The Trip From HELL!

I don't think I have ever seen such ignorance on one trip from Florida to New York. No, I wasn't as fortunate as others and flew into Kennedy International, I had to leave at 6:20 A.M and arrive at 4:30 A.M!

First off let me say that Virgina is very crappy. I apologize for the people that I have just insulted, but it is the truth; The construction workers are very lazy and I only saw twenty four workers on a three mile stretch of road they blocked off to work on. I was very pissed off.
Actually the ride wasn't bad, except for the part that it was very boring. Driving into rain, driving at night, the pissy people, and the traffic jams. I didn't sleep much.

However I'm Currently in New York, I will still update, bring you stories, and whatnot. In fact, I'm currently working on some downloads for you! So stick around and keep reading!