Pick-Up Lines

You're sexy... and I like... carbon.

When your atoms collide with mine I start growing at an exponential rate.

I'll be the acid you be the base, let's get together and cause lots of explosions.
(This can also work with sodium and water)

I'm an acid, I love to eat through anything you give me.

I've got something I don't think you can fit in your test tube.

Hey baby, you're so hot you're turning my liquid into a soild.

When you add your heat to mine we create a new substance.

Ever wonder what happens when you probe a black hole? Wanna find out?

How about we test einstein's theory and see what happens when you and me approach the speed of light?

Has anyone ever told you your chemical make-up makes me want to impregnate you and continue the existence of our species?

An object at rest stays at rest but when your object meets mine the motion won't stop.

How about you and me put on some protection and start a hands on experiment?

Are you tired? Because your scent and appearance have been stimulating my glands to produce an excess of testostorone.

If you happen to think of another science related pick-up line send me an e-mail.

Email: Kwanzaa Audio

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