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Robby Cah
||| stories... ||| friends... ||| jingle bells... ||| sweet shayna... |||stools... |||fat people... |||ELDO...|||cheryl sucks...
Robby Cah is a brilliant professional. He has intrigued me to write a biography on him, as he is such a profound intelligient, awesome man!CAMP is the place where he goes before he doesn't have his period, or his menstral cramps, so you can't go poop...ok? The Cah Family is a very attractive picture, that only Simeze Chikinz can configure with the 554-1800-SIMEZE-CHIKINZ-U-R

I love Robby, he has always been there for me, Robby is such a great guy...he's so gifted in his proffesion!

I ain't got all DAY!!! Damn, Robby always sang, he can't anymore because he got arested, yes. Robby was framed by the CAE (Camp Asc. of Eldo), he was framed by them for an unnecessary reason, Camping!

But it was all worth it, Monster Island was the best vacation I've ever had. Being able to walk up to a 20 foot high bug was just about the coolest thing in the world. I thought the giant ape and other "Monsters" on the island would be in cages, or inaccessible, but tare quite friendly and accessible. Robby's mom can shutup please, i'm so sick of her, her name is Bridgit Eldora, the camper of a lifetime, but camping is not a SPORT to her, and to everyone on Robby's side, camping is a SPORT!

Send feedback to Robby Cah

lowell gurlz
An Agreement Called Forever - 36 crazy fists

Enslaved - downthesun

My Last Serenade - Killswitch Engage